Transsexual people are frequently victims of aggression and discrimination
The process of gender reassignment in transsexual individuals is complex. A new study analyses the characteristics of this collective as well as the psychological adjustment they must undergo during the process. Of the sample studied, 81.75% suffered from some type of physical aggression during their lifetime, 31.16% perceived discrimination in the workplace and 22.84% attempted suicide at least once.
'I don't sound like Barry White' Bank locks transgender woman's account over 'man' voice
A bank has been forced to apologise after it blocked the account of a transgender customer - because she "sounded like a man".
Mesdames et Messieurs les parlementaires, respectez les droits des personnes transgenres
Imaginez-vous, que votre genre social soit différent de celui apparaissant sur vos documents d'identité, vous subiriez des discriminations à l'embauche, ou pour trouver un logement. Vous refuseriez de vous soigner (votre carte vitale affichant votre prénom de naissance), de peur d'humiliations dans les salles d'attentes, ne voteriez plus, et redouteriez d'aller chercher un recommandé à la poste, ou de même payer par chèque. Bref, tous ces actes du quotidien, qui, pour tant de monde s'effectuent sans problème, deviennent calvaire et renoncement pour beaucoup de personnes transgenres.
France debates gender recognition law
Denmark losing patience with WHO, will depathologise trans identities
On this International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) [1], with a special focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing, Transgender Europe positively welcomes news from Denmark which aims to depathologise trans people within the country. Last Wednesday the Danish Health Minister asserted that Denmark would depathologise trans identities in the country if the WHO did not complete its revision process and change the International Classification of Diseases, the ICD, by October. [2] A large majority in the Danish parliament supports this proposal, which is up for vote on May 31.
Alesha TransAction Alliance Activist Murdered Janaza and Protests Planned
Alesha, TransAction Alliance Provincial coordinator of the Peshawar District, Pakistan, died this morning. Alesha was shot eight times yesterday and quickly brought to the hospital by friends, but the doctors refused to treat her. They said that they wouldn’t admit her to the ER and told her friends that they had no beds in the hospital for a transgender person.
Valve Faces Transgender Discrimination Lawsuit
The video game company Valve is facing a potential lawsuit for $3 million following a former employee alleging that they were discriminated against due to their transgender status.
Valve is one of the biggest names in the video game industry and is responsible for hits such as Half-Life, Team Fortress, Counter Strike and Portal as well as the digital distribution platform Steam.
New penis Recipient Looks Forward to Being a 'Complete' Man
The recipient of the nation's first penis transplant says he is looking forward to walking out of the hospital a "complete" man.
Chelsea Manning Appeals Her Conviction in WikiLeaks Case
National security leaker Chelsea Manning is appealing her 2013 court-martial conviction for sending classified material to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks while serving as an Army intelligence analyst in Iraq.
Senior Vatican Cardinal warns ‘demonic’ transgender rights are causing the ‘death of God’
A senior Catholic cardinal has rallied against LGBT rights in a Washington DC prayer breakfast, telling lawmakers that trans people are “demonic” and gay unions are a danger to society.
House introduces bill to modify federal RFRA to prevent LGBT discrimination
Sponsors claim 1993 law has been distorted to justify unfair treatment under the guise of religious freedom
House GOP Refuses To Budge On Anti-LGBT Amendment In Defense Budget Bill
Republican leaders in Congress have quashed a bipartisan attempt to remove the so-called Russell Amendment — a sweeping “religious liberty” provision that would allow federal contractors to discriminate against LGBT employees — from this year’s National Defense Authorization Act.
Rep. Luke Messer files legislation to block Obama rule on transgender bathrooms
Rep. Luke Messer introduced legislation Wednesday to block the Obama’s administration’s new guidelines that call on schools to allow transgender students to use the restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to the gender they identify with.
‘Right To Privacy’ Looks Very Different For Conservatives Who Defend Anti-Trans Bathroom Laws
Students and parents opposing transgender rights say the Constitution protects them from government intrusion.
