Comunicado da não te prives
Tema: acusações de violência doméstica alegadamente perpetradas por Paula Antunes
A não te prives – Grupo de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais repudia qualquer ato de violência não consentida. Desde 2002, ano em que iniciámos as nossas atividades, desenvolvemos um conjunto de iniciativas visando combater e prevenir diversas formas de violência, incluindo o assédio sexista, o bullying em meio escolar, a discriminação homofóbica e transfóbica, a violência reprodutiva e a falta de reconhecimento dos direitos das pessoas trabalhadoras sexuais. Quer enquanto indivíduos, quer enquanto coletivo, a nossa atitude é inequívoca a este respeito.
Dito isto, não devemos nem iremos proceder a qualquer tipo de julgamento face a acusações que, sendo profundamente graves e preocupantes, extravasam claramente o âmbito de ação da NTP. Não temos as competências necessárias para julgar um processo que está em curso e cujos factos serão apurados pelas instâncias jurídicas adequadas. Este reconhecimento não nos impede, contudo, de tomar a seguinte posição:
1. Lamentamos profundamente a situação de dor e sofrimento que envolve todas as pessoas afetadas por este caso
2. Defendemos o princípio fundamental da democracia de que todas as pessoas são inocentes até prova em contrário; não obstante, defendemos também que, em situação de vulnerabilidade, compete à justiça inverter o ónus da prova, conforme é prática em situações reconhecidas, incluindo desde 2003 a discriminação por orientação sexual em meio laboral
3. Acreditamos que o apuramento dos factos compete, insistimos, às instâncias jurídicas
4. Temos a responsabilidade de garantir que a atenção mediática e cultural associada a eventos públicos como a Marcha contra a Transfobia e a Homofobia deve ser canalizada para as reivindicações da Marcha, que este ano se centram justamente na luta contra a violência
5. Reconhecemos que, nas atuais circunstâncias e até que a justiça se pronuncie acerca deste processo, a Paula Antunes não deveria exercer as responsabilidades que assume presentemente, nomeadamente na qualidade de coorganizadora da Marcha
6. Por todas estas razões, a NTP decidiu sugerir à PATH – Plataforma contra a Transfobia e Homofobia de Coimbra, da qual fazemos parte, que apele à Paula para que suspenda voluntariamente a sua presença como coorganizadora desta Marcha, de maneira a evitar cisões no movimento LGBTI/Queer em Portugal, até que sejam apurados os factos.
A concluir, queremos reforçar a nossa convicção de que o ativismo LGBTI/Queer é um produto de esforços comuns cujo impacto positivo é inegável num país como Portugal, que conta já com marchas nos Açores, Braga, Coimbra, Lisboa e Porto. Nenhum/a de nós tem o direito de apelar a um boicote que prejudique um trabalho que, sendo património de todxs, não é propriedade de nenhum/a de nós.
Independentemente do desenvolvimento deste caso, a NTP compromete-se a continuar o seu trabalho de prevenção e combate a todas as formas de violência não consentida. E contamos com todxs na 6ª Marcha de Luta contra a Transfobia e Homofobia a 17 de maio.
Desejamos ainda que tudo se esclareça rapidamente e com a serenidade e sentido de justiça necessários.
Coimbra, 06/04/2015
A Direção da não te prives
Luciana Moreira
Ana Cristina Santos
Paulo Jorge Vieira
Hélia Santos
Vânia Moreira
Tema: acusações de violência doméstica alegadamente perpetradas por Paula Antunes
A não te prives – Grupo de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais repudia qualquer ato de violência não consentida. Desde 2002, ano em que iniciámos as nossas atividades, desenvolvemos um conjunto de iniciativas visando combater e prevenir diversas formas de violência, incluindo o assédio sexista, o bullying em meio escolar, a discriminação homofóbica e transfóbica, a violência reprodutiva e a falta de reconhecimento dos direitos das pessoas trabalhadoras sexuais. Quer enquanto indivíduos, quer enquanto coletivo, a nossa atitude é inequívoca a este respeito.
