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segunda-feira, setembro 29, 2014

Protection of Trans People under the Istanbul Convention
Trans People and the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention)

New EU Commission and their relevance for trans-topics
On Sept 10 EU Commission president Juncker presented his candidates and a new structure for the heads of the European Commission.

‘I had to tell my ma that I wasn’t gay, I was trans’
As attitudes change, some transgender students aren’t afraid to put their true identities on display when the debs comes around

India: Disabled trans woman dies after being pushed from a moving train
A 22-year-old trans woman has died after being pushed from a moving train by a group of young people.

Transgender activist recounts abuse in prison
It happened 14 years ago but transgender activist Nisha Ayub remembers vividly how she was caught for cross-dressing in Malacca.

Dad Has a Surprise for the Kids
‘Transparent,’ With Jeffrey Tambor, Begins on Amazon
'Transparent' is the most daring new series of the season

Barney Frank: Transgender people don’t have rights legislation because they wouldn’t help lobby
Retired congressman Barney Frank has attacked the head of the Human Rights Campaign for apologising to trans groups, and claimed trans people are only excluded from rights legislation because they wouldn’t help lobby for it.

EEOC suing two companies, alleging transgender workers illegally fired
A federal agency on Thursday filed its first lawsuits to protect transgender people in the workplace, accusing a Michigan funeral home and a Florida eye clinic of illegally firing employees who were making a transition to female.
EEOC Sues Detroit Funeral Home Chain for Sex Discrimination Against Transgender Employee
Michigan funeral home sued for firing transgender worker in historic anti-discrimination case
Transgender Bias Suit Filed Against Lakeland Eye Clinic
EEOC Sues Lakeland Eye Clinic for Sex Discrimination Against Transgender Employee

Advocates press for transgender protection in Nassau
Advocates for the transgender community pleaded Monday with Nassau legislators to revise the county's human rights law to give them specific protection -- but were rebuffed by Republican lawmakers who said the group already is covered.

Hundreds rally in Philadelphia to call for LGBT hate crimes protections
More than 200 people advocated for changes to the state’s hate-crimes law in the wake of the beating of a gay couple in downtown Philadelphia.

[Trinidad and Tobago]
Trinidad and Tobago: Prime Minister says gay rights is ‘not legally possible’
The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago has gone on record to say the country is nowhere near ready to establish a referendum dealing with the decriminalisation of homosexuality and gay rights as “it is not legally possible.”

A Transgender Student Was Fined For Wearing A Skirt To School, So These Boys Wore Skirts In Protest
When a transgender student in Brazil was recently fined for wearing a skirt to school, a group of male classmates rose to support her in spectacular fashion — by all showing up at school wearing skirts themselves.

Fallo de la Corte Constitucional mejora la situación laboral de personas transgénero de Bogotá
De acuerdo a cifras de la Línea Base de la Política Pública para la garantía plena de los derechos de las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgeneristas e intersexuales (LGBTI), las personas transgeneristas de la ciudad de Bogotá son a quienes más se les vulnera su derecho al trabajo, con un 92,44%.

Alerta por el repunte de contagio de VIH entre jóvenes gays y trans
Hace unos años el virus se expandía más entre mujeres hetero. Hoy los varones homosexuales parecen más expuestos. El preservativo es clave para frenar el repunte.