Supreme Court’s refusal to hear student debt collection case is good news for transgender students
Legal precedent that was being challenged was the foundation for pro-transgender circuit court ruling
Two Paragraphs That Should Convince Everyone That Transgender Discrimination Is Wrong
For years, various governmental agencies have argued that nondiscrimination protections based on “sex” should also protect transgender people from discrimination based on their gender identity. Last week’s guidance from the Obama administration regarding transgender students and patients and the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against North Carolina were the most significant embraces of that interpretation, but it has been widely decried by Republican leaders across the country.
Alabama Lawmaker Missed An Important Detail In His Plan To Discriminate Against Trans People
Alabama state Sen. Phil Williams (R) has proposed what he describes as a “backstop” if North Carolina’s anti-transgender law HB2 is struck down. He also claims his bill is not discriminatory to anyone, and the thing is, he might be right.
Man convicted of hate crime against transgender woman in Oak Park
A 23-year-old man was convicted of assaulting a transgender woman at an Oak Park market, Sacramento County Deputy District Attorney Brian Morgan said in a statement Wednesday. The jury also found the offense to be a hate crime.
Michelle’s Case
She was supposed to be the first person to receive sex-reassignment surgery inside an American prison. The prison had other plans.
Guard Charged with Assault After Confronting Transgender Woman Using Women's Restroom, Police Say
D.C. Police have charged a security guard at a Giant grocery store with simple assault after a transgender woman said the guard forced her out of the women's restroom.
DC law protects transgender people’s choice of bathrooms
The ever-growing national discussion about the rights of transgender people and their use of public bathrooms has made its way to the nation’s capital.
Scott, Bondi remain mum on transgender student issue
Social conservatives, angered by the federal government's "guidance" that school districts should allow transgender students to use restrooms and other facilities of their choice, are pressuring Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi to push back against the initiative.
Transgender bathroom debate comes to Florida
Obama administration last week sent guidance to public schools on how to treat transgender students
Florida state Rep. Janet Adkins wants Attorney General Pam Bondi to weigh-in
LGBT rights advocates said Adkins’ request ‘reveals a lot of misinformation’
Transgender bathroom access debated at Clay school board meeting
Collier schools consider parting with federal funding over transgender directive
Mercedes Successful Becomes 12th Trans Person Killed in 2016
A 32-year-old black transgender woman in Florida has become the 12th known transgender person killed in the U.S. this year.
State school chief to ‘carefully consider’ transgender bathroom policy
Georgia’s superintendent of schools is taking a slow approach to issuing guidelines to schools on the controversial White House directive to allow transgender students to go to a bathroom or locker room of their choice.
Nursing facility doors slam shut for transgender Iowan
Nursing homes and rehab centers' failure to accept transgender people a national problem
Committee OKs transgender policy
School board will consider policy at meeting in June
Emanuel moves to ensure transgender access to public bathrooms
Mayor Rahm Emanuel moved Wednesday to close a loophole in Chicago’s Human Rights Ordinance that, he claimed, could “inadvertently” allow restaurants, hotels and other “public accommodations” to discriminate against transgender people.
Brownback slams Obama administration's orders on school bathrooms, transgender students
Kansas governor calls directive 'unprecedented example of executive overreach'
Transgender lawyer speaks out against new Kansas birth certificate policy
A new regulation by the Kansas Health Department will effectively make it impossible for transgender individuals to change the gender on their birth certificates.
Letcher County officials want to pass law opposing transgender people’s bathroom option
The Letcher County Fiscal Court is getting involved in the national debate over whether transgender citizens should be allowed to use bathroom facilities that match their gender identities.
La. Attorney General: Transgender mandate unlawful
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry issued a press release Wednesday saying he opposes the recent guidelines issued by the U.S. Justice Department regarding the treatment of transgender children in public schools.
Speaker predicts 'mass exodus' if Springfield schools embrace transgender bathroom rules
Outraged by a federal directive to public schools regarding transgender students, speaker Bob Mondy stood before the Springfield school board Tuesday evening and demanded an answer.