Dito isto, não devemos nem iremos proceder a qualquer tipo de julgamento face a acusações que, sendo profundamente graves e preocupantes, extravasam claramente o âmbito de ação da NTP. Não temos as competências necessárias para julgar um processo que está em curso e cujos factos serão apurados pelas instâncias jurídicas adequadas. Este reconhecimento não nos impede, contudo, de tomar a seguinte posição:
1. Lamentamos profundamente a situação de dor e sofrimento que envolve todas as pessoas afetadas por este caso
2. Defendemos o princípio fundamental da democracia de que todas as pessoas são inocentes até prova em contrário; não obstante, defendemos também que, em situação de vulnerabilidade, compete à justiça inverter o ónus da prova, conforme é prática em situações reconhecidas, incluindo desde 2003 a discriminação por orientação sexual em meio laboral
3. Acreditamos que o apuramento dos factos compete, insistimos, às instâncias jurídicas
4. Temos a responsabilidade de garantir que a atenção mediática e cultural associada a eventos públicos como a Marcha contra a Transfobia e a Homofobia deve ser canalizada para as reivindicações da Marcha, que este ano se centram justamente na luta contra a violência
5. Reconhecemos que, nas atuais circunstâncias e até que a justiça se pronuncie acerca deste processo, a Paula Antunes não deveria exercer as responsabilidades que assume presentemente, nomeadamente na qualidade de coorganizadora da Marcha
6. Por todas estas razões, a NTP decidiu sugerir à PATH – Plataforma contra a Transfobia e Homofobia de Coimbra, da qual fazemos parte, que apele à Paula para que suspenda voluntariamente a sua presença como coorganizadora desta Marcha, de maneira a evitar cisões no movimento LGBTI/Queer em Portugal, até que sejam apurados os factos.
A concluir, queremos reforçar a nossa convicção de que o ativismo LGBTI/Queer é um produto de esforços comuns cujo impacto positivo é inegável num país como Portugal, que conta já com marchas nos Açores, Braga, Coimbra, Lisboa e Porto. Nenhum/a de nós tem o direito de apelar a um boicote que prejudique um trabalho que, sendo património de todxs, não é propriedade de nenhum/a de nós.
Independentemente do desenvolvimento deste caso, a NTP compromete-se a continuar o seu trabalho de prevenção e combate a todas as formas de violência não consentida. E contamos com todxs na 6ª Marcha de Luta contra a Transfobia e Homofobia a 17 de maio.
Desejamos ainda que tudo se esclareça rapidamente e com a serenidade e sentido de justiça necessários.
Coimbra, 06/04/2015
A Direção da não te prives
Luciana Moreira
Ana Cristina Santos
Paulo Jorge Vieira
Hélia Santos
Vânia Moreira
Travestis arriscam suas vidas para esculpir corpos perfeitos
Para tornar a aparência mais feminina e correspondente com sua identidade de gênero, na falta de políticas e realidade de saúde para nosso grupo T, muitas de nós Travestis e Transexuais utilizamos substâncias para preenchimento corporal, como o silicone industrial, hidro gel, metacrilato e alguns países até injetando cimento.
What Will Malta’s New Intersex Law Mean for the Rest of the World?
Last week, the tiny nation of Malta passed an internationally groundbreaking new law: the "Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sex Characteristics Act." The law offers a host of new and powerful anti-discrimination protections and eases the process of gender identity change and administrative recognition for transgender, genderqueer, and intersex individuals. But most significantly, the law bans the performance of non-vital gender assignment surgeries on intersex children before they're old enough to consent to the procedure—a global legislative first.
Making depathologization a matter of law. A comment from GATE on the Maltese Act on Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics
A week ago Malta passed the Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics (GIGESC) Act, which encompasses, in a new and radical combination, legal recognition, protection and anti-discrimination measures.
Police appeal for help after trans woman murdered in London
Police have appealed for help after a 33-year-old trans woman was murdered in London.
25 passports issued to citizens who had changed gender
The Passport Service last year issued 25 passports to applicants who had changed their gender — seven more than in 2013.
