Transforming Health, From Serbia to Sacramento
Many of us already know the appalling examples of trans people being denied medical care. There's the story of Roberts Eads, a trans man who was the subject of the film Southern Comfort. He developed ovarian cancer and went to doctor after doctor who refused him treatment because they worried that his presence would harm their practices. Then there's the story of Tanya Hunter, a trans woman who was the victim of a car accident. As she lay bleeding on the street, the first responder only mocked her. She died not long afterwards, when even the ER doctor refused to help.
A atriz paulista MARIA CLARA SPINELLI, premiada como Melhor Atriz nos festivais de Paulínia, Mônaco e Los Angeles pelo longa “Quanto Dura o Amor?”, de Roberto Moreira, fará uma participação na novela “Salve Jorge” esta semana.
Lucy Meadows Death: Hundreds Attend Candlelit Vigil for Transgender Teacher at Daily Mail Offices
Hundreds of people, including a substantial contingent from the transgender community, have gathered outside the Daily Mail offices to hold a candlelit vigil following the death of Lucy Meadows.
Hundreds attend candlelit vigil for Lucy Meadows outside Daily Mail office
Press Complaints Commission receives complaints over Daily Mail Lucy Meadows article
Hundreds gather outside Daily Mail offices for Lucy Meadows vigil
[Commentary] If Richard Littlejohn didn’t exist, you’d have to make him up
[Commentary] Trans people and the media: compromise is neither desirable nor possible
Not All Trans People Feel “Trapped In The Wrong Body”
The guys from Channel 4’s hit reality show My Transsexual Summer talk about My Genderation and challenging the media's obsession with one kind of trans narrative.
Woman posed as boy for sexual intimacy with girls
A woman has admitted obtaining sexual favours from teenage girls by pretending to be a boy.
Christine Wilson, 25, had been confused about her sexuality since childhood and acted and presented herself as a male, a court heard.
Lesbian poses as boy to seduce teenage girls
Woman 'posed as a boy' to get girls for sexual intimacy
Man ‘guilty’ of fraud for not telling girlfriend he was trans
I was born in the wrong body and want to help others like me
A Salford Fixer is drawing on his own experience to smash stereotypes and promote understanding about the transgender community.
Trans man announces plans to marry his mother’s best friend on live television
A trans man took to ITV’s This Morning programme earlier this week and announced his intention to marry his mother’s best friend. The newly engaged couple found support in the groom-to-be’s mother.
Mariage pour tous et parents trans’: Chloé Avrillon lance l’alerte
Dans sa rédaction actuelle, le projet de loi «mariage pour tous» pourrait mettre en danger les liens de filiation entre les parents trans' et leurs enfants. Ces liens pourraient être remis en question lors de la demande de changement d'état civil. Pour attirer l'attention du législateur sur ce problème, Chloé Avrillon a écrit aux parlementaires. Nous reproduisons sa lettre ci-dessous.
Gender identity included in hate crime law in Greece
'Gender identity' named for the first time in Greek law, transgender people will now be legally protected from hate crime
Maltese women still face challenge to enjoy their human rights
Human rights advocates Aditus say transgender and migrant risk becoming socially marginalised without access to integration services.
First gay and trans MPs take front-bench seats protesting former president’s anti-gay remarks
Polands first openly gay and trans lawmakers took front bench seats of the Polish parliament on Wednesday to protest against remarks made by a former president who said gay members should sit “behind a wall” in parliament.
Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Women Gave Speeches in the Turkish Parliament
Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) welcomed women’s organizations on the occasion of 8 March International Women’s Day in its yesterday’s weekly meeting in the Turkish parliament. Kaos GL and Pink Life Associations were among the NGOs BDP invited to give speeches at the meeting.
McLeod asks constituents to weigh in on transgender rights
Bathroom bill or potty panic?
The House of Commons is debating a bill to specifically include the transgendered in the Human Rights Act since they are the most victimized demographic in Canada, according to proponents.
Quebec launches first awareness campaign to tackle homophobia and transphobia
The Minister of Justice in Canada’s province of Quebec has launched a campaign against homophobia, including television and radio ads attempting to help people become more open and accepting towards same-sex couples.
Jock Talk: Trans volleyball player breaks barriers
Life can be a challenging puzzle at times, but Peachy Tabilos says she's long known two things for certain: in her heart she was born to be a woman, and she was born to play volleyball. These days that means playing volleyball on the City College of San Francisco men's club team.