Harford prepares to accommodate transgender students, but not all are happy about
Transgender students may soon be accommodated in bathroom and locker room facilities in Harford County Public Schools, in accordance with a federal mandate, but some in the community appear to be uneasy, if not downright hostile, about the change.
State Board of Ed Hears Final Public Testimony on K-12 LGBT Guidelines
In a historic week with federal leadership on trans inclusion in schools, the State Board of Education held its final public meeting May 10 on the State Board of Education Draft Statement and Guidance on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for LGBT students in the Michigan K-12 public school system.
Dow Chemical, Other Companies Oppose Bathroom Legislation
As a response to much talked about legislation by state Sen. Tom Casperson, R-Escanaba, that would require Michigan students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their assigned gender at birth, Dow Chemical Co. and other Michigan-based companies have come out in strong support of trans youth.
The Latest: Advocate says transgender students need support
The Latest on the Mississippi Department of Education reconsidering its stance on transgender accommodations (all times local):
Sens. Wicker, Cochran: Obama Transgender Directive Lacks the Force of Law
Below is a verbatim statement and a copy of the letter from Sen. Roger Wicker's (R-Miss.) press release:
After federal order, Billings school district reviewing bathroom policy for transgender students
As a directive from the Obama administration to allow transgender students to use a bathroom or locker room that aligns with their gender identity makes waves across the nation, School District 2 administrators said they haven’t received complaints from parents.
State organization challenges transgender bathrooms
North Carolina’s ‘Bathroom Law’ Is Invigorating The Push For Criminal Justice Reform
Dolores Chandler had no idea that a standard flight to New Jersey from the Raleigh-Durham International Airport would quickly turn into a nightmare. But the trip went downhill the moment Chandler tried to get through security.
Seth Meyers does it again: This is the North Carolina explainer you need to watch now
Republicans rip Cooper for not doing 'his job' over HB2
Nation's Largest Latino Civil Rights Group Joins LGBTs in N.C. Boycott
Southern Christian Leadership Conference of NC stands behind Gov. McCrory on HB2
Charlotte Mayor on HB2 Backlash: 'I Did Not See This Coming'
Group of interfaith clergy calls for repealing House Bill 2
Transgender Woman Attacked, Beaten in Brooklyn: NYPD
'Next thing you know, I got my hair pulled and was just getting hit in multiple directions, fists at the same time,'
Transgender bathroom bills introduced in Oklahoma Legislature
Oklahoma schools would be required to grant religious accommodations to students who object to sharing restrooms or shower facilities with transgender students who were anatomically born a different sex under a bill introduced Thursday in the Oklahoma Legislature.
Allegation of transgender discrimination at former Horseshoe Casino
An alleged act of bias, caught on camera, inside a place where people press their luck.
Lower Merion Schools Pass Transgender Policy: Report
The Lower Merion School District became just the fourth school in Pennsylvania to pass a progressive policy for transgender students.
SC schools could officially buck transgender directive
Berkeley County schools would officially buck the Obama administration's directive that transgender students be allowed to use the bathroom of their choice under local legislation approved in the Senate.
Haslam questions need for state action on transgender bathrooms
While some Tennessee lawmakers are calling for a special session or a lawsuit to challenge the Obama administration's stance on transgender restrooms, Governor Bill Haslam doesn't see the need.
Tenn. may sue over federal transgender bathroom rule
One day after sending a letter to Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam to express opposition to the federal government's directive on transgender bathrooms, Republican lawmakers began considering the idea of holding a special session over the controversial guidance and officially sent a letter to the state's attorney general asking him to take the issue to court.
Texas governor belittles Obama's fight for transgender rights
Gov. Greg Abbott is ratcheting up his rhetoric against Barack Obama in the national fight over which restroom should be used by transgender people, belittling the battle by comparing him unfavorably to another Democratic president.
Texas Leading Suit To Stop Obama Transgender School Policy
Group of parents against transgender directive ask for action from state leaders
A small group of parents gathered at the state Capitol prior to the special legislative session Wednesday, calling on lawmakers to act against the directive from President Barack Obama's administration telling schools to allow transgender students to use facilities that align with their gender identity.