Gay and trans candidates to run for Turkish general elections
Political parties in Turkey announced their candidate lists yesterday in the upcoming parliamentary election. The pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party nominated 3 LGBTI activists as candidates, yet from lower positions. A trans activist was also nominated as the newly founded Anatolia Party candidate.
Kenya's transgender warrior: from suicide bid to celebrity
Audrey Mbugua will not say whether it was a razor blade, pills or carbon monoxide that she used to try to kill herself.
High school teacher's sex change journey drawing mixed response
A high school teacher in Taichung is persisting with his journey of coming to terms with his lifelong dream to become a woman with the support of his students and over the objections of his mother.
Transgender military officer Cate McGregor defends friend Tony Abbott
Cate McGregor has a stinging message for Tony Abbott's more truculent critics: the Prime Minister deserves some credit for so publicly supporting her as the world's most senior transgender military officer.
Groundbreaking EEOC ruling finds the Army discriminated against transgender employee by denying bathroom access, pronouns
In a landmark ruling issued on April 1, 2015, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) determined that some of the most common forms of harassment faced by transgender employees constitute unlawful discrimination under Title VII, the federal sex discrimination law.
Army Discriminated Against Transgender Civilian Worker, Federal Agency Rules
These 10 ‘Acceptable’ Trans Narratives Are Actually Holding Us Back
Last week, I posted an article by a spouse of a transgender woman describing how difficult it is to suddenly become the other half in a non-traditional family unit.
Federal Contractor or Not, Workers Can Stand Up for Rights
On April 8, the President’s Executive Order explicitly banning anti-LGBT bias by federal government contractors goes into effect. This new protection sends a clear message to companies that employee millions of Americans—discrimination against LGBT workers won’t be tolerated.
Obama to Call for End to ‘Conversion’ Therapies for Gay and Transgender Youth
A 17-year-old transgender youth, Leelah Alcorn, stunned her friends and a vast Internet audience in December when she threw herself in front of a tractor-trailer after writing in an online suicide note that religious therapists had tried to convert her back to being a boy.
SD broadens discrimination rules
City adds transgender to groups protected from bias in choosing contractors
A tribute to Sage
A month ago, a North County teen who went by the name of Sage, took his life.
Sage was one of us and was one of the many LGBTQIA teens that frequents the North County LGBTQ Resource Center.
Our Center’s youth want to celebrate Sage’s life and remember his legacy of love and acceptance, and not dwell on his pain. While so many have been questioning the reason behind this tragedy, Sage was loved and respected by his family and peers and this is how his closest friends here at the Center want to remember him.
Transgender teen from Fallbrook dies in apparent suicide
A transgender teen from Fallbrook who spoke on YouTube about being picked on at high school has taken her own life.
"The biggest piece of advice I could give to someone who's transgender is 'you're becoming yourself,'" Taylor Alesena proclaimed in the video posted in November.
In that video, a determined Alesena reached out to transgender youth, sharing her own loneliness of being transgender at Fallbrook High School.
Transgender teen from Fallbrook dies in apparent suicide
Elton John, Michael Stipe Defend Transgender Prisoners' Rights
"We must do more to end the culture of violence and discrimination surrounding gender identity and expression," the duo wrote. "We urge the state of Georgia to embrace desperately needed changes to their correctional system"
Gender-neutral bathrooms a ‘no go’ for Missouri legislator
House Bills 1338 and 1339 would limit funding for gender-neutral environments.
Springfield voters approve repeal of anti-discrimination ordinance
A late surge in votes counted appears to have approved the repeal of Springfield’s anti-discrimination ordinance in Tuesday’s election.
Springfield's LGBT Nodiscrimination Law Overturned
Mississippi School of the Arts to allow transgender student to wear dress to prom
The Mississippi School of the Arts will allow a transgender student to wear a dress to the prom.
N.Y. Trans Woman Called 'Disgusting' By Forever 21 Management Files Suit
Alexia Daskalakis says she was also told her outfits were 'inappropriate' and that bosses told her she was 'still male' after she transitioned in the workplace.
Trans women suing Forever 21 after boss claimed she 'worked harder as a man'
Rest In Power, Charlene Arcila
Was just advised by Louis Mitchell that another one of our trans human rights warriors has joined the ancestors in Charlene Jacqueline Arcila at age 52.
