1: O Braga Fora do Armário (BFA) repudia qualquer tipo de violência física, sexual, psicológica, económica, social, etc. Lutamos para criar condições para que todas as pessoas com identidades de género e orientações sexuais não normativas (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transexuais, travestis, intersexuais, assexuais, queer e pansexuais) tenham vidas seguras, sem qualquer tipo de discriminações, marginalizações ou atos de violência perpetrados pela sociedade civil e/ou por alguma pessoa do próprio movimento LGBTQIA+.
2: O BFA decidiu por unanimidade afastar Paula Antunes, alegadamente acusada por perpetrar atos de violência contra duas ex-companheiras Isabel Martinez e Mafalda Gomes até conclusão do processo judicial em curso.
3: O BFA reconhece que Paula Antunes esteve ligada às organizações da I e II Marcha pelos Direitos LGBT – Braga, tendo colaborado muito pontualmente. O BFA nunca reconheceu, no entanto, Paula Antunes como ativista deste coletivo.
1: O Braga Fora do Armário (BFA) repudia qualquer tipo de violência física, sexual, psicológica, económica, social, etc. Lutamos para criar condições para que todas as pessoas com identidades de género e orientações sexuais não normativas (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transexuais, travestis, intersexuais, assexuais, queer e pansexuais) tenham vidas seguras, sem qualquer tipo de discriminações, marginalizações ou atos de violência perpetrados pela sociedade civil e/ou por alguma pessoa do próprio movimento LGBTQIA+.
2: O BFA decidiu por unanimidade afastar Paula Antunes, alegadamente acusada por perpetrar atos de violência contra duas ex-companheiras Isabel Martinez e Mafalda Gomes até conclusão do processo judicial em curso.
3: O BFA reconhece que Paula Antunes esteve ligada às organizações da I e II Marcha pelos Direitos LGBT – Braga, tendo colaborado muito pontualmente. O BFA nunca reconheceu, no entanto, Paula Antunes como ativista deste coletivo.
Movimento LGBT começa a posicionar-se em alegados casos de violência doméstica que envolvem activistas
Um caso bicudo, este, para os movimentos LGBT portugueses e para o micro-universo activista do País: uma activista com prominência no meio acusada por duas ex-namoradas de violência física e psicológica está a obrigar as organizações a tomar decisões: remover a pessoa em questão do meio activista sem apelo nem agravo ou guardar o silêncio até que a justiça se pronuncie, mantendo-a “em funções” apesar das acusações que lhe são imputadas?
Preso jovem que matou transexual enquanto vítima pedia socorro
Foi preso na madrugada desta quinta-feira, (9), o homem suspeito de matar a tiros o transexual José Hilton dos Santos, 36, o ‘Gaivota’.
Filha de pastor é primeira transexual a usar nome social em escola do Vale
Aluna de 17 anos trocou o nome de Israel para Thifany em Jacareí (SP).
Resolução permite a transexuais e travestis a 'mudança' de nome.
RJ terá Centro de Saúde para travestis e transexuais
O primeiro objetivo do centro será desafogar a fila de espera para cirurgias de transgenitalização, que hoje chegam a 300 pessoas no Estado
Primeira transexual a ter sobrenome do marido em certidão vai envelhecer em paz
Depois de décadas morando de aluguel, a alegria de ter conseguido a casa própria põe fim às burocracias dos contratos, aos "nãos" ouvidos por muito tempo e marca o começo de uma vida. A felicidade de Paulinha foi tamanha que contagia até quem não a conhece.
Transexual volta a estudar depois da lei do nome social na escola
Na região Centro-Oeste Paulista, apenas um pedido foi registrado.
Nicolle foi impedida de voltar a estudar depois de se assumir transexual.
Children as young as 3 referred to NHS for transgender treatments
he number of young children – some as young as three – being referred to the UK's National Health Service for transgender treatments has quadrupled in the last six years, according to the Tavistock and Portman Trust, a NHS center that specializes in gender issues for children under 18.
