A Associação Projeto Be Equal no dia 17 de Maio, vai realizar uma tertúlia relativa ao tema da Transexualidade - Vivências pessoais, que tem como objetivo principal a consciencialização para a temática da Transexualidade e perceber o impacto da mudança na família e nas relações sociais.
Nesse sentido, gostaríamos de estender o convite a um/uma familiar (por exemplo um pai, mãe, irmã, irmão, namorado/a) de uma pessoa que tenha ou esteja a passar pelo processo de transição para poder dar o seu contributo na Tertúlia como familiar. Esta vai realizar-se na Maia (Porto) às 17h. Se quiserem participar ou se conhecerem alguma pessoa com as caraterísticas que referimos pedíamos que entrassem em contacto através do email: projetobeequal@gmail.com. Obrigada. Associação Projeto Be Equal
Há dez anos, em Fevereiro de 2006, Gisberta Salce Junior, transexual brasileira, seropositiva, sem-abrigo, foi torturada ao longo de vários dias e assassinada por um grupo de menores, entre os 12 e os 16 anos.
O crime foi um choque para o público em geral, mas muito particularmente para os movimentos de defesa dos direitos das pessoas com orientação sexual ou identidade de género não conformes com a heteronorma. Como foi possível? Perguntou-se na altura. Como foi possível? Perguntamos agora.
A tragédia de Gisberta acabou por levar a uma mobilização organizada e nesse mesmo ano é organizada a primeira Marcha de Orgulho do Porto.
A 14 de Maio de 2016, três dias antes da Marcha Contra a Homofobia e Transfobia de Coimbra, a Plataforma Anti Transfobia e Homofobia de Coimbra (PATH) organiza as jornadas: “10 anos depois de Gisberta: Precaridade vs Identidade e ativismos”, de modo a juntar uma série de trabalhos, ativistas, associações e projetos em torno da identidade de género, tendo como pano de fundo os acontecimentos em Portugal nos últimos 10 anos no que diz respeito aos direitos das pessoas trans, à lei da identidade de género, aos ativismos trans.
Para além de duas mesas de comunicações, temos também a projeção do documentário Gisberta-Liberdade (de Jó Bernardo e Jo Schedlbauer) e a inauguração da exposição Transchizzi do ativista trans italiano Elia Nadie (http://www.elianadie.com/), durante a qual teremos uma videoinstalação pelo grupo Goghi&Goghi (http://www.goghiandgoghi.net/).
14h00/15h30 - Mesa: Debater, propor, legislar – em luta pelo reconhecimento legal e pela despatologização trans
Moderação: Luciana Moreira (Não Te Prives)
Daniela Bento (ILGA)
Sandra Cunha (Bloco de Esquerda)
Sacha Touilh (Panteras Rosa)
Alice Cunha (Lóbula)
15h45/17h00 - Mesa: Identidades de Género: um arco-íris de resistência
Moderação: Marcelo Leitão (Rede ex aequo)
Alexa Santos (Queering Style)
Eduarda Alice Santos (Grupo Transexual Portugal)
Confraria Vermelha Livraria de Mulheres
Sarah Spatz
17h00 – Documentário "Gisberta - Liberdade" (2006, de Jó Bernardo e Jo Schedlbauer)
Comentário de Lara Crespo (Grupo Transexual Portugal)
18h30- Inauguração da exposição Transchizzi, de Elia Nadie e videoinstalação pelo grupo Goghi&Goghi (TAGV, sala branca)
Pathologization: Being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Trans is Not an Illness
Speaking ahead of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on 17 May, a group of United Nations and international human rights experts* call for an urgent end to the pathologization of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) adults and children.
Transgender Labour Candidate Emily Brothers Runs For Parliamentary Seat
Now that the Labour Party's Sadiq Khan has been elected to the position of Mayor of London other politicians are lining up to take over his seat at Tooting. One such candidate is transgender activist Emily Brothers.
'Stop putting people in gender boxes' - Young Irish transgender man talks online dating and census forms
A young Irish transgender man has told how census forms and online dating are just some of the common challenges he faces in modern Ireland.
