Entrevista com Lara Crespo, ativista trans
Depois de um longo processo de transição, Lara Crespo faz-nos um balanço das suas experiências como mulher trans, reflexo também dos relatos que foram recentemente lançados no seu livro "Despida- reflexões de uma mulher transexual".
Lei portuguesa para transgénero será a “melhor do mundo”
O Governo e o Bloco de Esquerda têm um “acordo tácito” para que “depois do fim deste ano” sejam discutidas ao mesmo tempo na Assembleia da República duas propostas relativas às pessoas transgénero.
PAN quer facilitar alteração de género no cartão de cidadão
PAN mais cauteloso que Bloco em matéria transgénero
Sobre DSTs, Checkpoints e Centros Comunitários
Quando apareceram os primeiros checkpoint, que como se sabe são ferramentas fulcrais na luta contra esse flagelo mundial que é a SIDA (e as restantes DSTs), toda a gente ficou contente, tínhamos enfim um sítio onde se podia ir sem se sofrer de discriminação.
PORTUGAL: Sobre DSTs, Checkpoints e Centros Comunitários
Deputados protocolam projeto para impedir transexuais e travestis de usarem nome social
Parlamentares de dez partidos protocolaram, nesta quarta (5), projeto de dectro decreto na Câmara dos Deputados que pretende sustar os efeitos do decreto nº 8727, aprovado pela presidente afastada Dilma Rousseff, no dia 28 de abril.
Deputados protocolam projeto para impedir transexuais e travestis de usarem nome social
Fazendo 'ponto', travestis são assaltadas em avenida
Uma ocorrência de tentativa de roubo foi registrada na madrugada desta sexta-feira, 7, no plantão policial. Segundo informações contidas no boletim de ocorrência, duas travestis faziam ‘ponto’ no cruzamento da avenida Chico Júlio e rua Allan Kardec, na Vila Chico Júlio, quando dois homens os abordaram e tentaram roubar os celulares das vítimas. Uma travesti foi agredida com soco no rosto e perdeu um dente, mas mesmo assim, não entregou o celular. A outra travesti, de 28 anos, acabou tento o equipamento levado.
Única candidata registrada como mulher eleita em Viçosa é transexual
Pelo menos 10% das candidatas trans foram eleitas em todo Brasil; saiba quem são
As candidaturas de travestis e mulheres transexuais mostraram a sua força nas eleições municipais de 2016. Além do recorde de mais de 80 candidaturas (veja algumas delas aqui), incluindo para prefeita, pelo menos 10% delas foram eleitas.
Militante transexual e filho de dois anos sofrem violência transfóbica em Belém
A mulher transexual Bárbara Pastana e o filho Pietro, que tem apenas dois anos e meio, foram vítimas de uma agressão transfóbica no dia 4 deste mês em Belém do Pará. A agressão ocorreu quando ela levava o filho para a escolinha de bicicleta.
Ministério Público denuncia pela primeira vez assassinato de mulher transexual por feminicídio
O Ministério Público de São Paulo denunciou à 3ª Vara do Júri do Foro da Capital do TJ-São Paulo o assassino de uma mulher transexual pelo crime de feminicídio. É a primeira vez que uma denúncia do tipo é realizada envolvendo uma mulher transexual no estado.
O acusado é Luiz Henrique Marcondes dos Santos ex-marido da vítima, Michele do Monte, que foi assassinada por estrangulamento e facada no dia 9 de fevereiro deste ano, na Rua Uruba, na Chácara Bandeirantes, Zona Sul da Capital.
Homem com roupas femininas é achado morto no rio Sorocaba
Vítima estava com saco na cabeça e sem documentos.
Caso será investigado pela Polícia Civil em Sorocaba.
Um homem foi encontrado morto em uma galeria do rio Sorocaba na manhã desta quinta-feira (13) em Sorocaba (SP). De acordo com a polícia, a vítima usava roupas femininas e estava com a cabeça coberta por um plástico.
Travesti morre após ser espancada a pauladas no Parque do Carmo
Amigo diz que crime teve clara conotação transfóbica e que boletim aponta overdose
A jovem Yasmin Montoy, de 20 anos, estava começando o processo de adequação de sexo. Ela iria completar 21 anos no próximo domingo (16) e estava juntando dinheiro, aos poucos, para colocar silicone nos seios. Um sonho que já estava perto de ser realizado.
Porém, se tornou mais uma vítima de crimes de transfobia neste final de semana. Ela foi barbaramente agredida. Em seu corpo, ficaram marcas do espancamento e, na cabeça, uma lesão provavelmente provocada por um pedaço de pau.
Travesti é espancado e morto no Centro de Caxias
O TRAVESTI identificado como WILSON RODRIGUES ALEXANDRE, foi espancado e morto, ainda em condições NÃO explicadas, na madrugada do último sábado (08/10), nas proximidades do centro de Duque de Caxias.
A DHBF - Delegacia de Homicídios da Baixada Fluminense, atua com a possibilidade de HOMOFOBIA ou crime relacionado à dívidas com TRAFICANTES.
Travesti é encontrada morta dentro de viatura da Polícia Civil em SP
Policiais do 77º DP encontraram corpo no compartilhamento reservado para presos do carro
Uma travesti, que não teve a identidade revelada, foi encontrada morta no fim da manhã desta quinta-feira (13) dentro de uma viatura da Polícia Civil de São Paulo. O caso aconteceu no 77º Distrito Policial, localizado na alameda Glete, 827, no bairro da Santa Cecília, zona oeste da capital paulista.
Corpo encontrado em viatura da Polícia Civil de SP é identificado
Em Natal, travesti é morta a facada e companheiro preso em flagrante
Crime aconteceu na noite desta sexta (21) no bairro Nazaré.
Julia Sofia, de 20 anos, foi morta com uma facada dentro de casa.