Northern Ireland child gender service has 29 referrals
A service set up for Northern Ireland children experiencing difficulties over their gender identity has had 29 referrals since it opened last summer.
Election candidates asked to pledge support for non-binary rights
Trans and non-binary groups have come together to ask election candidates to pledge to support non-binary rights.
Sam wants to be Ireland’s first transgender election candidate
A new initiative hopes to get more young people from diverse backgrounds running for office.
Sam Blanckensee wants to become the first-ever transgender election candidate in Ireland.
The 21-year-old Wicklow native said the lack of political representation of trans people is “a real barrier to positive visibility within the community”.
Norwegian Expert Group Publishes Progressive Gender Recognition Recommendations
The Norwegian Ministry of Health’s Expert Committee on legal gender recognition presented its conclusions and recommendations in Oslo today. The report proposes legislation based on self determination and improvements in trans-related health care service provision.
TGEU Condemns Arson Attack on Kyrgyz LGBT Organisation
Transgender Europe (TGEU) strongly condemns the attack against its Kyrgyz member organisation Labrys in the night of April 3, 2015. Three bottles with explosives were thrown into the yard of the human rights organisation in Bishkek, two of which caused open fire, reports Labrys.
Allow 'him' to be 'herself'
"I feel I have become complete after the operation", Liu Ting told the Beijing Times, looking at herself in a mirror and arranging her hair.
Transgender leaders say we need to take a balance view of PM
A leader in the transgender community has commented on senior military officer Catherine McGregor's support for the Prime Minister, saying Tony Abbott isn't necessarily homophobic just because he doesn't support marriage equality.
N.S. amends Vital Statistics Act to let people choose gender on IDs
Jessica Durling’s government identification doesn’t reflect who she is, but an amendment introduced Wednesday will make it much easier to rectify the situation.
Nova Scotia to allow gender change on birth certificates
Nova Scotia adds 'two-spirit' option on civil servant forms
Discrimination Ruling Elegantly Explains Why Transgender People Deserve Bathroom Access
Last week, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruled that the Army illegally discriminated against a transgender civilian employee. When Tamara Lusardi was working for the Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center in Huntsville, Alabama, she was forced to only use a single-use restroom. When it was out of order and she used the women’s room, she was repeatedly confronted by a supervisor and was often referred to by her former male name and with male pronouns.
TLDEF Applauds EEOC Ruling Affirming Right to Bathroom Access For Transgender People
Feds Clarify Restroom Protections for Trans Employees; White House Announces Gender Neutral Restroom
EEOC to ensure restroom access for transgender employees
EEOC Issues Landmark Ruling: Army Discriminated Against Trans Employee
EEOC Finds Trans Civilian Army Employee Owed Public Restroom Access
GLAD Applauds EEOC Ruling Expanding Workplace Protections for Transgender Employees
The White House's Executive Office Now Has Gender-Neutral Bathroom
A change at the Obama administration's executive offices has trans rights advocates cheering.
Obama calls for end to conversion therapy for LGBT youth
President Barack Obama is calling for an end to psychiatric therapy treatments aimed at changing the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBT youth.
TLDEF Praises White House For Stance Against Conversion Therapy
LGBT, Trans Organizations Call On News Networks To Improve Transgender Coverage
LGBT organizations, transgender advocacy groups, and prominent transgender activists are calling on national news networks to improve their coverage of important transgender issues, including the disproportionate amount of violence targeted at trans women of color.
Majority of Americans oppose businesses being allowed to discriminate for religious reasons
A new poll of voting aged people in the United States finds that most Americans do not believe that business owners should be allowed to use their religious beliefs as a legal excuse to refuse to serve or hire LGBTI people or other groups
Recognizing the Unique Challenges of Transgender Women of Color
During Women’s History Month, the White House Office of Public Engagement and the Council on Women and Girls have honored the achievements of women across the country and throughout history, while continuing the conversations about the challenges women across the nation still face. On March 31 -- National Transgender Day of Visibility -- I had the honor of speaking with leaders of the transgender women of color community during the White House’s first-ever discussion solely focused on the challenges this community faces.