Danish Minister Of Health To Push For De-Psychiatrization Of Transgender Persons
During nightly news last night, health care minister Sophie Løhde pledged on national radio to push for WHO to remove “Transsexualism” from their list of psychiatric disorders and further guaranteed that diagnosis from the Danish lists herself by she will work toward removing diagnosis from the Danish system by January 1st.
[New Zealand]
'Most trans women sexually assaulted in prisons'
Almost all transgender women who are incarcerated in New Zealand prisons are subject to sexual violation and even rape, according to a forum panel convened in Auckland last night to discuss the issue of transgender inequality.
[New Zealand]
Are New Zealand bathrooms doing enough to accommodate Transgender people?
It's a reality of life: you have one too many coffees, and find yourself in search of a public bathroom. It's an act that most of us take for granted; the most pressing concern when out and about is finding a loo that is in an acceptably hygienic state.
Transgender minors should be allowed to change their sex, Quebec private member's bill proposes
Provincial government allows youths to change their name, but not their sex
How Loretta Lynch’s speech brought some transgender advocates to tears
There are a few -- and only a few -- moments in U.S. political speech-making that LGBT rights activists recall as particularly seminal for their cause.
Target's Cornell says retailer stands by its transgender bathroom policy
CEO offered an olive branch to those who have been upset by the policy and said the company will add family restrooms to all of its stores.
Transgender Rights, The New Front In The Culture Wars
Transgender rights are getting a new focus in the civil rights standoff that emerged this week between the Obama administration and the state of North Carolina.
Does Title VII ban transgender bias? 'Steady drumbeat of cases' supports DOJ in bathroom bill case
The legal protection against sex discrimination was added to the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 at the last minute by a Virginia congressman who had opposed the bill.
Student photo protests transgender identity, raises free speech debate
Members of the UCLA community launched into a debate about free speech after a UCLA student posted a photograph in which students denounced the validity of identifying as transgender.
Controversy swirls over anti-transgender restroom signs
Marion County has stepped into "legal freight train" in transgender bathroom saga, group says
Civil rights groups are preparing to take the Marion County school district to court over its new transgender bathroom rules.
Georgia Parents Threaten to Pull Children Out of School Over Transgender Inclusive Bathroom Policy
Parents to Protest School Board Meeting After Praying
Indiana school district OKs transgender protections
A southern Indiana school district has approved language for its handbook offering protections to transgender students and employees.
Midwest High School Gets A in Trans Acceptance
When sophomore Tony Leppert, 16, started telling his friends and family to start referring to him using male pronouns, like “he” and “him,” the transgender sophomore faced some pushback.
Foes of transgender bill say it would harm privacy rights
Opponents of a bill aimed at banning discrimination against transgender people in public accommodations in Massachusetts say it would violate the privacy rights of girls and women.
D.C. men charged with murder of transgender woman
Montgomery County police announced on Wednesday that two men were arrested in D.C. on Tuesday on first-degree murder charges for the April 16 murder of 22-year-old transgender woman Keyonna Blakeney in her room at the Red Roof Inn in Rockville, Md.
2 arrested in connection with murder of transgender woman at Red Roof Inn
Campaign for Southern Equality Files Challenge to Miss. Anti-LGBT Law
Another group is challenging a Mississippi law that will let workers cite their own religious objections to same-sex marriage to deny services to people.
The Legal War Over North Carolina’s Bathrooms Takes A Bizarre New Twist
A fifth federal lawsuit has been filed over North Carolina’s HB2, which requires public schools and offices to refuse transgender people access to facilities that match their gender identity. The suit expresses concern over the potential loss of Title IX funding for the state’s schools and universities, but with a bizarre twist: it does so by actually defending the discriminatory law.
Arizona-led group files lawsuit in support of HB2
Obama administration: ‘Give up privacy or give up funding,’ NC families, students sue
North Carolina's Transgender Law Creates Tangle of Lawsuits
McCrory: 'Irresponsible' and 'An Insult' to Correlate Transgender Rights With Civil Rights Movement
NC GOP Lawmakers Reportedly Pressure Lobbyists To Stay Silent On HB2--Or Else
Transgender People Get Refreshing Visibility On Univision's Late Night News Coverage Of North Carolina's HB 2
The Daily Show Takes on N.C.'s "Fear of Transgender Pee Pee"
Transgender group awarded legal fees in discrimination suit
A group of transgender New Yorkers has won legal fees in a lawsuit against the city — even after the Department of Health changed its policy on sex designations for birth certificates.
