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sábado, agosto 10, 2013

PE - Dois rapazes que tinhão um relacionamento amoroso são assassinados em caruaru
Após 16 dias sem registro de homicídios, a polícia registrou um duplo assassinato em Caruaru. O fato aconteceu por volta das 23h30minh de terça-feira (06), na Rua Eleutério Bezerra, via local da BR 232, na entrada do Bairro Agamenon Magalhães.

Homem é encontro morto na Via Dutra, em Resende
O delegado titular da 89ª DP, João Dias, disse nesta sexta-feira (9) que instaurou inquérito para apurar a morte de Adeodato Pereira Júnior, de 39 anos. Ele foi encontrado morto com um tiro no olho esquerdo às margens da Via Dutra, Km 305, próximo ao bairro Paraíso, em Resende, no Sul Fluminense.

Armenian officials discard anti-gay bill because of ‘shortcomings’
Authorities in the former Soviet state cite defects as their reason for withdrawing a proposed ban of gay and lesbian sexual relationships

Taiwan recognises transgender couple's marriage
The government of Taiwan has officially recognised the marriage of a transgender couple, in another step towards full marriage equality.
Both male at birth, Ms. Jiyi Ng and Ms. Abbygail Wu underwent sex reassignment surgeries last July, three months before they registered for marriage. Prior to the registration, only Ms. Wu changed her gender to female on her national identity card.
Taiwan Reinstates Transgender Couple’s Marriage
Authorities uphold first same-sex transgender marriage

Transgender anchor sues BET for $2.5 million because he couldn’t host segment in drag
Cross-dressing internet gossip columnist and sometime-television personality Brandon Sessoms, who goes by the stage name B. Scott, has filed a $2.5 million gender discrimination lawsuit against Black Entertainment Television (BET) after the network demanded he wear “masculine” attire at a recent awards show.

Opponents of bill for transgender students deliver petitions
Gov. Jerry Brown has just five days to decide whether transgender students should be allowed access to school bathrooms, lockers and sports teams based on the gender they most identify with, rather than on their biological sex.

Probable Cause Found in Stanton Road Stabbing
Man accused of stabbing transgender woman up to 40 times charged with additional count, held without bond

Overturned hate crime conviction leaves victim's mother fearful
When Dwight DeLee was escorted from a courtroom in handcuffs four years ago, he was facing decades in prison. That changed this week.
Hate crime conviction in murder of transgender woman overturned