Mesa eyes anti-discrimination ordinance
Mesa may soon be following suit with other localities, issuing an ordinance prohibiting discrimination.
Bullied transgender teen dies in apparent suicide
A 16-year-old transgender teen from Fallbrook, Calif., who spoke on YouTube about being bullied at high school has died of an apparent suicide.
Subjected to 'Constant' Bullying, California Trans Teen Dies by Suicide
San Mateo County making strides on transgender issues
Sometimes the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors is asked to enact laws to protect the rights of marginalized residents, but during this year’s International Transgender Day of Visibility, Stevie Jolie Stallmeyer had a simpler request:
Colorado Senate panel rejects bill to prohibit conversion therapy on minors
A bill to ban conversion therapy for LGBT youth in Colorado has been rejected by Republicans that control the state Senate.
NCTE honoring Phyllis Randolph Frye
Pioneering Texas trans rights activist Judge Phyllis Randolph Frye of Houston is one of three people being honored at the National Center for Transgender Equality’s 12th anniversary celebration, “The Tipping Point: An Evening to Celebrate and Inspire,” next month. Other honorees are Gabriel Foster and Kellan Baker.
Republican trans woman speaks on political advocacy, discriminatory legislation
A transgender Republican politician spoke Thursday night on how her political affiliation and life experience intersected in her political career.
Ashley foi espancada, violada e acusada de “fingir ser uma mulher”
A Justiça da Georgia, nos Estados Unidos, enviou para alas masculinas de prisões uma mulher transgénero e recusa dar-lhe a medicação hormonal que tomava há 17 anos. Governo federal fala em violação da Constituição. Debate-se o direito da população LGBT.
Georgia trans woman’s lawsuit against prison officials gets backing of feds, Elton John
Attorneys for transgender inmate checking new prison policy
This Black Trans Man Is in Prison for Killing His Rapist
Ky Peterson, a black trans man from Georgia, has been imprisoned three years for the 'involuntary manslaughter' of his attacker, which he says was in self-defense.
Ky Peterson brushed off the stranger hitting on him outside a convenience store in Americus, Ga., without a second thought. It's not like he hadn't rebuffed a stranger's advances before. But as he walked home past an unoccupied trailer on October 28, 2011, something hard struck the back of his head. He blacked out. When he came to, the stranger from the sidewalk was on top of him, naked and spitting homophobic slurs at the 20-year-old black trans man as he forced himself inside Peterson.
Ky Peterson Put in 'Protective Custody' in Georgia Prison, Partner Says
Maryland lawmakers ease birth certificate requirements for transgender residents
A measure to make it easier for transgender residents to get new birth certificates has cleared the Maryland General Assembly.
Maryland birth certificate bill receives final approval
Maryland transgender birth certificate bills pass second hurdle
Missouri City Repeals LGBT Nondiscrimination Law Out Of Fear Of Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
Springfield is the third largest city in Missouri, but it may win the title as the most homophobic. By a narrow margin, voters in the southwestern town voted Tuesday to repeal an ordinance that prohibited discriminating against the LGBT citizens in housing or the workplace. The ordinance was passed by the city council just last October.
Springfield Repeals Nondiscrimination Ordinance Protecting LGBTQ People
Springfield, Missouri repeals protections for gay residents despite religious exemptions
Opponents voice concern about 'unintended dangers' for businesses and bathrooms across the city
Missouri Voters Repeal LGBT Anti-Discrimination Law
Revolt! Voters torpedo 'gay' special treatment
Nevada bill would ban gay-to-straight conversion therapy for minors
Nevada lawmakers are reviewing a bill that would ban therapies aimed at turning gay young people straight.