Kaye Scholer Clients Are “Prevailing Parties” in Transgender Birth Certificate Case Against the City of New York
On, May 3, 2016, the New York Supreme Court ruled on behalf of Kaye Scholer and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF) that birth certificates are a public accommodation, and that under the New York City Human Rights Law, the petitioners in Prinzivalli v. Farley, who were represented by Kaye Scholer and TLDEF, were prevailing parties. The Court held that the Prinzivalli lawsuit was a catalyst to affect change in the City’s policy governing the amendment of birth certificates for transgender people. As the Court found, there was “a reasonable, if not inescapable inference” that commencement of the litigation led the City to eliminate the convertive surgery requirement for transgender people seeking to correct the sex designation on their birth certificates in 2014. The court referred the issue of the amount of fees owed to petitioners to a special referee.
Berkeley County settles debate to transgender bathroom use
Berkeley County has settled their debate in regards to transgender bathrooms.
Rev. Kyev Tatum Asks TEA To Investigate FWISD Transgender Meeting
The Fort Worth head of the Fort Worth Southern Christian Leadership Conference is asking a state agency to look into how the Fort Worth school district conducted a public meeting to hear reaction to controversial district policies regarding the treatment of transgender students.
Fort Worth ISD Superintendent Fires Back At Lt. Gov. Patrick
What happened when a room full of Texas parents took on transgender bathrooms
Pathologization: Being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Trans is Not an Illness
Speaking ahead of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on 17 May, a group of United Nations and international human rights experts* call for an urgent end to the pathologization of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) adults and children.
Transgender Labour Candidate Emily Brothers Runs For Parliamentary Seat
Now that the Labour Party's Sadiq Khan has been elected to the position of Mayor of London other politicians are lining up to take over his seat at Tooting. One such candidate is transgender activist Emily Brothers.
'Stop putting people in gender boxes' - Young Irish transgender man talks online dating and census forms
A young Irish transgender man has told how census forms and online dating are just some of the common challenges he faces in modern Ireland.
Danish Minister Of Health To Push For De-Psychiatrization Of Transgender Persons
During nightly news last night, health care minister Sophie Løhde pledged on national radio to push for WHO to remove “Transsexualism” from their list of psychiatric disorders and further guaranteed that diagnosis from the Danish lists herself by she will work toward removing diagnosis from the Danish system by January 1st.
[New Zealand]
'Most trans women sexually assaulted in prisons'
Almost all transgender women who are incarcerated in New Zealand prisons are subject to sexual violation and even rape, according to a forum panel convened in Auckland last night to discuss the issue of transgender inequality.
[New Zealand]
Are New Zealand bathrooms doing enough to accommodate Transgender people?
It's a reality of life: you have one too many coffees, and find yourself in search of a public bathroom. It's an act that most of us take for granted; the most pressing concern when out and about is finding a loo that is in an acceptably hygienic state.
Transgender minors should be allowed to change their sex, Quebec private member's bill proposes
Provincial government allows youths to change their name, but not their sex
How Loretta Lynch’s speech brought some transgender advocates to tears
There are a few -- and only a few -- moments in U.S. political speech-making that LGBT rights activists recall as particularly seminal for their cause.
Target's Cornell says retailer stands by its transgender bathroom policy
CEO offered an olive branch to those who have been upset by the policy and said the company will add family restrooms to all of its stores.
Transgender Rights, The New Front In The Culture Wars
Transgender rights are getting a new focus in the civil rights standoff that emerged this week between the Obama administration and the state of North Carolina.
Does Title VII ban transgender bias? 'Steady drumbeat of cases' supports DOJ in bathroom bill case
The legal protection against sex discrimination was added to the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 at the last minute by a Virginia congressman who had opposed the bill.