Uma travesti foi assassinada a facadas na noite desta sexta-feira (21) no bairro Nazaré, Zona Oeste de Natal. O companheiro da vítima, suspeito do crime, foi preso em flagrante pela Polícia Militar. Márcio Marques Evangelista, conhecido como Julia Sofia, de 20 anos, morreu dentro de casa.
Travesti e adolescente são mortos em Aparecida de Goiânia
Crime, que estaria relacionado ao tráfico de drogas, ocorreu na manhã deste domingo (24), no Setor Vila Maria. Vítimas manteriam relacionamento homoafetivo
Alexandre de Paula carvalho, de 27 anos, e Marcelo Carvalho Ribeiro, de 16 anos, que segundo informações do Grupo de Investigação de Homicídios (GIH) mantinham um relacionamento homoafetivo, foram mortos a tiros, no final da manhã deste domingo (24), enquanto caminhavam pelo Setor Vila Maria, em Aparecida de Goiânia. Segundo a Polícia Civil (PC), testemunhas relataram ter ouvido quatro disparos e uma moto arrancando. A autoria do crime ainda é desconhecida.
Menor suspeito de homicídio é apreendido em Sítio do Quinto- BA
Um adolescente de 15 anos, suspeito de homicídio foi apreendido pela Polícia Civil, na manhã da segunda- feira(12), por volta das 11h30min. Segundo os policiais, o garoto foi localizado no povoado Flamengo, em Sítio do Quinto- BA, onde estava escondido.
Testemunhas de assassinato de travesti faltam a audiência
A Justiça de Araçatuba realizou nesta semana a primeira audiência do processo criminal contra os quatro acusados de participarem da morte e ocultação do cadáver de Ivan Carlos Rodrigues Costa, 34 anos, um travesti morador no bairro Água Branca que desapareceu em 6 de setembro de 2015.
Vídeo: Transexual de Itapetinga é atingida por sete facadas em Maiquinique
O delegado titular de Macarani, Irineu Alves Andrade, que também responde por Maiquinique, esteve na manhã desta sexta-feira, dia 14 de outubro, no Hospital Cristo Redentor em Itapetinga, no Sudoeste da Bahia, onde a transexual Nátyla Mota, de 21 anos, segue hospitalizada. O delegado colheu informações para dar início às investigações do caso.
Transexual é esfaqueada e apanha ao esperar por socorro dentro de hospital
Attack on Brazilian Transgender Woman Natylla Mota Demands a Response
A comunidade trans no Brasil de Temer
Advogado de Florianópolis luta para que transexuais tenham direito ao nome
Em Florianópolis são 90 pedidos, 14 representados por Paulo Euclides Marques, de 39 anos
Mulher trans protesta ao ser proibida de entrar em igreja em Vitória
Ato aconteceu nesta quarta (18), em frente à Casa do Cidadão.
Pastor também responde por ação na Justiça por agressão contra ela.
Suspeito de matar travesti Danielly Barby é policial militar em SP; ele foi preso e liberado
O suspeito de ter matado a travesti Danielly Barby, de 24 anos, em junho deste ano em Mogi das Cruzes, município de São Paulo, foi preso pelos policiais da Delegacia de Homicídios nesta quarta-feira (19) e liberado após uma audiência de custódia na quinta (20). Ele é policial militar, tem 29 anos e foi identificado como George Silva.
Travesti espancada por taxistas em Belém teve braço fraturado
Adolescente de 16 anos foi agredida na madrugada de quinta, 20.
PMs que presenciaram espancamento e não impediram foram afastados.
Conheci Carol E Vicky no centro de São Paulo, bairro da Bela Vista, numa tarde em que passava perto do Anhangabau. As duas são travestis que moram na rua e pediam dinheiro para seu sustento. O que me chamou a atenção foi o fato de serem moradoras de rua, a gente sempre vê famílias inteiras, idosos, mas, com a comunidade LGBT é diferente.
Pope Francis urges pastoral care for transgender people, draws line between ministry and ‘indoctrination’
Pope Francis says Jesus would never turn away transgender faithful and that priests today should accompany them spiritually, even if they undergo sex change operations, sin and repent.
Pope Francis Is One To Judge
The World’s Largest Church Declares War on Transgender People
Global Action for Trans* Equality statement on the international annual Day of Action for Trans Depathologization
Today, Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE) joins this annual Day of Action for Trans Depathologization by making a global call to end the systematic violation of our human rights.
International Campaign Stop Trans Pathologization statement on the international annual Day of Action for Trans Depathologization
English: http://www.stp2012.info/STP_Press_Release_October2016.pdf
Español: http://www.stp2012.info/STP_Nota_de_Prensa_Octubre2016.pdf
Transgender Tory politician says Labour opponent called her a man during meeting
A Bolton Labour councillor is under fire for comments about a transgender Conservative opponent.
Transgender Tory councillor complains to police after being addressed as ‘he’ by Labour opponent
Councillor refuses to take punishment for calling transgender woman ‘he’ instead of ‘she’
NHS trust terminates Gender Identity Service contract amid trans health turmoil
The NHS Trust that housed the UK’s primary transgender healthcare clinic has served notice that it will end the service – in a bid to hand it off to another provider.
Sade’s Child Comes Out as a Transgender Man
Singer Sade’s child, Mickailia “Ila” Adu, officially came out as a transgender man yesterday. There had been speculation since the early spring that the 20 year-old was transitioning, but nothing was confirmed. Mickailia, who was openly lesbian before transitioning, shared the news on his Instagram account with a lot of excitement.
Activists lying down in road to protest poor treatment of trans prisoners
Activists are hoping to wake the world up to the poor treatment of trans inmates
Transgender children: What you need to know
An increasing number of children are seeking help regarding their gender identity. We investigate the issue...