NV transgender bill will get hearing, is potentially illegal
Nevada's potentially illegal bill segregating transgender students into separate school bathrooms will receive its first hearing before state lawmakers on Friday, and it's attracting national attention.
Nevada lawmakers to consider restroom transgender bill
Proposal would expand city's fair housing policy to protect lesbian, gay, transgender Tulsans
City protections for transgender Tulsans also is included.
Tulsa City Council moving forward with new housing ordinance
Forum could mark shift in transparency in Morris case
When Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams agreed to attend next week’s Nizah Morris forum, he sent a ripple of hope for transparency in the case.
New exhibit asks trans community to help make history
William Way LGBT Community Center is gearing up to help create a transgender history exhibit this summer and is hosting two “collective curation” events to gather exhibit items from members of the trans community.
Community mourns loss of Charlene Arcila
Charlene Arcila, credited with a number of pioneering LGBT and HIV/AIDS efforts, died Tuesday afternoon at age 52.
Texas Trans Man Settles Hard-Fought AT&T Discrimination Case
Matthew Hileman originally sued for discrimination after hearing a coworker say trans employees would get an 'ass-whooping' and being called an antigay slur.
Transwoman drops macho act, calls for greater gender awareness Meeting Emelia
Transwoman drops macho act, calls for greater gender awareness
After a lifetime masquerading as a man, Emelia De Souza is done playing dress-up – and she’s never been happier.
Until recently, Emelia’s Port Townsend–area neighbors, friends and coworkers of the past 20 years have known her as Henry Souza, an architectural designer who came to Cape George in 1994 to build a home and settle down with Laura, then his wife of 10 years.
But Henry was a cover.
Mexican law allows transgender people to change their names (Video)
A Mexico City law is giving transgender people a chance to change their names and gender in public records, as Obama administration condemns 'conversion' therapies. Julie Noce reports.
It's back to school for Sao Paulo's transsexuals
Karen Emiliano was a boy called Jonas when she gave up studying 23 years ago, bullied for saying she felt she was a girl.
Conceden adopción plena de dos niños a una persona trans
María Belén Ochoa se había hecho cargo de dos hermanitos en situación de abandono. En 2010, un juez le otorgó la guarda provisoria Ahora,otro fallo transforma ese criterio en definitivo.
Argentina aprueba la creación de una defensoría LGTB que luchará contra la discriminación a nivel nacional
Plantarle cara a la discriminación por motivo de orientación sexual o identidad de género y hacer que la legislación inclusiva argentina se vea reflejada en la cotidianidad de la comunidad. Son algunos de los objetivos fundacionales de la nueva defensoría LGTB de Argentina, que nace gracias a la firma de un convenio entre el Defensor del Pueblo de la Nación y la Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gais, Bisexuales y Transexuales (FALGBT), al que se han sumado otras organizaciones nacionales y locales. Con esta importante apuesta de colaboración entre la administración nacional y las entidades LGTB, Argentina vuelve a consolidarse como uno de los países más avanzados del mundo por lo que a igualdad de derechos del colectivo se refiere.
Movimento LGBT começa a posicionar-se em alegados casos de violência doméstica que envolvem activistas
Um caso bicudo, este, para os movimentos LGBT portugueses e para o micro-universo activista do País: uma activista com prominência no meio acusada por duas ex-namoradas de violência física e psicológica está a obrigar as organizações a tomar decisões: remover a pessoa em questão do meio activista sem apelo nem agravo ou guardar o silêncio até que a justiça se pronuncie, mantendo-a “em funções” apesar das acusações que lhe são imputadas?
Preso jovem que matou transexual enquanto vítima pedia socorro
Foi preso na madrugada desta quinta-feira, (9), o homem suspeito de matar a tiros o transexual José Hilton dos Santos, 36, o ‘Gaivota’.
Filha de pastor é primeira transexual a usar nome social em escola do Vale
Aluna de 17 anos trocou o nome de Israel para Thifany em Jacareí (SP).
Resolução permite a transexuais e travestis a 'mudança' de nome.
