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sábado, janeiro 18, 2014

Travesti Toni Gretchen é morto a tiros no São Benedito
Polícia Civil investiga morte de travesti ocorrida na madrugada de ontem no município. O assassinato aconteceu no bairro São Benedito, quando, segundo informações do jovem G.A.M., 30 anos, ele estava em sua residência, na avenida Coronel Joaquim de Oliveira Prata, no bairro São Benedito, quando ouviu disparos de arma de fogo. Ao sair na porta de sua casa, ele avistou um travesti caído no chão, ferido. A testemunha acionou a Polícia Militar e também socorro.

Una ley andaluza facilitará documentación para la integración de transexuales
El PSOE e IU han registrado hoy en el Parlamento autonómico el proyecto de ley integral para la no discriminación por motivos de identidad de género, que recoge la posibilidad de que los transexuales cuenten en Andalucía con documentación administrativa para facilitar su integración.

Transvestite stabbed to death
The popular cross-dresser, 18 year-old Joseph Sanchez, was stabbed to death early on Sunday, January 12, and the local gay community is outraged by the crime.
Trans woman murdered in Belize City
UNIBAM says the killing of Joseph Sanchez was “inhumane”
18 Year Old Transgender Youth Killed, Was It a Hate Crime?

ASL film “Versa Effect” uses transphobic elements
One marginalized group mocking another marginalized group — deaf vs. transgender — this is a bit of sad commentary about our society.

The Heart of a Woman
Three individuals wrestle with the decision to work in the sex industry to survive. They struggle physically, emotionally and spiritually to find legitimacy..

Federal Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Transgender Inmate
A federal appeals court today upheld a judge's 2012 ruling that transgender inmates should have access to transition-related care while they are incarcerated.


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