I first heard about Arcila in 2008 in connection with the organizing and ultimately successful protests in the Philadelphia area around the elimination of gender markers on SEPTA transit passes.
Man indicted in shooting death of transgender woman
A man was indicted on first-degree murder charges in the September 2014 shooting death of his friend.
Anti-Transgender Petition Drive in Houston Fails
TLDEF responded to news that a Houston petition drive aimed at removing protections for transgender people in the city had failed.
Anti-gay activist's petition drive falls short on HERO ordinance
Petition intended to protect privacy in public restrooms falls short
Houston Rejects Anti-Trans Petition Due To Bigot's Embarrassing Blunder
TLDEF Condemns Petition Effort in Houston Aimed at Dismantling Transgender Protections
Several Texas lawmakers, top business leaders vow to kill proposed anti-LGBT bills
[República Dominicana]
Transsa llama a la comunidad GLBT a no votar por Hipólito Mejía en caso de que salga candidato
La organización Trans Siempre Amigas (Transsa) llamó a los integrantes de la comunidad GLBT (gais, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales) del país a no votar por el expresidente Hipólito Mejía en caso de que logre la candidatura del Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM), debido a sus expresiones discriminatorias contra los homosexuales.
Travestis arriscam suas vidas para esculpir corpos perfeitos
Para tornar a aparência mais feminina e correspondente com sua identidade de gênero, na falta de políticas e realidade de saúde para nosso grupo T, muitas de nós Travestis e Transexuais utilizamos substâncias para preenchimento corporal, como o silicone industrial, hidro gel, metacrilato e alguns países até injetando cimento.

What Will Malta’s New Intersex Law Mean for the Rest of the World?
Last week, the tiny nation of Malta passed an internationally groundbreaking new law: the "Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sex Characteristics Act." The law offers a host of new and powerful anti-discrimination protections and eases the process of gender identity change and administrative recognition for transgender, genderqueer, and intersex individuals. But most significantly, the law bans the performance of non-vital gender assignment surgeries on intersex children before they're old enough to consent to the procedure—a global legislative first.
Making depathologization a matter of law. A comment from GATE on the Maltese Act on Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics
A week ago Malta passed the Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics (GIGESC) Act, which encompasses, in a new and radical combination, legal recognition, protection and anti-discrimination measures.
Police appeal for help after trans woman murdered in London
Police have appealed for help after a 33-year-old trans woman was murdered in London.
25 passports issued to citizens who had changed gender
The Passport Service last year issued 25 passports to applicants who had changed their gender — seven more than in 2013.
Gay and trans candidates to run for Turkish general elections
Political parties in Turkey announced their candidate lists yesterday in the upcoming parliamentary election. The pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party nominated 3 LGBTI activists as candidates, yet from lower positions. A trans activist was also nominated as the newly founded Anatolia Party candidate.
Kenya's transgender warrior: from suicide bid to celebrity
Audrey Mbugua will not say whether it was a razor blade, pills or carbon monoxide that she used to try to kill herself.

High school teacher's sex change journey drawing mixed response
A high school teacher in Taichung is persisting with his journey of coming to terms with his lifelong dream to become a woman with the support of his students and over the objections of his mother.
Transgender military officer Cate McGregor defends friend Tony Abbott
Cate McGregor has a stinging message for Tony Abbott's more truculent critics: the Prime Minister deserves some credit for so publicly supporting her as the world's most senior transgender military officer.
Groundbreaking EEOC ruling finds the Army discriminated against transgender employee by denying bathroom access, pronouns
In a landmark ruling issued on April 1, 2015, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) determined that some of the most common forms of harassment faced by transgender employees constitute unlawful discrimination under Title VII, the federal sex discrimination law.
Army Discriminated Against Transgender Civilian Worker, Federal Agency Rules
These 10 ‘Acceptable’ Trans Narratives Are Actually Holding Us Back
Last week, I posted an article by a spouse of a transgender woman describing how difficult it is to suddenly become the other half in a non-traditional family unit.