RJ terá Centro de Saúde para travestis e transexuais
O primeiro objetivo do centro será desafogar a fila de espera para cirurgias de transgenitalização, que hoje chegam a 300 pessoas no Estado
Primeira transexual a ter sobrenome do marido em certidão vai envelhecer em paz
Depois de décadas morando de aluguel, a alegria de ter conseguido a casa própria põe fim às burocracias dos contratos, aos "nãos" ouvidos por muito tempo e marca o começo de uma vida. A felicidade de Paulinha foi tamanha que contagia até quem não a conhece.
Transexual volta a estudar depois da lei do nome social na escola
Na região Centro-Oeste Paulista, apenas um pedido foi registrado.
Nicolle foi impedida de voltar a estudar depois de se assumir transexual.
Children as young as 3 referred to NHS for transgender treatments
he number of young children – some as young as three – being referred to the UK's National Health Service for transgender treatments has quadrupled in the last six years, according to the Tavistock and Portman Trust, a NHS center that specializes in gender issues for children under 18.
Northern Ireland child gender service has 29 referrals
A service set up for Northern Ireland children experiencing difficulties over their gender identity has had 29 referrals since it opened last summer.
Election candidates asked to pledge support for non-binary rights
Trans and non-binary groups have come together to ask election candidates to pledge to support non-binary rights.

Sam wants to be Ireland’s first transgender election candidate
A new initiative hopes to get more young people from diverse backgrounds running for office.
Sam Blanckensee wants to become the first-ever transgender election candidate in Ireland.
The 21-year-old Wicklow native said the lack of political representation of trans people is “a real barrier to positive visibility within the community”.
Norwegian Expert Group Publishes Progressive Gender Recognition Recommendations
The Norwegian Ministry of Health’s Expert Committee on legal gender recognition presented its conclusions and recommendations in Oslo today. The report proposes legislation based on self determination and improvements in trans-related health care service provision.
TGEU Condemns Arson Attack on Kyrgyz LGBT Organisation
Transgender Europe (TGEU) strongly condemns the attack against its Kyrgyz member organisation Labrys in the night of April 3, 2015. Three bottles with explosives were thrown into the yard of the human rights organisation in Bishkek, two of which caused open fire, reports Labrys.
Allow 'him' to be 'herself'
"I feel I have become complete after the operation", Liu Ting told the Beijing Times, looking at herself in a mirror and arranging her hair.
Transgender leaders say we need to take a balance view of PM
A leader in the transgender community has commented on senior military officer Catherine McGregor's support for the Prime Minister, saying Tony Abbott isn't necessarily homophobic just because he doesn't support marriage equality.
N.S. amends Vital Statistics Act to let people choose gender on IDs
Jessica Durling’s government identification doesn’t reflect who she is, but an amendment introduced Wednesday will make it much easier to rectify the situation.
Nova Scotia to allow gender change on birth certificates
Nova Scotia adds 'two-spirit' option on civil servant forms
Discrimination Ruling Elegantly Explains Why Transgender People Deserve Bathroom Access
Last week, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruled that the Army illegally discriminated against a transgender civilian employee. When Tamara Lusardi was working for the Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center in Huntsville, Alabama, she was forced to only use a single-use restroom. When it was out of order and she used the women’s room, she was repeatedly confronted by a supervisor and was often referred to by her former male name and with male pronouns.
TLDEF Applauds EEOC Ruling Affirming Right to Bathroom Access For Transgender People
Feds Clarify Restroom Protections for Trans Employees; White House Announces Gender Neutral Restroom
EEOC to ensure restroom access for transgender employees
EEOC Issues Landmark Ruling: Army Discriminated Against Trans Employee
EEOC Finds Trans Civilian Army Employee Owed Public Restroom Access
GLAD Applauds EEOC Ruling Expanding Workplace Protections for Transgender Employees
The White House's Executive Office Now Has Gender-Neutral Bathroom
A change at the Obama administration's executive offices has trans rights advocates cheering.