Kept out: School discourages gay, transgender enrollment
Like many educational institutions, St. John’s Lutheran School in Baraboo uses federal tax dollars to pay for certain programs, such as free and reduced-price lunches for disadvantaged students.
W.Va. AG asks for clarification on transgender restrooms and school funding
West Virginia’s attorney general wants the federal government to clearly define one of its most controversial directives.
Hace tres años se acordó declarar a la capital del país libre de fobias sexodiversas Comunidad sexodiversa entregó ordenanza contra la discriminación por orientación sexual
La Cámara Municipal de Caracas lo debatirá en primera discusión; y posteriormente, en una segunda discusión se lo presentará al pueblo para que conozca de cerca la terminología y conceptos de esta propuesta que contiene inicialmente 20 artículos
Privan de libertad al actor Armando Cabrera por muerte de transexual
El Ministerio Público logró privativa de libertad para el actor Armando Cabrera (63), por su presunta responsabilidad en la muerte de Keiduin Alexander Suárez (27), hecho ocurrido el pasado sábado 14 de mayo en la avenida Pichincha con calle Tamanaco de la urbanización El Rosal, municipio Chacao del estado Miranda.
Dejan preso en el Rodeo III al actor Armando Cabrera por asesinato de trabajador sexual
Muere transexual herido de bala en el pecho por actor Armando Cabrera
Allegados de Armando Cabrera aseguran que el actor no mató a transexual
Actor Armando Cabrera: Soy inocente, no maté a nadie
Actor venezolano Armando Cabrera detenido por muerte de un transexual
Actor de Televen, Armando cabrera se declara inocente en homicido de transexual
Los nuevos detalles del caso de Armando Cabrera y la transexual
Actor Armando Cabrera se declaró inocente de homicidio a transexual
Asesinato de transexual cometido por actor Armando Cabrera podría ser pasional
Bolivia's lower house OKs bill legalizing change of sex, name by transsexuals
Bolivia's Chamber of Deputies on Thursday approved a bill that allows transsexuals to change their sex and name.
Transsexual people are frequently victims of aggression and discrimination
The process of gender reassignment in transsexual individuals is complex. A new study analyses the characteristics of this collective as well as the psychological adjustment they must undergo during the process. Of the sample studied, 81.75% suffered from some type of physical aggression during their lifetime, 31.16% perceived discrimination in the workplace and 22.84% attempted suicide at least once.
'I don't sound like Barry White' Bank locks transgender woman's account over 'man' voice
A bank has been forced to apologise after it blocked the account of a transgender customer - because she "sounded like a man".
Mesdames et Messieurs les parlementaires, respectez les droits des personnes transgenres
Imaginez-vous, que votre genre social soit différent de celui apparaissant sur vos documents d'identité, vous subiriez des discriminations à l'embauche, ou pour trouver un logement. Vous refuseriez de vous soigner (votre carte vitale affichant votre prénom de naissance), de peur d'humiliations dans les salles d'attentes, ne voteriez plus, et redouteriez d'aller chercher un recommandé à la poste, ou de même payer par chèque. Bref, tous ces actes du quotidien, qui, pour tant de monde s'effectuent sans problème, deviennent calvaire et renoncement pour beaucoup de personnes transgenres.
France debates gender recognition law
Denmark losing patience with WHO, will depathologise trans identities
On this International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) [1], with a special focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing, Transgender Europe positively welcomes news from Denmark which aims to depathologise trans people within the country. Last Wednesday the Danish Health Minister asserted that Denmark would depathologise trans identities in the country if the WHO did not complete its revision process and change the International Classification of Diseases, the ICD, by October. [2] A large majority in the Danish parliament supports this proposal, which is up for vote on May 31.

Alesha TransAction Alliance Activist Murdered Janaza and Protests Planned
Alesha, TransAction Alliance Provincial coordinator of the Peshawar District, Pakistan, died this morning. Alesha was shot eight times yesterday and quickly brought to the hospital by friends, but the doctors refused to treat her. They said that they wouldn’t admit her to the ER and told her friends that they had no beds in the hospital for a transgender person.
