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segunda-feira, abril 20, 2015

Transexuais enfrentam via-crucis para a adequação de sexo em hospital do Rio
A dor de não se reconhecerem nos corpos que habitam faz parte do cotidiano de homens e mulheres transexuais à espera de uma cirurgia que lhes garanta adequação entre o físico e a mente. O Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, no Rio, é um dos poucos centros de atendimento especializado para este público no país. No entanto, desde dezembro de 2011 não são aceitas inscrições novas. E quem conseguiu se inscrever pode ficar mais de seis anos na fila.

How Kay found the courage to stand up for transgender rights
Kay Browning was once stripped naked in public and spat on.

HSE Report Launched in South-East Calls for Implementation of Treatment Pathways for Trans People
Yesterday (Thursday 16th April), the HSE and TUSLA published The Rainbow Report: LGBTI Health Needs & Experiences and Health Sector Responses in Kilkenny. This report was authored by Niall Crowley and launched by Deputy Jerry Buttimer TD and Senator Katherine Zappone. Dr Philip Crowley, HSE National Director Quality and Patient Safety and Vanessa Lacey, TENI Health and Education Manager also spoke at the event.

In the wrong body
Between bureaucracy and prejudices, two stories of living with a transgender identity in Switzerland.
Finding the right identity

Law official calls for recognition of transgenders in Vietnam
Vietnam should legally recognise transgender people and permit transition therapy and surgery rather than force local people to go abroad for the treatment, a senior Health Ministry official said.

[USA] [Commentary]
We Had An Attempted Bathroom Assault At UHD....
(...)And naw, Dave Wilson, Dave Welch, Debbie Riddle, Max Miller, FOX Noise 26 and 'errbody' else pimping that discredited anti-trans bathroom predator lie, the perp wasn't trans* or a man in a dress.

Why we can't forget transgender people when talking about the pay gap
President Barack Obama spoke at length on gender wage inequality at a town hall organized by the women’s blog network BlogHer and SheKnows Media (full disclosure: SheKnows is a media partner with Across Womens Lives). Held the day after “Equal Pay Day” on April 14, it was a nod to activists' work to raise awareness of the issue, and to the kind of feminist netroots Blogher represents.

Colorado School Board Member Posts Anti-LGBT Hate Group Letter Calling Day of Silence 'Perverse Indoctrination'
Yesterday marked the national "Day of Silence," a day where middle and high school students across the country helped raise awareness about anti-LGBT bullying by remaining silent in school. Yesterday also marked the day a Colorado school board member attempted to do damage control after it was revealed she had posted a link on Facebook from a hate group encouraging a "walk out" on April 17 to counter-protest the anti-bullying day.
JeffCo School board member explains Facebook post

Louisiana hopes to pass a religious freedom law tougher than Indiana's
Governor Bobby Jindal insists HB 707, the Marriage and Conscience Act, is all about freedom

Maine primary school criticised for reading trans book to students
Parents were unhappy they weren't informed before the book 'I Am Jazz', about trans teenager Jazz Jennings, was read to their children

Support from family and friends vital for transgender youths
Loving support of family and friends eases pain as boy steps forth from girl’s body

Court Nixes Houston Anti-LGBT Petition That Included Forged, Invalid Signatures
The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance passed last May banned discrimination in housing, employment, and city contracts, whether that discrimination is based on race, sex, sexual orientation or other factors. But a campaign to take down the law that honed in on its LGBT protections demonized it as a “bathroom bill” on the claim that allowing transgender individuals to use the women’s restroom would create a dangerous opportunity for sexual predators.

Hallan Golpeado y esposado a homosexual
Durante un recorrido de vigilancia que realizó la Policía Vial encontraron una persona del sexo masculino tirada a orillas de la carretera Transístmica, a la altura de conocido motel, en la colonia Paso Limón.

Los ciudadanos transexuales que ya cambiaron su acta de nacimiento en el DF, pero que no cambiaron su credencial para votar, tendrán dificultades al momento de participar en las elecciones de este año, ya que las autoridades electorales indicaron que si su aspecto no coincide con el de su credencial, no podrán votar.

Piden evaluar cambio de nombre de personas transgéneros en Venezuela
Leandro Viloria y Koddy Campos, promotores del Primer Congreso Nacional de los Derechos Humanos por la Diversidad Sexual pidieron evaluar a las autoridades y al Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), el cambio de nombre a personas transgéneros. Consideraron que “los derechos son para todos por igual”.