Obama calls for end to conversion therapy for LGBT youth
President Barack Obama is calling for an end to psychiatric therapy treatments aimed at changing the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBT youth.
TLDEF Praises White House For Stance Against Conversion Therapy
LGBT, Trans Organizations Call On News Networks To Improve Transgender Coverage
LGBT organizations, transgender advocacy groups, and prominent transgender activists are calling on national news networks to improve their coverage of important transgender issues, including the disproportionate amount of violence targeted at trans women of color.
Majority of Americans oppose businesses being allowed to discriminate for religious reasons
A new poll of voting aged people in the United States finds that most Americans do not believe that business owners should be allowed to use their religious beliefs as a legal excuse to refuse to serve or hire LGBTI people or other groups
Recognizing the Unique Challenges of Transgender Women of Color
During Women’s History Month, the White House Office of Public Engagement and the Council on Women and Girls have honored the achievements of women across the country and throughout history, while continuing the conversations about the challenges women across the nation still face. On March 31 -- National Transgender Day of Visibility -- I had the honor of speaking with leaders of the transgender women of color community during the White House’s first-ever discussion solely focused on the challenges this community faces.
Mesa eyes anti-discrimination ordinance
Mesa may soon be following suit with other localities, issuing an ordinance prohibiting discrimination.
Bullied transgender teen dies in apparent suicide
A 16-year-old transgender teen from Fallbrook, Calif., who spoke on YouTube about being bullied at high school has died of an apparent suicide.
Subjected to 'Constant' Bullying, California Trans Teen Dies by Suicide
San Mateo County making strides on transgender issues
Sometimes the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors is asked to enact laws to protect the rights of marginalized residents, but during this year’s International Transgender Day of Visibility, Stevie Jolie Stallmeyer had a simpler request:
Colorado Senate panel rejects bill to prohibit conversion therapy on minors
A bill to ban conversion therapy for LGBT youth in Colorado has been rejected by Republicans that control the state Senate.
NCTE honoring Phyllis Randolph Frye
Pioneering Texas trans rights activist Judge Phyllis Randolph Frye of Houston is one of three people being honored at the National Center for Transgender Equality’s 12th anniversary celebration, “The Tipping Point: An Evening to Celebrate and Inspire,” next month. Other honorees are Gabriel Foster and Kellan Baker.
Republican trans woman speaks on political advocacy, discriminatory legislation
A transgender Republican politician spoke Thursday night on how her political affiliation and life experience intersected in her political career.
Ashley foi espancada, violada e acusada de “fingir ser uma mulher”
A Justiça da Georgia, nos Estados Unidos, enviou para alas masculinas de prisões uma mulher transgénero e recusa dar-lhe a medicação hormonal que tomava há 17 anos. Governo federal fala em violação da Constituição. Debate-se o direito da população LGBT.
Georgia trans woman’s lawsuit against prison officials gets backing of feds, Elton John
Attorneys for transgender inmate checking new prison policy

This Black Trans Man Is in Prison for Killing His Rapist
Ky Peterson, a black trans man from Georgia, has been imprisoned three years for the 'involuntary manslaughter' of his attacker, which he says was in self-defense.
Ky Peterson brushed off the stranger hitting on him outside a convenience store in Americus, Ga., without a second thought. It's not like he hadn't rebuffed a stranger's advances before. But as he walked home past an unoccupied trailer on October 28, 2011, something hard struck the back of his head. He blacked out. When he came to, the stranger from the sidewalk was on top of him, naked and spitting homophobic slurs at the 20-year-old black trans man as he forced himself inside Peterson.
Ky Peterson Put in 'Protective Custody' in Georgia Prison, Partner Says
Maryland lawmakers ease birth certificate requirements for transgender residents
A measure to make it easier for transgender residents to get new birth certificates has cleared the Maryland General Assembly.
