Transexual triunfa na moda, mas teme cirurgia
Camila Ribeiro quer seguir os passos da modelo transexual Lea T e triunfar na moda. No entanto, fazer uma cirurgia para mudar de sexo ainda não está nos seus planos.
"Tengo el mismo derecho que todas las demás candidatas"
Ivana Zambrano Sánchez, de 19 años, natural de Almendral, es la primera persona transexual que sube a un escenario por haber sido nombrada dama de honor en las fiestas de su pueblo
UK Government removes gender identity in new draft National Curriculum
Campaigners have expressed outrage at the Department for Education’s decision to remove gender identity from the latest draft of the National Curriculum for Schools.
UK government removes protection for trans children in school
A lucky escape from hard reality
Television anchoring is often seen as the exclusive preserve of handsome men and lovely women. But Lucky stormed it, and the transgender is creating waves with the show, ‘Aranyam’, on Channel V6.
Russian Transgender Woman Beaten In Public Park Caught On Tape
A horrifying new video hit the web this weekend, documenting what appears to be a brutal attack on a Russian transgender woman by five men after she had allegedly been ambushed in a public park.
Transgender Cast Member of Web Series Found Dead in Apartment
Witnesses reported seeing a man leave the residence in the victim's Mercedes Benz
Officers responding to a domestic violence call Tuesday evening found the body of a transgender woman -- identified as a member of a reality web series cast -- inside a Fontana apartment.
Domonique Newburn, Transgender Woman, Found Dead In Apartment (VIDEO)
Web reality show trans woman found dead
Stolen Car Belonging to Murdered Reality Show Star Found
Coroner Identifies Transgender Woman Found Murdered In Her Fontana Apartment
Pinellas commissioners approve transgender protection
Five years after refusing to extend legal protection against discrimination to the transgendered, Pinellas County commissioners Tuesday reversed that decision following an impassioned, three-hour public hearing.
Kirksville, Mo., prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity
Nearly two months after a tougher anti-discrimination law was narrowly defeated in Kirksville, the mayor of the northeast Missouri town has changed his vote and the measure passed.
Search for Alexis Murphy Renews Hope in Search for Dashad Smith
It's been 15 days since Nelson County teen Alexis Murphy went missing, but one Charlottesville family has been waiting nine months for any sort of answers in their case.
Other missing person cases coming back into the spotlight after Alexis Murphy's disappearance
La sobrina de Fidel, el "hada" de los travestis
“No estamos en contra de que en un momento determinado lo hagamos”, dijo la diputada Mariela Castro, hija de Raúl y sobrina de Fidel, sobre la idea de instalar un sistema de partidos en Cuba. En entrevista con No toquen nada Castro dijo que Amnistía Internacional “no es reconocida en Cuba por mentirosos” y habló de los avances de la isla en los derechos de los homosexuales.
Gay-Von Martin: Step Carefully
Columnist argues Jamaica is no less homophobic than the US then trashes trans women
[Republica Dominicana]
Matan a hombre en un tiroteo mientras participaba en una fiesta gay y otras seis personas resultan heridas
Un muerto y seis personas heridas fue el balance una balacera cuando se celebraba una fiesta gay frente a la Laguna Gris Gri de esta ciudad, donde desconocidos fuertemente armados irrumpieron en la actividad haciendo disparos en contra de los que allí se encontraban.
Un muerto y seis heridos en fiesta gay en Dominicana
La elección de Miss Venezuela Gay será este domingo
Una noche de “belleza, glamour, elegancia y simpatía” será la del próximo domingo 25 de agosto, según prometen los promotores de la edición 2013 del certamen Miss Gay Venezuela “Bellas entre Bellas”, en el cual participarán 24 aspirantes, provenientes de todo el territorio nacional.
A Film about Trans Rights and Lives in Argentina
Argentina has gone through two landmark policy changes in the past three years. In 2010, it became the first nation in Latin America to legalize same sex marriage, and two years later, it passed a bill that promises to legally protect all regardless of gender identity. Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting with Asociación de Travestis, Transexuales, Transgéneros Argentinas (ATTTA) in Mar del Plata, Argentina, a beautiful coastal town outside of Buenos Aires. ATTTA is a national network working to promote human rights in general, and particularly to improve trans people’s access to health, education, and legal assistance.