Boy ‘living life entirely as a girl’ removed from mother's care by judge
Woman who was convinced her son perceived himself as a girl caused seven-year-old ‘significant emotional harm’
Justice for a young trans girl that has been taken from her mum & forced to live as a boy
Bullied Wiltshire College pupil found hanged after receiving transgender abuse
A transgender student was found hanged less than a week after she made an official complaint at college over alleged bullying about her gender identity.
Mature student Gabriel Tinto, 51 of Salisbury, expressed frustration on social media about her voice and insults she received last Thursday (October 13).
Transgender Student hangs herself after filing complaint with college
Trans Notes from a Small Island: United Through Pride
September in the Channel Islands has seen three firsts: the first pan-island Pride, the first Equality & Diversity Awards and the first award by a tribunal of compensation for hurt and distress from discriminatory behaviour in the workplace.
French law scraps sterilization for transgender people
Rights activists celebrated a major victory in France on Thursday after the country passed legislation allowing transgender people to legally change their gender without undergoing sterilization.
France adopts 1st gender recognition law – trans people continue being judged
Récents propos du pape sur les personnes trans, vote définitif — le 12 octobre dernier — de la loi de modernisation de la justice du 21e siècle, dernière Existrans du quinquennat de François Hollande, veille de la grande marche homophobe de la Manif pour tous… l’Existrans 2016 s’inscrivait dans un contexte inhabituellement chargé. Près de deux milles manifestant-e-s, dont beaucoup venu-e-s de régions, ont participé à la 20e édition de cette marche toujours aussi militante et hautement politique. Seronet y était.
SecDef tells transgender student parents Blue can use the correct bathroom
Friday, the 21st of October NBC published about ‘Blue’ an 11-year-old transgender student in Germany. On Monday The 11th grader had received an email from her DOD Ramstein middle school principal outlining and affirming her transitional plan which included using girl’s bathroom. Blue and her mother excitedly bought her new outfits looking forward to her first day out at school.
18-year-old arrested in Qatar for being gay
'I was arrested for wearing makeup on Snapchat and Instagram'
“We Want To Help As Many Trans People As Possible”: A Brief History Of The Transgender Movement In Slovakia
Many trans people in the country didn’t know that transitioning was possible
Pakistan: Attacks on Transgender Women Surge
Pakistani authorities should urgently investigate the surge in violent attacks on transgender women in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Human Rights Watch said today. They should also investigate allegations that medical staff and police failed to assist victims and pursue justice in cases involving transgender people.
Trans and in Love in Karachi
It is past midnight when the convoy of buses and cars finally turns off the highway onto an unpaved road in the Pakistani nowhere and comes to a halt at the sturdy walls of a farmhouse. Slowly, a gate opens. Cars are being searched. The security guards look for weapons, alcohol, anything that might create trouble, Kami explains later. She smiles reassuringly at the armed guards. Sid, Kami’s life partner of seven years, readjusts his sunglasses, which are tucked into the collar of his muscle shirt. They wave us through.
Posters calling for ‘beheading’ transwomen surface on Tariq Road
A number of hateful posters have surfaced at a mall on Tariq Road – one of the city’s most vibrant shopping centres – lending credence to the idea of ‘beheading’ transwomen.
Transgender Persons Bill violates basic rights: Experts
Experts say the Bill has a narrow definition for a transgender and is seriously flawed and derogatory.
Love, sex-change and dhoka: A kashmiri love story gone wrong
A kashmiri love story goes wrong as a man-turned-woman german immigrant files a case of fraud and cheating against his live-in partner
Taiwan’s new digital minister is a transgender software programmer who wants to make government more open
The Taiwanese government has appointed Audrey Tang, a transgender software developer and self-described “civic hacker” to its executive council to head digital policy. Tang, 35, will be the youngest and first transgender official in Taiwan’s executive government, known as the yuan.
Indonesia’s first Muslim transgender boarding school forced to close
Indonesia’s only transgender boarding school has been forced to close after being branded ‘immoral’.
Al Fatah was widely regarded as a symbol of tolerance in the country. The school claimed it was the only Islamic boarding school for transgender students in the world.
Miss Fa'afafine: A look inside Samoa's transgender beauty pageant
Homosexuality may be illegal in Samoa, but the annual transgender beauty pageant is a mainstay of the island nation's social calendar.
Debate raging among Queensland Corrective Services over transfer of transgender worker
A transgender granny killer could be transferred from a men’s prison to a women’s facility in a historic move being debated by Queensland Corrective Services management.
Transgender & intersex Queenslanders seek birth certificate reform
Queensland’s Palaszczuk Government is facing increased pressure to follow the ACT and Victorian lead in amending legislation to allow both transgender and intersex people the right to alter their gender on their birth certificate – a move that would remove legal barriers and discrimination for those transitioning.
Australia's first trans health clinic has opened up in Melbourne
Melbourne has been voted the world's most liveable city for the sixth year in a row, and the city's first trans health clinic cements its reputation as the friendliest city for the trans and gender diverse communities, writes Emily McAvan.
Police investigate crossdresser attacks on schoolgirls at Parkdale and Mentone
A 16-year-ol schoolgirl was assaulted by a man dressed in women’s clothes as she walked to a school bus stop in Parkdale this morning.
Why the M or F on a birth certificate is so important to a transgender person
As governments grapple with legislation on a person being able to change their identified gender at birth, an Adelaide barrister explains why one simple letter is so important.
Clover Moore donates $20,000 to Inner City Legal Centre to help transgender kids
The funding comes as the free legal service had an increase of people seeking help for their transgender children.
'Just another way of being human': number of children experimenting with gender jumps
Transgender advocates and psychologists have welcomed an open discussion on gender identity, despite age concerns.