Join Kathryn & Jeremy Mathis and Tell Coy's School to Stop Discriminating Against Her
Last week, TLDEF filed a Complaint on behalf of 6-year-old Coy Mathis after her elementary school told her that she can no longer use the girls' bathrooms because she is transgender. This week, Coy's parents Kathryn & Jeremy have started a change.org petition asking Coy's school to allow her to once again use the girls' bathrooms so that she can return to school and be with her teachers and friends.
Elementary school refuses to speak, as twenty thousand Americans stand up for 6-year-old transgender girl
School Responds In Case of Transgendered Girl
District won't enter mediation in case of transgender girl
Family file lawsuit against school for barring their trans daughter from using girls’ bathroom
Fallon Fox Comes Out as Trans Pro MMA Fighter
She talks with Outsports about gay-conversion therapy, her passion for Mixed Martial Arts and her post-coming-out fears
Pro MMA Fighter Fallon Fox Comes Out as Transgender
Mixed Martial Arts fighter Fallon Fox outed as trans woman
ESPN: Florida Unlikely to License Fox to Fight Women, Next Fight is Postponed
Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox puts California panel on the spot
MMA Licensing Board Does Have National Trans Policy
How Fallon Fox became the first known transgender athlete in MMA
Dispelling the mischaracterizations of Fallon Fox
Professional mixed martial arts fighter forced to come out as trans woman
New Clinic Helps Transgender Children
Lurie Children's Hospital provides resource for families with children suffering with gender issues
Convicted transgender killer is closer to getting taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery
One Massachusetts hospital and six surgeons are considering performing Michelle Kosilek’s sex change surgery. But the convicted murderer, born Robert, still has a hard legal fight before his operation.
Gallery owner Nikki Araguz is practicing the art of living
Art covers the walls from floor to ceiling at the Starving Artist, a new Montrose-area gallery. Tables and glass cases display jewelry, sculpture and trinkets. Sunlight beams through big windows in the converted house on West Alabama, and a toy poodle named Bentley greets visitors at the door.
Transforming Health, From Serbia to Sacramento
Many of us already know the appalling examples of trans people being denied medical care. There's the story of Roberts Eads, a trans man who was the subject of the film Southern Comfort. He developed ovarian cancer and went to doctor after doctor who refused him treatment because they worried that his presence would harm their practices. Then there's the story of Tanya Hunter, a trans woman who was the victim of a car accident. As she lay bleeding on the street, the first responder only mocked her. She died not long afterwards, when even the ER doctor refused to help.
A atriz paulista MARIA CLARA SPINELLI, premiada como Melhor Atriz nos festivais de Paulínia, Mônaco e Los Angeles pelo longa “Quanto Dura o Amor?”, de Roberto Moreira, fará uma participação na novela “Salve Jorge” esta semana.

Lucy Meadows Death: Hundreds Attend Candlelit Vigil for Transgender Teacher at Daily Mail Offices
Hundreds of people, including a substantial contingent from the transgender community, have gathered outside the Daily Mail offices to hold a candlelit vigil following the death of Lucy Meadows.
Hundreds attend candlelit vigil for Lucy Meadows outside Daily Mail office
Press Complaints Commission receives complaints over Daily Mail Lucy Meadows article
Hundreds gather outside Daily Mail offices for Lucy Meadows vigil
[Commentary] If Richard Littlejohn didn’t exist, you’d have to make him up
[Commentary] Trans people and the media: compromise is neither desirable nor possible
Not All Trans People Feel “Trapped In The Wrong Body”
The guys from Channel 4’s hit reality show My Transsexual Summer talk about My Genderation and challenging the media's obsession with one kind of trans narrative.

Woman posed as boy for sexual intimacy with girls
A woman has admitted obtaining sexual favours from teenage girls by pretending to be a boy.
Christine Wilson, 25, had been confused about her sexuality since childhood and acted and presented herself as a male, a court heard.
Lesbian poses as boy to seduce teenage girls
Woman 'posed as a boy' to get girls for sexual intimacy
Man ‘guilty’ of fraud for not telling girlfriend he was trans
I was born in the wrong body and want to help others like me
A Salford Fixer is drawing on his own experience to smash stereotypes and promote understanding about the transgender community.
