Travesti é assassinado durante a madrugada na zona norte de Parnamirim
Na madrugada desta quarta-feira (23), um crime de homicídio ocorreu nas proximidades do Parque de Exposições Aristófanes Fernandes no município de Parnamirim. Um travesti foi assassinado a tiros em meio à via pública.

The trans rights campaigner and journalist awarded for making a 'real difference' for trans rights
Trans Journalist Tops List of U.K's Most Influential LGBTs
Pink List 2013 topped by trans journalist Paris Lees with PinkNews founder Benjamin Cohen at number 7
The Independent on Sunday's Pink List 2013

Transsexual activist candidate to main opposition’s list for Bursa municipal assembly
Öykü Evren Özen, a transsexual activist, announced on Oct. 11 that she will be running as a candidate for the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) from Bursa's Osmangazi district in the upcoming local elections.
[China/Hong Kong]
Joanne Leung raises transgender awareness
Joanne Leung Wing-yan has become the poster girl for the transgender community
Transgender lover’s knife attack exposes Singapore’s ‘mean spirit’
Bystanders react with disparaging comments about transgender people
Transsexual pleads guilty to vicious attack on lover
[New Zealand]
Forced through puberty in 'wrong body'
A transgender woman has criticised the New Zealand health system for not diagnosing her with gender dysphoria and denying her treatment to block puberty which would have prevented her from becoming suicidal.
This Sex Change Surgeon Knows Exactly How Tough It Is To Transition: She's Trans, Too
Dr. Marci Bowers was the first transgender woman to perform sex changes.
Chelsea Manning: Trans Behind Bars
Pvt. Bradley Manning made waves when he released the largest number of classified documents in American history to Wikileaks.
Transgender UNI student wins homecoming queen
The University of Northern Iowa crowned their first transgender homecoming queen Friday night.
Earlier this week, we introduced you to Steven Sanchez -- a transgender woman in the running for UNI's homecoming queen.
Update: Trailblazing UNI transgender student is named homecoming queen
NEW PHOTOS: Transgender student wins UNI homecoming queen crown
Born Brittany, graduating Britt: Transgender teenage student reveals coming to terms with wanting to be a boy while in high school
Britt Couturier, 19, who is studying at University of Maine in Farmington was born Brittany
He says that he knew from kindergarten that he was a boy and had the wrong body
Britt says that the difficult transition period in high school left him 'hating life' as teachers and some family members found it difficult to accept
The college student now has a girlfriend and is hoping to major in business
Call for Transgender Veterans to Participate in an Educational Program for the Veteran's Health Administration
Calling all transgender veterans! The Office of Patient Care Services from veteran’s Health Administration is looking for 3-4 transgender veterans to appear in an educational program for VA clinical staff on providing excellent, culturally appropriate health care to transgender veterans.
Dallas trans attorney opens legal clinic for GEAR to assist with issues from name changes to employment discrimination
Trans attorney Katie Sprinkle knows what it’s like to face legal challenges specific to the transgender community. That’s why she’s offered to hold a free monthly legal clinic for Resource Center’s transgender GEAR program.
Justice Dept. files suit against Texas RV park in transgender discrimination case
The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against a Texas recreational vehicle park for alleged discrimination against a transgender woman.
Police mum on Denton trans murder
Lack of answers by investigators, attention by community sparks national upset surrounding the death of Artegus Konyale Madden
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