NSW child, 4, identifies as transgender as data reveals growing referrals for gender dysphoria
A four-year-old who identifies as transgender has begun to transition before their first day at school, hoping to complete the full transformation by 2017.
[New Zealand]
'It's absurd': A possible 50-year wait for transgender surgery
Almost 100 people are now on the waiting list for gender-reassignment surgery, but they face waiting 50 years for the life-changing procedure under Ministry of Health guidelines.
Transgender woman files human rights complaint alleging discrimination at salon
'I have absolutely no issues with transgender people,' says salon owner
Canadian National Exhibition unveils gender-neutral washrooms, signage
The Canadian National Exhibition has become the latest Toronto organization to introduce gender-neutral washrooms and signage, but advocates say there is still more to be done to promote inclusivity.
Canada’s biggest fair says ‘we don’t care’ where you pee
How Banks Make It Difficult for Trans Customers
A few weeks back on the first day of August, an outraged post from a friend appeared in my Facebook newsfeed:
Catholic school districts dispute poor marks on LGBTQ policy report card
Despite new laws and a ministerial order, some Alberta school boards’ policies fail to protect LGBTQ staff, students and their families, according to a new analysis by Public Interest Alberta.
Transgender and unemployed: Businesses shut doors to trans workers
Mike Leard was an ad man, a real Don Draper type, loved his drink, loved women and did some stunning advertisements. Leard never had trouble finding work. In fact, most of the time he didn't even have a resumé, his reputation alone landed him jobs.
Alberta pastor to gvmt: No gay clubs or transgender bathroom exceptions in our private schools
Brian Coldwell, a Baptist pastor and chairman of a Christian school board, has told the provincial government that his two small schools will not allow gay straight alliance clubs for homosexuals or permit transgender students to use the washrooms of the opposite sex.
Lack of transgender policy leading to healthcare delays in Yukon, says advocate
Yukon's health care 'woefully inadequate' for transgender people, says Chase Blodgett
U of T professor Jordan Peterson defends his transphobia: “If that’s a hate crime then bring it on!”
Holding a Ph.D. does not entitle one to espouse bigotry or openly embrace transphobia. Incredibly University of Toronto Prof Jordan Peterson expressed surprise that using his position to indoctrinate young minds with transphobia may come at a price.
Swastikas desecrate U of T as Professor Jordan Peterson ramps up racist transphobia
Transgender boy’s mom sues hospital, saying he ‘went into spiral’ after staff called him a girl
The transgender teenager had once written a poem about the heartache of a boy born in a girl’s body. His words were raw and revealing.
One Million Moms Attack H&M Over Cis Woman They Believe is Trans, Miss Actual Trans Woman
The Christian hate group One Million Moms has launched a boycott of the Swedish multinational clothing retailer H&M following their new advertisement, 'She's a Lady'.
Pistons' Reggie Bullock opens up about his murdered transgender sister
In 2014, the older sister of Detroit Pistons reserve forward Reggie Bullock, Mia Henderson, was senselessly murdered in Baltimore for being a transgender woman. A rather villainous act yet Bullock is somehow able to take the loss of his sister, who was born Kevin Long, in perspective.
Walmart is selling a ‘Tranny Granny’ Halloween costume
Walmart is selling a transphobic Halloween costume via its online store.
‘Safer Sex for Trans Bodies’ guide released
The Human Rights Campaign and Whitman-Walker Health have teamed up for a comprehensive sexual health guide for transgender and gender-nonconforming people called “Safer Sex for Trans Bodies,” HRC announced in a press release.
New Study Highlights High Rates of Suicide and Self-Harm Among Transgender Youth
In a new study, 30 percent of transgender youth report a history of at least one suicide attempt, and nearly 42 percent report a history of self-injury, such as cutting.
Trans-ing History on the Web: The Digital Transgender Archive
When College of the Holy Cross professor K.J. Rawson first imagined what would become the Digital Transgender Archive (DTA), he had in mind something fairly simple: a collection of finding aids that would solve a problem he’d faced himself as a researcher—the difficulty of figuring out “where transgender-related materials are held.” The collection Rawson envisioned would guide researchers through the contents of scattered transgender history archives. What emerged instead is a multi-institution collaboration; a centralized digital repository of unprecedented scale that has made accessible digitized materials related to transgender history gathered from collections across the world.
Warren Beatty: My transgender son is my hero
Actor Warren Beatty has spoken about his transgender son Stephen.
The fourteen-time Oscar nominated filmmaker opened up this week in an interview with Vanity Fair.
Transgender Firefighter Katie Cornhill raising awareness and funds at Great South Run
Transgender firefighter Katie Cornhill will be running in the Great South Run on October 23rd fundraising for the Fire Fighters Charity to help support programs that include rehabilitation, recuperation, psychological and nursing.
Mark Seliger’s Portraits of the Transgender Community Are About Being Seen
The photographer’s collection On Christopher Street features stories about a community that has long found acceptance and solace in the West Village.
Gwen Araujo murder 14 years later: Transgender teen’s killers face parole
Sylvia Guerrero had never even heard the word “transgender” until her 17-year-old daughter Gwen Araujo, born a son named Eddie, was brutally murdered. Today she’s an admired activist for transgender causes, even though the horror of Gwen’s fate has upended her life.
Laverne Cox’s #RockyHorror “Sweet Transvestite” – Fan or Fail?
Laverne Cox debuted as Dr. Frank-n-furter last night on Fox TV’S remake of the #RockyHorror Picture Show. As a transgender woman, I had very strong emotional reactions, mostly a sense of embarrassment. But watching it again this morning and seeing the response on twitter embracing her role I wonder how you feel about this. I wonder if I am out of sync with the trans movement or maybe you have reservations as well?
Police investigating whether shootings of 2 transgender women are connected
Birmingham police are investigating whether or not the shootings of two transgender women may be connected.