Trans man announces plans to marry his mother’s best friend on live television
A trans man took to ITV’s This Morning programme earlier this week and announced his intention to marry his mother’s best friend. The newly engaged couple found support in the groom-to-be’s mother.
Mariage pour tous et parents trans’: Chloé Avrillon lance l’alerte
Dans sa rédaction actuelle, le projet de loi «mariage pour tous» pourrait mettre en danger les liens de filiation entre les parents trans' et leurs enfants. Ces liens pourraient être remis en question lors de la demande de changement d'état civil. Pour attirer l'attention du législateur sur ce problème, Chloé Avrillon a écrit aux parlementaires. Nous reproduisons sa lettre ci-dessous.
Gender identity included in hate crime law in Greece
'Gender identity' named for the first time in Greek law, transgender people will now be legally protected from hate crime
Maltese women still face challenge to enjoy their human rights
Human rights advocates Aditus say transgender and migrant risk becoming socially marginalised without access to integration services.
First gay and trans MPs take front-bench seats protesting former president’s anti-gay remarks
Polands first openly gay and trans lawmakers took front bench seats of the Polish parliament on Wednesday to protest against remarks made by a former president who said gay members should sit “behind a wall” in parliament.
Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Women Gave Speeches in the Turkish Parliament
Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) welcomed women’s organizations on the occasion of 8 March International Women’s Day in its yesterday’s weekly meeting in the Turkish parliament. Kaos GL and Pink Life Associations were among the NGOs BDP invited to give speeches at the meeting.
McLeod asks constituents to weigh in on transgender rights
Bathroom bill or potty panic?
The House of Commons is debating a bill to specifically include the transgendered in the Human Rights Act since they are the most victimized demographic in Canada, according to proponents.
Quebec launches first awareness campaign to tackle homophobia and transphobia
The Minister of Justice in Canada’s province of Quebec has launched a campaign against homophobia, including television and radio ads attempting to help people become more open and accepting towards same-sex couples.
Jock Talk: Trans volleyball player breaks barriers
Life can be a challenging puzzle at times, but Peachy Tabilos says she's long known two things for certain: in her heart she was born to be a woman, and she was born to play volleyball. These days that means playing volleyball on the City College of San Francisco men's club team.
Join Kathryn & Jeremy Mathis and Tell Coy's School to Stop Discriminating Against Her
Last week, TLDEF filed a Complaint on behalf of 6-year-old Coy Mathis after her elementary school told her that she can no longer use the girls' bathrooms because she is transgender. This week, Coy's parents Kathryn & Jeremy have started a change.org petition asking Coy's school to allow her to once again use the girls' bathrooms so that she can return to school and be with her teachers and friends.
Elementary school refuses to speak, as twenty thousand Americans stand up for 6-year-old transgender girl
School Responds In Case of Transgendered Girl
District won't enter mediation in case of transgender girl
Family file lawsuit against school for barring their trans daughter from using girls’ bathroom

Fallon Fox Comes Out as Trans Pro MMA Fighter
She talks with Outsports about gay-conversion therapy, her passion for Mixed Martial Arts and her post-coming-out fears
Pro MMA Fighter Fallon Fox Comes Out as Transgender
Mixed Martial Arts fighter Fallon Fox outed as trans woman
ESPN: Florida Unlikely to License Fox to Fight Women, Next Fight is Postponed
Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox puts California panel on the spot
MMA Licensing Board Does Have National Trans Policy
How Fallon Fox became the first known transgender athlete in MMA
Dispelling the mischaracterizations of Fallon Fox
Professional mixed martial arts fighter forced to come out as trans woman
New Clinic Helps Transgender Children
Lurie Children's Hospital provides resource for families with children suffering with gender issues
Convicted transgender killer is closer to getting taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery
One Massachusetts hospital and six surgeons are considering performing Michelle Kosilek’s sex change surgery. But the convicted murderer, born Robert, still has a hard legal fight before his operation.
Gallery owner Nikki Araguz is practicing the art of living
Art covers the walls from floor to ceiling at the Starving Artist, a new Montrose-area gallery. Tables and glass cases display jewelry, sculpture and trinkets. Sunlight beams through big windows in the converted house on West Alabama, and a toy poodle named Bentley greets visitors at the door.
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