Student photo protests transgender identity, raises free speech debate
Members of the UCLA community launched into a debate about free speech after a UCLA student posted a photograph in which students denounced the validity of identifying as transgender.
Controversy swirls over anti-transgender restroom signs
Marion County has stepped into "legal freight train" in transgender bathroom saga, group says
Civil rights groups are preparing to take the Marion County school district to court over its new transgender bathroom rules.
Georgia Parents Threaten to Pull Children Out of School Over Transgender Inclusive Bathroom Policy
Parents to Protest School Board Meeting After Praying
Indiana school district OKs transgender protections
A southern Indiana school district has approved language for its handbook offering protections to transgender students and employees.
Midwest High School Gets A in Trans Acceptance
When sophomore Tony Leppert, 16, started telling his friends and family to start referring to him using male pronouns, like “he” and “him,” the transgender sophomore faced some pushback.
Foes of transgender bill say it would harm privacy rights
Opponents of a bill aimed at banning discrimination against transgender people in public accommodations in Massachusetts say it would violate the privacy rights of girls and women.
D.C. men charged with murder of transgender woman
Montgomery County police announced on Wednesday that two men were arrested in D.C. on Tuesday on first-degree murder charges for the April 16 murder of 22-year-old transgender woman Keyonna Blakeney in her room at the Red Roof Inn in Rockville, Md.
2 arrested in connection with murder of transgender woman at Red Roof Inn
Campaign for Southern Equality Files Challenge to Miss. Anti-LGBT Law
Another group is challenging a Mississippi law that will let workers cite their own religious objections to same-sex marriage to deny services to people.
The Legal War Over North Carolina’s Bathrooms Takes A Bizarre New Twist
A fifth federal lawsuit has been filed over North Carolina’s HB2, which requires public schools and offices to refuse transgender people access to facilities that match their gender identity. The suit expresses concern over the potential loss of Title IX funding for the state’s schools and universities, but with a bizarre twist: it does so by actually defending the discriminatory law.
Arizona-led group files lawsuit in support of HB2
Obama administration: ‘Give up privacy or give up funding,’ NC families, students sue
North Carolina's Transgender Law Creates Tangle of Lawsuits
McCrory: 'Irresponsible' and 'An Insult' to Correlate Transgender Rights With Civil Rights Movement
NC GOP Lawmakers Reportedly Pressure Lobbyists To Stay Silent On HB2--Or Else
Transgender People Get Refreshing Visibility On Univision's Late Night News Coverage Of North Carolina's HB 2
The Daily Show Takes on N.C.'s "Fear of Transgender Pee Pee"
Transgender group awarded legal fees in discrimination suit
A group of transgender New Yorkers has won legal fees in a lawsuit against the city — even after the Department of Health changed its policy on sex designations for birth certificates.
Kaye Scholer Clients Are “Prevailing Parties” in Transgender Birth Certificate Case Against the City of New York
On, May 3, 2016, the New York Supreme Court ruled on behalf of Kaye Scholer and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF) that birth certificates are a public accommodation, and that under the New York City Human Rights Law, the petitioners in Prinzivalli v. Farley, who were represented by Kaye Scholer and TLDEF, were prevailing parties. The Court held that the Prinzivalli lawsuit was a catalyst to affect change in the City’s policy governing the amendment of birth certificates for transgender people. As the Court found, there was “a reasonable, if not inescapable inference” that commencement of the litigation led the City to eliminate the convertive surgery requirement for transgender people seeking to correct the sex designation on their birth certificates in 2014. The court referred the issue of the amount of fees owed to petitioners to a special referee.
Berkeley County settles debate to transgender bathroom use
Berkeley County has settled their debate in regards to transgender bathrooms.
Rev. Kyev Tatum Asks TEA To Investigate FWISD Transgender Meeting
The Fort Worth head of the Fort Worth Southern Christian Leadership Conference is asking a state agency to look into how the Fort Worth school district conducted a public meeting to hear reaction to controversial district policies regarding the treatment of transgender students.
Fort Worth ISD Superintendent Fires Back At Lt. Gov. Patrick
What happened when a room full of Texas parents took on transgender bathrooms
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