Birmingham police responded to a shooting on Monday morning in the 7500 block of 5th Avenue South.
The victim, a transgender woman, was shot in the ear and has life-threatening injuries.
Black transgender woman Jazz Alford shot and killed in Birmingham, Alabama, hotel room
A person found shot to death at the Kings Inn in Birmingham, Alabama, on Sept. 23 is now being counted among the transgender women killed in 2016, after early reports of the incident misgendered her as male, according to AL.com.
Rest In Power and Peace Jazz Alford
Carmichael faith-based hospital denies transgender man hysterectomy
Evan Minton claims hospital canceled surgery because he is transgender
Mercedes Successful is one of 19 reported transgender murders in the U.S. this year. When will it stop?
Mercedes Successful was found shot to death in the back parking lot of a Big Lots and Tractor Supply Co. in Haines City May 15. She was 32 years old. Successful identified as a transgender woman.
'Trailblazing' Trans Man Dies Mysteriously, But His Legacy Lives On
In a life entrenched with religious tradition, Jonah Berele was a trailblazer.
When he was born in 1988 it was as Sarah, Miriam and Allan Berele's first-born baby.
But growing up a devout Jew in West Ridge, particularly within the conservative Orthodox community, it wasn't easy for Jonah to come out as a transgender teen.
Christian extremist shoots trans woman in the face — but in Pence’s Indiana it’s not a hate crime
When is a hate crime not a hate crime? If it happens in vice presidential nominee Mike Pence’s state of Indiana, it cannot be a hate crime: Indiana does not have a hate crimes statute. So, for Crystal Cash, a transgender woman who was shot in the face, police will not be pursuing hate crime charges against the man who Cash alleges shouted an anti-gay slur at her before shooting her.
Cachita Dead: Alina María Hernández, One Of First Transgender Women On Hispanic TV, Passes Away
Alina María Hernández, known as “Cachita” from Univision’s “El Gordo y la Flaca” passed away on October 8, according to a post shared by Raúl de Molina on his social media accounts. “I’ve been informed of the sad news of the passing of #Cachita #AlinaHernandez, who was one of the great personalities from @elgordoylaflaca. My most sincere condolences to her loved ones. She will always be in our hearts,” De Molina posted. Hernández worked with the show for over 10 years.
Alina María Hernández
State settles with inmate seeking sex change operation
The state this week agreed to settle a civil rights lawsuit filed by an inmate against the state prison's medical director for refusing to provide hormone therapy.
Woodside: Transgender woman allegedly attacked for being gay, Van Bramer to hold rally
Police are investigating an incident last week when a transgender woman was struck in the head with a hammer as a hate crime, and several councilmen are speaking up against violence toward transgender women.
Rally in Queens calling for end to violence against transgender community
Transgender woman beaten with hammer ignites emotional Queens rally to support trans community
Woodside Rallies for Trans Woman Attacked in Hate Crime
New York Moves to Allow Medicaid to Cover Hormone Therapy for Transgender Youth
The New York State Health Department has signaled it intends to allow transgender youth to receive Medicaid coverage for hormones that forestall puberty, wiping away prohibitions that have been criticized by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups.
Woman’s Hockey League Player Harrison Browne comes out as transgender
Harrison Browne a professional Hockey player with the Buffalo Beauts came out as transgender Friday, announcing what his teammates already knew and embraced. Harrison made history by becoming the first male to play in a woman’s hockey league. Harrison said he had one wish and that was to hear his authentic name and gender announced during a game. He had his dream realized in a big way Friday.
NWHL player Harrison Browne comes out as a transgender man
DA: DeWitt woman handcuffed herself to bike, rode into Green Lake in suicide
A DeWitt woman whose body was found Saturday floating at Green Lakes State Park is believed to have committed suicide, Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick said.
The victim, who went by the name Sarah, 38, was born Paul Kench Jr., Fitzpatrick said today. New York State Park Police also today confirmed the identity of the person found in the lake.
Transgender woman found dead in Cleveland with plastic bag around head
A Cleveland woman found dead Saturday with a plastic bag around her head identifies as a transgender woman, according to family members.
Brandi Bledsoe, 32, told her family about two years ago that she wanted to be identified as Brandi, instead of Brandon, the name in which she was identified to the media by the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner.
Black Trans Woman Brandi Bledsoe Is At Least the 23rd Trans Person Murdered This Year in US
Vigil held to honor transgender murder victim
A crowd gathered to voice a renewed call for hate crime protections for members of the transgender community Wednesday evening.
Trans woman sues former employer
Despite improving business at Cedar Hill restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings fired its manager when she began presenting as a woman
UPDATED: Online Posts Appear to Show TDCJ Officers Encouraging Violence Against Trans Prisoner
Comments on a September Observer article include ‘one to the back of the head.'
Vogue en la Ciudad de México: la diversidad sexual en escena
Entrevistamos a Bryan Cárdenas, quien es voguer (bailarín de vogue) y madre de la casa de vogue “The House of Drag”, y artista Drag Queen también conocido artísticamente y al interior de la comunidad vogue como Zebra Drag Queen, quien nos habló sobre el baile vogue que cada vez comienza a popularizarse más en la comunidad LGBT de la CDMX.
This Trans Activist Wants To Change Mexico By Promoting Self-Love
Colombia-born Ophelia Pastrana fights to empower transgender women.
Ex militar mató a prostituta por no decirle que era transexual
Paola era una chica travesti que se dedicaba a la prostitución. Tenía 23 años la noche que fue asesinada por un exmilitar. El pasado 30 se septiembre el hombre se acercó a un grupo de sexo servidoras para solicitar un servicio.
