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segunda-feira, agosto 19, 2013

Germany will soon be the first European country to have three gender options on a birth certificate
The upcoming legislative change will allow parents to opt out of assigning their child's gender

Russians film brutal video of attack on transgender woman
Russian anti-gay/anti-trans vigilantes have posted a showing five Russian men participating in the brutal beating of a trans woman.

Transsexual person leads the fight for third gender
A transsexual person from Vadodara may play a key role in the central government formulating a clear policy for sex-change operations in the country.

[China/Hong Kong]
Make-up workshops in Tuen Mun seek to bring out transgender beauty
Workshops intended to help transitioning men deal with discrimination

Anti-gay group wants referendum to overturn California law protecting transgender students
A notoriously anti-gay group is shilling for money in an effort to overturn a new California law that protects the rights of transgender students.
Parents apprehensive about new school year with transgender law

Heather Anderson: Dealing with transgender issues in the workplace
Earlier this year, the District of Columbia announced it will begin enforcing a 2006 regulation prohibiting single occupancy public restrooms from being labeled as “men” or “women.”

Groups condemn threats against Haiti's gay society
Watchdog groups in Haiti on Wednesday condemned what they say has been a series of threats targeting the Caribbean nation's small gay community.

[Costa Rica]
Transexuales se unen en grupo de apoyo para mejorar su calidad de vida
Aproximadamente, 30 hombres y mujeres transexuales se reúnen dos veces al mes para compartir sus experiencias, contar sus dolores, reírse juntos y resolver entre ellos las dudas que el sistema de salud y legal del país no les soluciona.

Comisión de Derechos Humanos del senado aprueba legislar sobre proyecto de ley de identidad de género
Muy temprano, llegaron al Congreso l@s integrantes de la Organización de Transexuales por la Dignidad de la Diversidad (OTD) y la Abogada, Doctora en Derecho y Docente de la Universidad de Concepción, Ximena Gauche Marchetti, relatora del Proyecto de Ley sobre Identidad de Género (Boletín 8924-07), que se ingresó el 7 de mayo pasado, con el apoyo transversal de las diferentes bancadas políticas.