Valve Faces Transgender Discrimination Lawsuit
The video game company Valve is facing a potential lawsuit for $3 million following a former employee alleging that they were discriminated against due to their transgender status.
Valve is one of the biggest names in the video game industry and is responsible for hits such as Half-Life, Team Fortress, Counter Strike and Portal as well as the digital distribution platform Steam.
New penis Recipient Looks Forward to Being a 'Complete' Man
The recipient of the nation's first penis transplant says he is looking forward to walking out of the hospital a "complete" man.
Chelsea Manning Appeals Her Conviction in WikiLeaks Case
National security leaker Chelsea Manning is appealing her 2013 court-martial conviction for sending classified material to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks while serving as an Army intelligence analyst in Iraq.
Senior Vatican Cardinal warns ‘demonic’ transgender rights are causing the ‘death of God’
A senior Catholic cardinal has rallied against LGBT rights in a Washington DC prayer breakfast, telling lawmakers that trans people are “demonic” and gay unions are a danger to society.
House introduces bill to modify federal RFRA to prevent LGBT discrimination
Sponsors claim 1993 law has been distorted to justify unfair treatment under the guise of religious freedom
House GOP Refuses To Budge On Anti-LGBT Amendment In Defense Budget Bill
Republican leaders in Congress have quashed a bipartisan attempt to remove the so-called Russell Amendment — a sweeping “religious liberty” provision that would allow federal contractors to discriminate against LGBT employees — from this year’s National Defense Authorization Act.
Rep. Luke Messer files legislation to block Obama rule on transgender bathrooms
Rep. Luke Messer introduced legislation Wednesday to block the Obama’s administration’s new guidelines that call on schools to allow transgender students to use the restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to the gender they identify with.
‘Right To Privacy’ Looks Very Different For Conservatives Who Defend Anti-Trans Bathroom Laws
Students and parents opposing transgender rights say the Constitution protects them from government intrusion.
Supreme Court’s refusal to hear student debt collection case is good news for transgender students
Legal precedent that was being challenged was the foundation for pro-transgender circuit court ruling
Two Paragraphs That Should Convince Everyone That Transgender Discrimination Is Wrong
For years, various governmental agencies have argued that nondiscrimination protections based on “sex” should also protect transgender people from discrimination based on their gender identity. Last week’s guidance from the Obama administration regarding transgender students and patients and the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against North Carolina were the most significant embraces of that interpretation, but it has been widely decried by Republican leaders across the country.
Alabama Lawmaker Missed An Important Detail In His Plan To Discriminate Against Trans People
Alabama state Sen. Phil Williams (R) has proposed what he describes as a “backstop” if North Carolina’s anti-transgender law HB2 is struck down. He also claims his bill is not discriminatory to anyone, and the thing is, he might be right.
Man convicted of hate crime against transgender woman in Oak Park
A 23-year-old man was convicted of assaulting a transgender woman at an Oak Park market, Sacramento County Deputy District Attorney Brian Morgan said in a statement Wednesday. The jury also found the offense to be a hate crime.
Michelle’s Case
She was supposed to be the first person to receive sex-reassignment surgery inside an American prison. The prison had other plans.
Guard Charged with Assault After Confronting Transgender Woman Using Women's Restroom, Police Say
D.C. Police have charged a security guard at a Giant grocery store with simple assault after a transgender woman said the guard forced her out of the women's restroom.
DC law protects transgender people’s choice of bathrooms
The ever-growing national discussion about the rights of transgender people and their use of public bathrooms has made its way to the nation’s capital.
Scott, Bondi remain mum on transgender student issue
Social conservatives, angered by the federal government's "guidance" that school districts should allow transgender students to use restrooms and other facilities of their choice, are pressuring Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi to push back against the initiative.