A Paola la mató un exmilitar por no decirle que era hombre
Itzel Durán, una joven transexual de 19 años, fue asesinada en Chiapas
Dos hombres entraron a su casa y asesinaron a puñaladas a Itzel, de 19 años. Los vecinos escucharon sus gritos de auxilio y llamaron a la policía pero no pudieron ayudar a la joven.
Asesinan a Alessa Flores, mujer transgénero y activista
La joven originaria de Tabasco que se desempeñaba como escort, apareció sin vida en un hotel de la colonia Obrera
Alessa Flores, mujer transgénero originaria de Tabasco que se desempeñaba como escort, según su descripción en Facebook, apareció sin vida este jueves 13 de octubre en un hotel de la colonia Obrera.
La vida de las personas trans también importa
La liberación en 2012 del asesino de Trayvon Martin detonó el surgimiento de movilizaciones con la causa #BlackLivesMatter (Las vidas negras importan). Lo que comenzó como una discusión pública acerca de la ejecución de personas negras en Estados Unidos por parte de policías, ha evolucionado en un movimiento de resistencia en contra de los procesos de deshumanización de las vivencias negras y para la defensa de sus derechos. Esta lucha contra la violencia por prejuicios logró visibilizar que el racismo no quedó superado con la abolición de las leyes de segregación y que sus víctimas lo sufren de forma diferente dependiendo de si son mujeres, gays, personas con discapacidad o inmigrantes.
We Can No Longer Turn A Blind Eye To Murders Of Transgender Women In Mexico
México es el segundo país del mundo con más asesinatos de transexuales: estudio
Representantes y activistas de la comunidad de mujeres transexuales preguntaron al Gobierno de la Ciudad de México cuántas más de ellas sucumbirán ante la ola de asesinatos que las tiene viviendo en el más profundo temor
Muxes; el odio y la transfobia atentan sus vidas
Existe un imaginario colectivo en nuestra sociedad que señala que en diversas zonas de Oaxaca existe cierto halo de tolerancia en torno a la diversidad sexual, debido al respeto que algunas comunidades tienen hacia las muxes, lo cual ha llevado a algunas personas a afirmar que este estado es “un paraíso muxe”. La realidad es que el odio, la homofobia y la transfobia son una constante que lacera las vidas de estas personas.
[Costa Rica]
UNA reconoce nombre elegido por transgénero en Costa Rica
La Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) informó hoy de que reconocerá en sus registros internos el nombre elegido por la población estudiantil y administrativa transgénero.
Estudiantes trans podrán elegir cuál nombre usar en documentos de la Universidad Nacional
Con éxito La Pincoya marchó por la diversidad sexual por vez primera
Con la participación de vecinos e invitados se realizó la Primera Marcha de la Diversidad Sexual en La Pincoya. La actividad se desarrolló con total éxito el sábado 20 de agosto donde los asistentes y curiosos participaron de una feria de la diversidad y de la marcha, también disfrutaron de los distintos números artísticos que llegaron al evento que por primera vez se realiza en la popular población de la comuna de Huechuraba.
'Decir ideología de género es tergiversación', dice Naciones Unidas
El director regional del Fondo de Población de Naciones Unidas habla sobre las polémicas cartillas.
Colegio en Colombia accede a que estudiante transgénero asista con falda
Gabriela Espinosa inició su transformación hace dos años. La Institución Educativa Ricaurte Valle aceptó a la menor luego de que esta considerara necesario asumir su condición. Con falda y uniforme, igual a la de sus compañeras, continua con sus estudios.
Cambió de género y denuncia que no le permiten jugar hockey femenino
Jessica Millamán dice que la Asociación del Valle de ese deporte se negó a renovar su fichaje y ella lo atribuye a su "condición sexual".
Entrevista com Lara Crespo, ativista trans
Depois de um longo processo de transição, Lara Crespo faz-nos um balanço das suas experiências como mulher trans, reflexo também dos relatos que foram recentemente lançados no seu livro "Despida- reflexões de uma mulher transexual".
Lei portuguesa para transgénero será a “melhor do mundo”
O Governo e o Bloco de Esquerda têm um “acordo tácito” para que “depois do fim deste ano” sejam discutidas ao mesmo tempo na Assembleia da República duas propostas relativas às pessoas transgénero.
PAN quer facilitar alteração de género no cartão de cidadão
PAN mais cauteloso que Bloco em matéria transgénero
Sobre DSTs, Checkpoints e Centros Comunitários
Quando apareceram os primeiros checkpoint, que como se sabe são ferramentas fulcrais na luta contra esse flagelo mundial que é a SIDA (e as restantes DSTs), toda a gente ficou contente, tínhamos enfim um sítio onde se podia ir sem se sofrer de discriminação.
PORTUGAL: Sobre DSTs, Checkpoints e Centros Comunitários
Deputados protocolam projeto para impedir transexuais e travestis de usarem nome social
Parlamentares de dez partidos protocolaram, nesta quarta (5), projeto de dectro decreto na Câmara dos Deputados que pretende sustar os efeitos do decreto nº 8727, aprovado pela presidente afastada Dilma Rousseff, no dia 28 de abril.
Deputados protocolam projeto para impedir transexuais e travestis de usarem nome social
Fazendo 'ponto', travestis são assaltadas em avenida
Uma ocorrência de tentativa de roubo foi registrada na madrugada desta sexta-feira, 7, no plantão policial. Segundo informações contidas no boletim de ocorrência, duas travestis faziam ‘ponto’ no cruzamento da avenida Chico Júlio e rua Allan Kardec, na Vila Chico Júlio, quando dois homens os abordaram e tentaram roubar os celulares das vítimas. Uma travesti foi agredida com soco no rosto e perdeu um dente, mas mesmo assim, não entregou o celular. A outra travesti, de 28 anos, acabou tento o equipamento levado.
