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quarta-feira, novembro 19, 2014

Hollyoaks: Paris Lees will become first transgender person to appear in a British soap opera
Transgender journalist, activist and blogger Paris Lees has turned her hand to acting.

Welsh Lib Dems to lead landmark debate on transgender issues
The Welsh Liberal Democrats are marking Transgender Awareness Week on Wednesday by leading a landmark Welsh Assembly debate on issues faced by Welsh trans people.

New Legislation about Fertility and Marriage rights during Transgender Transition Process
On this provision Counselling Centre for Transgender People Association (T-Der) helps to Mahmut Tanal who is intending to prevent abuse of rights and “obligated sterilization” implementation during transgender transition process with two different bills of law.

[Cote D'Ívoire]
Un travesti malmené à Abidjan! Attention vidéo sensible
Pendant que le débat sur la dépénalisation de l’homosexualité fait rage sous nos cieux, certains pays sont en train de passer à la vitesse supérieure en autorisant le mariage entre personnes du même sexe! C’est le cas de la France. Aux Etats Unis, la loi est en train d’être étudiée et provoque beaucoup de polémiques et de manifestations entre ceux qui sont pour et ceux qui sont contre.

UPTU first state univ to recognize third gender
Months after the Supreme Court decided to recognize transgender individuals as a third gender, UP Technical University (UPTU) has decided to include the same in its application form from next session. The 'TG' category will be an option on the application form for UG, PG courses, admissions for which will be conducted via State Entrance Exam (SEE).

Love Junkies drummer comes out as transgender
Lewis Walsh from Perth rock band The Love Junkies has outed himself as transgender, saying he’s not sure if he’s male or female, but he’s “on a spectrum of gender variance.”

[New Zealand]
University of Auckland Commits to Making Campus Safe for Trans, Intersex, and Gender Variant Staff and Students
It’s been a long haul, but this morning Trans on Campus had a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Auckland, Stuart McCutcheon, along with the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Equity, Trudie McNaughton, Director of Student Equity, Terry O’Neill, and Director of Administration, Adrienne Cleland.

Seeing the Individual: Freiya on Being a Woman and Being Transgender
If a stranger approached me to ask me a question about my genitals, I'd be shocked and really quite angry. If a stranger assumed I was suicidal and depressed from knowing one incidental fact about me, that would also rile me. Happenings such as these are the reasons that I think Freiya is one of the calmest, kindest and most interesting people I've met to date, as this happens to her regularly. She has never punched anyone. In fact, her approach is to explain very articulately exactly the reasons she would not like to discuss her genitalia with a perfect stranger, or the reasons it is in fact unfair and judgmental to assume that she is suicidal or depressed because of one aspect of her identity. Freiya is a woman who just so happens to be transgender.

OKCupid begins rolling out new sexuality and gender options
Dating website OKCupid has started testing a broader list of sexualities and genders, allowing people a raft of new identity choices.

Transgender Pioneer and Stone Butch Blues Author Leslie Feinberg Has Died
She was a pioneer in trans and lesbian issues, workers rights, and intersectionality long before anyone could define the phrase. Her partner, Minnie Bruce Pratt, and family offered us this obituary.

Against Me!'s Laura Jane Grace On Coming Out Transgender
Singer-guitarist Laura Jane Grace of the band Against Me! discussed coming out transgender during an appearance on Larry King Now.

Why did the U.S. lock up these women with men?
The United States has long been a haven for those fleeing persecution and oppression. But today, the treatment for asylum seekers can be so terrible that some are asking to be sent back to the very countries they were escaping.

Lambda Legal Observes Transgender Awareness Week
In observance of National Transgender Awareness Week November 17th to November 21st, Lambda Legal is joining a host of organizations and community organizers from across the country for a week of education and community events including Transgender Day of Action, Transgender Day of Remembrance and Transgender Day of Resilience.

Parents focus critical eye on Lincoln schools
Parents concerned about gender identity handouts given to teachers have formed a group to push for transparency and parental rights at Lincoln Public Schools.

Transgender community fights for Elliot-Larsen protections
Discussions continue at the State Capitol over whether to expand protections offered by Michigan’s Elliot-Larsen anti-discrimination law. That’s the landmark 1976 measure which legally bans discrimination in the state based on religion, race, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial and marital status. Several factions have emerged. Democrats and some Republicans appear to be united behind an expansion that would protect lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender persons. Other Republicans favor a measure that would not include trans persons, but include the others.

Cleveland OKs Protections for Transgender Employees of City Contractors
Cleveland City Council on Monday night unanimously approved employment protections for transgender individuals. ideastream's Nick Castele has more.

Online exchange over Rowan's transgender community turns ugly
A Rowan University student's recent online posting, aimed at advancing a conversation about the needs of the school's transgender community, took a turn for the worse, prompting a university memo Monday and again putting a popular social media application under scrutiny.

Reward in Dashad Smith Missing Person Case Up to $20K
The reward in the disappearance of Dashad Smith is now up to $20,000. This week marks two years since Smith disappeared.
Councilors Get Criticized for City’s Handling Of Sage Smith Case