Transgender bathroom debate comes to Florida
Obama administration last week sent guidance to public schools on how to treat transgender students
Florida state Rep. Janet Adkins wants Attorney General Pam Bondi to weigh-in
LGBT rights advocates said Adkins’ request ‘reveals a lot of misinformation’
Transgender bathroom access debated at Clay school board meeting
Collier schools consider parting with federal funding over transgender directive
Mercedes Successful Becomes 12th Trans Person Killed in 2016
A 32-year-old black transgender woman in Florida has become the 12th known transgender person killed in the U.S. this year.
State school chief to ‘carefully consider’ transgender bathroom policy
Georgia’s superintendent of schools is taking a slow approach to issuing guidelines to schools on the controversial White House directive to allow transgender students to go to a bathroom or locker room of their choice.
Nursing facility doors slam shut for transgender Iowan
Nursing homes and rehab centers' failure to accept transgender people a national problem
Committee OKs transgender policy
School board will consider policy at meeting in June
Emanuel moves to ensure transgender access to public bathrooms
Mayor Rahm Emanuel moved Wednesday to close a loophole in Chicago’s Human Rights Ordinance that, he claimed, could “inadvertently” allow restaurants, hotels and other “public accommodations” to discriminate against transgender people.
Brownback slams Obama administration's orders on school bathrooms, transgender students
Kansas governor calls directive 'unprecedented example of executive overreach'
Transgender lawyer speaks out against new Kansas birth certificate policy
A new regulation by the Kansas Health Department will effectively make it impossible for transgender individuals to change the gender on their birth certificates.
Letcher County officials want to pass law opposing transgender people’s bathroom option
The Letcher County Fiscal Court is getting involved in the national debate over whether transgender citizens should be allowed to use bathroom facilities that match their gender identities.
La. Attorney General: Transgender mandate unlawful
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry issued a press release Wednesday saying he opposes the recent guidelines issued by the U.S. Justice Department regarding the treatment of transgender children in public schools.
Speaker predicts 'mass exodus' if Springfield schools embrace transgender bathroom rules
Outraged by a federal directive to public schools regarding transgender students, speaker Bob Mondy stood before the Springfield school board Tuesday evening and demanded an answer.
Harford prepares to accommodate transgender students, but not all are happy about
Transgender students may soon be accommodated in bathroom and locker room facilities in Harford County Public Schools, in accordance with a federal mandate, but some in the community appear to be uneasy, if not downright hostile, about the change.
State Board of Ed Hears Final Public Testimony on K-12 LGBT Guidelines
In a historic week with federal leadership on trans inclusion in schools, the State Board of Education held its final public meeting May 10 on the State Board of Education Draft Statement and Guidance on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for LGBT students in the Michigan K-12 public school system.
Dow Chemical, Other Companies Oppose Bathroom Legislation
As a response to much talked about legislation by state Sen. Tom Casperson, R-Escanaba, that would require Michigan students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their assigned gender at birth, Dow Chemical Co. and other Michigan-based companies have come out in strong support of trans youth.
The Latest: Advocate says transgender students need support
The Latest on the Mississippi Department of Education reconsidering its stance on transgender accommodations (all times local):
Sens. Wicker, Cochran: Obama Transgender Directive Lacks the Force of Law
Below is a verbatim statement and a copy of the letter from Sen. Roger Wicker's (R-Miss.) press release:
After federal order, Billings school district reviewing bathroom policy for transgender students
As a directive from the Obama administration to allow transgender students to use a bathroom or locker room that aligns with their gender identity makes waves across the nation, School District 2 administrators said they haven’t received complaints from parents.
State organization challenges transgender bathrooms
North Carolina’s ‘Bathroom Law’ Is Invigorating The Push For Criminal Justice Reform
Dolores Chandler had no idea that a standard flight to New Jersey from the Raleigh-Durham International Airport would quickly turn into a nightmare. But the trip went downhill the moment Chandler tried to get through security.