Única candidata registrada como mulher eleita em Viçosa é transexual
Pelo menos 10% das candidatas trans foram eleitas em todo Brasil; saiba quem são
As candidaturas de travestis e mulheres transexuais mostraram a sua força nas eleições municipais de 2016. Além do recorde de mais de 80 candidaturas (veja algumas delas aqui), incluindo para prefeita, pelo menos 10% delas foram eleitas.
Militante transexual e filho de dois anos sofrem violência transfóbica em Belém
A mulher transexual Bárbara Pastana e o filho Pietro, que tem apenas dois anos e meio, foram vítimas de uma agressão transfóbica no dia 4 deste mês em Belém do Pará. A agressão ocorreu quando ela levava o filho para a escolinha de bicicleta.

Ministério Público denuncia pela primeira vez assassinato de mulher transexual por feminicídio
O Ministério Público de São Paulo denunciou à 3ª Vara do Júri do Foro da Capital do TJ-São Paulo o assassino de uma mulher transexual pelo crime de feminicídio. É a primeira vez que uma denúncia do tipo é realizada envolvendo uma mulher transexual no estado.
O acusado é Luiz Henrique Marcondes dos Santos ex-marido da vítima, Michele do Monte, que foi assassinada por estrangulamento e facada no dia 9 de fevereiro deste ano, na Rua Uruba, na Chácara Bandeirantes, Zona Sul da Capital.

Homem com roupas femininas é achado morto no rio Sorocaba
Vítima estava com saco na cabeça e sem documentos.
Caso será investigado pela Polícia Civil em Sorocaba.
Um homem foi encontrado morto em uma galeria do rio Sorocaba na manhã desta quinta-feira (13) em Sorocaba (SP). De acordo com a polícia, a vítima usava roupas femininas e estava com a cabeça coberta por um plástico.

Travesti morre após ser espancada a pauladas no Parque do Carmo
Amigo diz que crime teve clara conotação transfóbica e que boletim aponta overdose
A jovem Yasmin Montoy, de 20 anos, estava começando o processo de adequação de sexo. Ela iria completar 21 anos no próximo domingo (16) e estava juntando dinheiro, aos poucos, para colocar silicone nos seios. Um sonho que já estava perto de ser realizado.
Porém, se tornou mais uma vítima de crimes de transfobia neste final de semana. Ela foi barbaramente agredida. Em seu corpo, ficaram marcas do espancamento e, na cabeça, uma lesão provavelmente provocada por um pedaço de pau.

Travesti é espancado e morto no Centro de Caxias
O TRAVESTI identificado como WILSON RODRIGUES ALEXANDRE, foi espancado e morto, ainda em condições NÃO explicadas, na madrugada do último sábado (08/10), nas proximidades do centro de Duque de Caxias.
A DHBF - Delegacia de Homicídios da Baixada Fluminense, atua com a possibilidade de HOMOFOBIA ou crime relacionado à dívidas com TRAFICANTES.

Travesti é encontrada morta dentro de viatura da Polícia Civil em SP
Policiais do 77º DP encontraram corpo no compartilhamento reservado para presos do carro
Uma travesti, que não teve a identidade revelada, foi encontrada morta no fim da manhã desta quinta-feira (13) dentro de uma viatura da Polícia Civil de São Paulo. O caso aconteceu no 77º Distrito Policial, localizado na alameda Glete, 827, no bairro da Santa Cecília, zona oeste da capital paulista.
Corpo encontrado em viatura da Polícia Civil de SP é identificado

Em Natal, travesti é morta a facada e companheiro preso em flagrante
Crime aconteceu na noite desta sexta (21) no bairro Nazaré.
Julia Sofia, de 20 anos, foi morta com uma facada dentro de casa.
Uma travesti foi assassinada a facadas na noite desta sexta-feira (21) no bairro Nazaré, Zona Oeste de Natal. O companheiro da vítima, suspeito do crime, foi preso em flagrante pela Polícia Militar. Márcio Marques Evangelista, conhecido como Julia Sofia, de 20 anos, morreu dentro de casa.

Travesti e adolescente são mortos em Aparecida de Goiânia
Crime, que estaria relacionado ao tráfico de drogas, ocorreu na manhã deste domingo (24), no Setor Vila Maria. Vítimas manteriam relacionamento homoafetivo
Alexandre de Paula carvalho, de 27 anos, e Marcelo Carvalho Ribeiro, de 16 anos, que segundo informações do Grupo de Investigação de Homicídios (GIH) mantinham um relacionamento homoafetivo, foram mortos a tiros, no final da manhã deste domingo (24), enquanto caminhavam pelo Setor Vila Maria, em Aparecida de Goiânia. Segundo a Polícia Civil (PC), testemunhas relataram ter ouvido quatro disparos e uma moto arrancando. A autoria do crime ainda é desconhecida.
Menor suspeito de homicídio é apreendido em Sítio do Quinto- BA
Um adolescente de 15 anos, suspeito de homicídio foi apreendido pela Polícia Civil, na manhã da segunda- feira(12), por volta das 11h30min. Segundo os policiais, o garoto foi localizado no povoado Flamengo, em Sítio do Quinto- BA, onde estava escondido.
Testemunhas de assassinato de travesti faltam a audiência
A Justiça de Araçatuba realizou nesta semana a primeira audiência do processo criminal contra os quatro acusados de participarem da morte e ocultação do cadáver de Ivan Carlos Rodrigues Costa, 34 anos, um travesti morador no bairro Água Branca que desapareceu em 6 de setembro de 2015.
Vídeo: Transexual de Itapetinga é atingida por sete facadas em Maiquinique
O delegado titular de Macarani, Irineu Alves Andrade, que também responde por Maiquinique, esteve na manhã desta sexta-feira, dia 14 de outubro, no Hospital Cristo Redentor em Itapetinga, no Sudoeste da Bahia, onde a transexual Nátyla Mota, de 21 anos, segue hospitalizada. O delegado colheu informações para dar início às investigações do caso.