Federal Contractor or Not, Workers Can Stand Up for Rights
On April 8, the President’s Executive Order explicitly banning anti-LGBT bias by federal government contractors goes into effect. This new protection sends a clear message to companies that employee millions of Americans—discrimination against LGBT workers won’t be tolerated.
Obama to Call for End to ‘Conversion’ Therapies for Gay and Transgender Youth
A 17-year-old transgender youth, Leelah Alcorn, stunned her friends and a vast Internet audience in December when she threw herself in front of a tractor-trailer after writing in an online suicide note that religious therapists had tried to convert her back to being a boy.
SD broadens discrimination rules
City adds transgender to groups protected from bias in choosing contractors

A tribute to Sage
A month ago, a North County teen who went by the name of Sage, took his life.
Sage was one of us and was one of the many LGBTQIA teens that frequents the North County LGBTQ Resource Center.
Our Center’s youth want to celebrate Sage’s life and remember his legacy of love and acceptance, and not dwell on his pain. While so many have been questioning the reason behind this tragedy, Sage was loved and respected by his family and peers and this is how his closest friends here at the Center want to remember him.

Transgender teen from Fallbrook dies in apparent suicide
A transgender teen from Fallbrook who spoke on YouTube about being picked on at high school has taken her own life.
"The biggest piece of advice I could give to someone who's transgender is 'you're becoming yourself,'" Taylor Alesena proclaimed in the video posted in November.
In that video, a determined Alesena reached out to transgender youth, sharing her own loneliness of being transgender at Fallbrook High School.
Transgender teen from Fallbrook dies in apparent suicide
Elton John, Michael Stipe Defend Transgender Prisoners' Rights
"We must do more to end the culture of violence and discrimination surrounding gender identity and expression," the duo wrote. "We urge the state of Georgia to embrace desperately needed changes to their correctional system"
Gender-neutral bathrooms a ‘no go’ for Missouri legislator
House Bills 1338 and 1339 would limit funding for gender-neutral environments.
Springfield voters approve repeal of anti-discrimination ordinance
A late surge in votes counted appears to have approved the repeal of Springfield’s anti-discrimination ordinance in Tuesday’s election.
Springfield's LGBT Nodiscrimination Law Overturned
Mississippi School of the Arts to allow transgender student to wear dress to prom
The Mississippi School of the Arts will allow a transgender student to wear a dress to the prom.

N.Y. Trans Woman Called 'Disgusting' By Forever 21 Management Files Suit
Alexia Daskalakis says she was also told her outfits were 'inappropriate' and that bosses told her she was 'still male' after she transitioned in the workplace.
Trans women suing Forever 21 after boss claimed she 'worked harder as a man'

Rest In Power, Charlene Arcila
Was just advised by Louis Mitchell that another one of our trans human rights warriors has joined the ancestors in Charlene Jacqueline Arcila at age 52.
I first heard about Arcila in 2008 in connection with the organizing and ultimately successful protests in the Philadelphia area around the elimination of gender markers on SEPTA transit passes.
Man indicted in shooting death of transgender woman
A man was indicted on first-degree murder charges in the September 2014 shooting death of his friend.
Anti-Transgender Petition Drive in Houston Fails
TLDEF responded to news that a Houston petition drive aimed at removing protections for transgender people in the city had failed.
Anti-gay activist's petition drive falls short on HERO ordinance
Petition intended to protect privacy in public restrooms falls short
Houston Rejects Anti-Trans Petition Due To Bigot's Embarrassing Blunder
TLDEF Condemns Petition Effort in Houston Aimed at Dismantling Transgender Protections
Several Texas lawmakers, top business leaders vow to kill proposed anti-LGBT bills
[República Dominicana]
Transsa llama a la comunidad GLBT a no votar por Hipólito Mejía en caso de que salga candidato
La organización Trans Siempre Amigas (Transsa) llamó a los integrantes de la comunidad GLBT (gais, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales) del país a no votar por el expresidente Hipólito Mejía en caso de que logre la candidatura del Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM), debido a sus expresiones discriminatorias contra los homosexuales.
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