Seth Meyers does it again: This is the North Carolina explainer you need to watch now
Republicans rip Cooper for not doing 'his job' over HB2
Nation's Largest Latino Civil Rights Group Joins LGBTs in N.C. Boycott
Southern Christian Leadership Conference of NC stands behind Gov. McCrory on HB2
Charlotte Mayor on HB2 Backlash: 'I Did Not See This Coming'
Group of interfaith clergy calls for repealing House Bill 2
Transgender Woman Attacked, Beaten in Brooklyn: NYPD
'Next thing you know, I got my hair pulled and was just getting hit in multiple directions, fists at the same time,'
Transgender bathroom bills introduced in Oklahoma Legislature
Oklahoma schools would be required to grant religious accommodations to students who object to sharing restrooms or shower facilities with transgender students who were anatomically born a different sex under a bill introduced Thursday in the Oklahoma Legislature.
Allegation of transgender discrimination at former Horseshoe Casino
An alleged act of bias, caught on camera, inside a place where people press their luck.
Lower Merion Schools Pass Transgender Policy: Report
The Lower Merion School District became just the fourth school in Pennsylvania to pass a progressive policy for transgender students.
SC schools could officially buck transgender directive
Berkeley County schools would officially buck the Obama administration's directive that transgender students be allowed to use the bathroom of their choice under local legislation approved in the Senate.
Haslam questions need for state action on transgender bathrooms
While some Tennessee lawmakers are calling for a special session or a lawsuit to challenge the Obama administration's stance on transgender restrooms, Governor Bill Haslam doesn't see the need.
Tenn. may sue over federal transgender bathroom rule
One day after sending a letter to Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam to express opposition to the federal government's directive on transgender bathrooms, Republican lawmakers began considering the idea of holding a special session over the controversial guidance and officially sent a letter to the state's attorney general asking him to take the issue to court.
Texas governor belittles Obama's fight for transgender rights
Gov. Greg Abbott is ratcheting up his rhetoric against Barack Obama in the national fight over which restroom should be used by transgender people, belittling the battle by comparing him unfavorably to another Democratic president.
Texas Leading Suit To Stop Obama Transgender School Policy
Group of parents against transgender directive ask for action from state leaders
A small group of parents gathered at the state Capitol prior to the special legislative session Wednesday, calling on lawmakers to act against the directive from President Barack Obama's administration telling schools to allow transgender students to use facilities that align with their gender identity.
Kept out: School discourages gay, transgender enrollment
Like many educational institutions, St. John’s Lutheran School in Baraboo uses federal tax dollars to pay for certain programs, such as free and reduced-price lunches for disadvantaged students.
W.Va. AG asks for clarification on transgender restrooms and school funding
West Virginia’s attorney general wants the federal government to clearly define one of its most controversial directives.
Hace tres años se acordó declarar a la capital del país libre de fobias sexodiversas Comunidad sexodiversa entregó ordenanza contra la discriminación por orientación sexual
La Cámara Municipal de Caracas lo debatirá en primera discusión; y posteriormente, en una segunda discusión se lo presentará al pueblo para que conozca de cerca la terminología y conceptos de esta propuesta que contiene inicialmente 20 artículos

Privan de libertad al actor Armando Cabrera por muerte de transexual
El Ministerio Público logró privativa de libertad para el actor Armando Cabrera (63), por su presunta responsabilidad en la muerte de Keiduin Alexander Suárez (27), hecho ocurrido el pasado sábado 14 de mayo en la avenida Pichincha con calle Tamanaco de la urbanización El Rosal, municipio Chacao del estado Miranda.
Dejan preso en el Rodeo III al actor Armando Cabrera por asesinato de trabajador sexual
Muere transexual herido de bala en el pecho por actor Armando Cabrera
Allegados de Armando Cabrera aseguran que el actor no mató a transexual
Actor Armando Cabrera: Soy inocente, no maté a nadie
Actor venezolano Armando Cabrera detenido por muerte de un transexual
Actor de Televen, Armando cabrera se declara inocente en homicido de transexual
Los nuevos detalles del caso de Armando Cabrera y la transexual
Actor Armando Cabrera se declaró inocente de homicidio a transexual
Asesinato de transexual cometido por actor Armando Cabrera podría ser pasional
Bolivia's lower house OKs bill legalizing change of sex, name by transsexuals
Bolivia's Chamber of Deputies on Thursday approved a bill that allows transsexuals to change their sex and name.
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