Transexual triunfa na moda, mas teme cirurgia
Camila Ribeiro quer seguir os passos da modelo transexual Lea T e triunfar na moda. No entanto, fazer uma cirurgia para mudar de sexo ainda não está nos seus planos.
"Tengo el mismo derecho que todas las demás candidatas"
Ivana Zambrano Sánchez, de 19 años, natural de Almendral, es la primera persona transexual que sube a un escenario por haber sido nombrada dama de honor en las fiestas de su pueblo
UK Government removes gender identity in new draft National Curriculum
Campaigners have expressed outrage at the Department for Education’s decision to remove gender identity from the latest draft of the National Curriculum for Schools.
UK government removes protection for trans children in school
A lucky escape from hard reality
Television anchoring is often seen as the exclusive preserve of handsome men and lovely women. But Lucky stormed it, and the transgender is creating waves with the show, ‘Aranyam’, on Channel V6.
Russian Transgender Woman Beaten In Public Park Caught On Tape
A horrifying new video hit the web this weekend, documenting what appears to be a brutal attack on a Russian transgender woman by five men after she had allegedly been ambushed in a public park.
Transgender Cast Member of Web Series Found Dead in Apartment
Witnesses reported seeing a man leave the residence in the victim's Mercedes Benz
Officers responding to a domestic violence call Tuesday evening found the body of a transgender woman -- identified as a member of a reality web series cast -- inside a Fontana apartment.
Domonique Newburn, Transgender Woman, Found Dead In Apartment (VIDEO)
Web reality show trans woman found dead
Stolen Car Belonging to Murdered Reality Show Star Found
Coroner Identifies Transgender Woman Found Murdered In Her Fontana Apartment
Pinellas commissioners approve transgender protection
Five years after refusing to extend legal protection against discrimination to the transgendered, Pinellas County commissioners Tuesday reversed that decision following an impassioned, three-hour public hearing.
Kirksville, Mo., prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity
Nearly two months after a tougher anti-discrimination law was narrowly defeated in Kirksville, the mayor of the northeast Missouri town has changed his vote and the measure passed.
Search for Alexis Murphy Renews Hope in Search for Dashad Smith
It's been 15 days since Nelson County teen Alexis Murphy went missing, but one Charlottesville family has been waiting nine months for any sort of answers in their case.
Other missing person cases coming back into the spotlight after Alexis Murphy's disappearance
La sobrina de Fidel, el "hada" de los travestis
“No estamos en contra de que en un momento determinado lo hagamos”, dijo la diputada Mariela Castro, hija de Raúl y sobrina de Fidel, sobre la idea de instalar un sistema de partidos en Cuba. En entrevista con No toquen nada Castro dijo que Amnistía Internacional “no es reconocida en Cuba por mentirosos” y habló de los avances de la isla en los derechos de los homosexuales.
Gay-Von Martin: Step Carefully
Columnist argues Jamaica is no less homophobic than the US then trashes trans women

Matan a hombre en un tiroteo mientras participaba en una fiesta gay y otras seis personas resultan heridas
Un muerto y seis personas heridas fue el balance una balacera cuando se celebraba una fiesta gay frente a la Laguna Gris Gri de esta ciudad, donde desconocidos fuertemente armados irrumpieron en la actividad haciendo disparos en contra de los que allí se encontraban.
Un muerto y seis heridos en fiesta gay en Dominicana
La elección de Miss Venezuela Gay será este domingo
Una noche de “belleza, glamour, elegancia y simpatía” será la del próximo domingo 25 de agosto, según prometen los promotores de la edición 2013 del certamen Miss Gay Venezuela “Bellas entre Bellas”, en el cual participarán 24 aspirantes, provenientes de todo el territorio nacional.
A Film about Trans Rights and Lives in Argentina
Argentina has gone through two landmark policy changes in the past three years. In 2010, it became the first nation in Latin America to legalize same sex marriage, and two years later, it passed a bill that promises to legally protect all regardless of gender identity. Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting with Asociación de Travestis, Transexuales, Transgéneros Argentinas (ATTTA) in Mar del Plata, Argentina, a beautiful coastal town outside of Buenos Aires. ATTTA is a national network working to promote human rights in general, and particularly to improve trans people’s access to health, education, and legal assistance.
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