Maryland birth certificate bill receives final approval
Maryland transgender birth certificate bills pass second hurdle
Missouri City Repeals LGBT Nondiscrimination Law Out Of Fear Of Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
Springfield is the third largest city in Missouri, but it may win the title as the most homophobic. By a narrow margin, voters in the southwestern town voted Tuesday to repeal an ordinance that prohibited discriminating against the LGBT citizens in housing or the workplace. The ordinance was passed by the city council just last October.
Springfield Repeals Nondiscrimination Ordinance Protecting LGBTQ People
Springfield, Missouri repeals protections for gay residents despite religious exemptions
Opponents voice concern about 'unintended dangers' for businesses and bathrooms across the city
Missouri Voters Repeal LGBT Anti-Discrimination Law
Revolt! Voters torpedo 'gay' special treatment
Nevada bill would ban gay-to-straight conversion therapy for minors
Nevada lawmakers are reviewing a bill that would ban therapies aimed at turning gay young people straight.
NV transgender bill will get hearing, is potentially illegal
Nevada's potentially illegal bill segregating transgender students into separate school bathrooms will receive its first hearing before state lawmakers on Friday, and it's attracting national attention.
Nevada lawmakers to consider restroom transgender bill
Proposal would expand city's fair housing policy to protect lesbian, gay, transgender Tulsans
City protections for transgender Tulsans also is included.
Tulsa City Council moving forward with new housing ordinance
Forum could mark shift in transparency in Morris case
When Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams agreed to attend next week’s Nizah Morris forum, he sent a ripple of hope for transparency in the case.
New exhibit asks trans community to help make history
William Way LGBT Community Center is gearing up to help create a transgender history exhibit this summer and is hosting two “collective curation” events to gather exhibit items from members of the trans community.

Community mourns loss of Charlene Arcila
Charlene Arcila, credited with a number of pioneering LGBT and HIV/AIDS efforts, died Tuesday afternoon at age 52.
Texas Trans Man Settles Hard-Fought AT&T Discrimination Case
Matthew Hileman originally sued for discrimination after hearing a coworker say trans employees would get an 'ass-whooping' and being called an antigay slur.

Transwoman drops macho act, calls for greater gender awareness Meeting Emelia
Transwoman drops macho act, calls for greater gender awareness
After a lifetime masquerading as a man, Emelia De Souza is done playing dress-up – and she’s never been happier.
Until recently, Emelia’s Port Townsend–area neighbors, friends and coworkers of the past 20 years have known her as Henry Souza, an architectural designer who came to Cape George in 1994 to build a home and settle down with Laura, then his wife of 10 years.
But Henry was a cover.
Mexican law allows transgender people to change their names (Video)
A Mexico City law is giving transgender people a chance to change their names and gender in public records, as Obama administration condemns 'conversion' therapies. Julie Noce reports.
It's back to school for Sao Paulo's transsexuals
Karen Emiliano was a boy called Jonas when she gave up studying 23 years ago, bullied for saying she felt she was a girl.
Conceden adopción plena de dos niños a una persona trans
María Belén Ochoa se había hecho cargo de dos hermanitos en situación de abandono. En 2010, un juez le otorgó la guarda provisoria Ahora,otro fallo transforma ese criterio en definitivo.
Argentina aprueba la creación de una defensoría LGTB que luchará contra la discriminación a nivel nacional
Plantarle cara a la discriminación por motivo de orientación sexual o identidad de género y hacer que la legislación inclusiva argentina se vea reflejada en la cotidianidad de la comunidad. Son algunos de los objetivos fundacionales de la nueva defensoría LGTB de Argentina, que nace gracias a la firma de un convenio entre el Defensor del Pueblo de la Nación y la Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gais, Bisexuales y Transexuales (FALGBT), al que se han sumado otras organizaciones nacionales y locales. Con esta importante apuesta de colaboración entre la administración nacional y las entidades LGTB, Argentina vuelve a consolidarse como uno de los países más avanzados del mundo por lo que a igualdad de derechos del colectivo se refiere.
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