Transexual é esfaqueada e apanha ao esperar por socorro dentro de hospital
Attack on Brazilian Transgender Woman Natylla Mota Demands a Response
A comunidade trans no Brasil de Temer
Advogado de Florianópolis luta para que transexuais tenham direito ao nome
Em Florianópolis são 90 pedidos, 14 representados por Paulo Euclides Marques, de 39 anos
Mulher trans protesta ao ser proibida de entrar em igreja em Vitória
Ato aconteceu nesta quarta (18), em frente à Casa do Cidadão.
Pastor também responde por ação na Justiça por agressão contra ela.
Suspeito de matar travesti Danielly Barby é policial militar em SP; ele foi preso e liberado
O suspeito de ter matado a travesti Danielly Barby, de 24 anos, em junho deste ano em Mogi das Cruzes, município de São Paulo, foi preso pelos policiais da Delegacia de Homicídios nesta quarta-feira (19) e liberado após uma audiência de custódia na quinta (20). Ele é policial militar, tem 29 anos e foi identificado como George Silva.
Travesti espancada por taxistas em Belém teve braço fraturado
Adolescente de 16 anos foi agredida na madrugada de quinta, 20.
PMs que presenciaram espancamento e não impediram foram afastados.
Conheci Carol E Vicky no centro de São Paulo, bairro da Bela Vista, numa tarde em que passava perto do Anhangabau. As duas são travestis que moram na rua e pediam dinheiro para seu sustento. O que me chamou a atenção foi o fato de serem moradoras de rua, a gente sempre vê famílias inteiras, idosos, mas, com a comunidade LGBT é diferente.
Pope Francis urges pastoral care for transgender people, draws line between ministry and ‘indoctrination’
Pope Francis says Jesus would never turn away transgender faithful and that priests today should accompany them spiritually, even if they undergo sex change operations, sin and repent.
Pope Francis Is One To Judge
The World’s Largest Church Declares War on Transgender People
Global Action for Trans* Equality statement on the international annual Day of Action for Trans Depathologization
Today, Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE) joins this annual Day of Action for Trans Depathologization by making a global call to end the systematic violation of our human rights.
International Campaign Stop Trans Pathologization statement on the international annual Day of Action for Trans Depathologization
English: http://www.stp2012.info/STP_Press_Release_October2016.pdf
Español: http://www.stp2012.info/STP_Nota_de_Prensa_Octubre2016.pdf
Transgender Tory politician says Labour opponent called her a man during meeting
A Bolton Labour councillor is under fire for comments about a transgender Conservative opponent.
Transgender Tory councillor complains to police after being addressed as ‘he’ by Labour opponent
Councillor refuses to take punishment for calling transgender woman ‘he’ instead of ‘she’
NHS trust terminates Gender Identity Service contract amid trans health turmoil
The NHS Trust that housed the UK’s primary transgender healthcare clinic has served notice that it will end the service – in a bid to hand it off to another provider.
Sade’s Child Comes Out as a Transgender Man
Singer Sade’s child, Mickailia “Ila” Adu, officially came out as a transgender man yesterday. There had been speculation since the early spring that the 20 year-old was transitioning, but nothing was confirmed. Mickailia, who was openly lesbian before transitioning, shared the news on his Instagram account with a lot of excitement.
Activists lying down in road to protest poor treatment of trans prisoners
Activists are hoping to wake the world up to the poor treatment of trans inmates
Transgender children: What you need to know
An increasing number of children are seeking help regarding their gender identity. We investigate the issue...
Boy ‘living life entirely as a girl’ removed from mother's care by judge
Woman who was convinced her son perceived himself as a girl caused seven-year-old ‘significant emotional harm’
Justice for a young trans girl that has been taken from her mum & forced to live as a boy

Bullied Wiltshire College pupil found hanged after receiving transgender abuse
A transgender student was found hanged less than a week after she made an official complaint at college over alleged bullying about her gender identity.
Mature student Gabriel Tinto, 51 of Salisbury, expressed frustration on social media about her voice and insults she received last Thursday (October 13).
Transgender Student hangs herself after filing complaint with college
Trans Notes from a Small Island: United Through Pride
September in the Channel Islands has seen three firsts: the first pan-island Pride, the first Equality & Diversity Awards and the first award by a tribunal of compensation for hurt and distress from discriminatory behaviour in the workplace.
French law scraps sterilization for transgender people
Rights activists celebrated a major victory in France on Thursday after the country passed legislation allowing transgender people to legally change their gender without undergoing sterilization.
France adopts 1st gender recognition law – trans people continue being judged
Récents propos du pape sur les personnes trans, vote définitif — le 12 octobre dernier — de la loi de modernisation de la justice du 21e siècle, dernière Existrans du quinquennat de François Hollande, veille de la grande marche homophobe de la Manif pour tous… l’Existrans 2016 s’inscrivait dans un contexte inhabituellement chargé. Près de deux milles manifestant-e-s, dont beaucoup venu-e-s de régions, ont participé à la 20e édition de cette marche toujours aussi militante et hautement politique. Seronet y était.
SecDef tells transgender student parents Blue can use the correct bathroom
Friday, the 21st of October NBC published about ‘Blue’ an 11-year-old transgender student in Germany. On Monday The 11th grader had received an email from her DOD Ramstein middle school principal outlining and affirming her transitional plan which included using girl’s bathroom. Blue and her mother excitedly bought her new outfits looking forward to her first day out at school.
18-year-old arrested in Qatar for being gay
'I was arrested for wearing makeup on Snapchat and Instagram'
“We Want To Help As Many Trans People As Possible”: A Brief History Of The Transgender Movement In Slovakia
Many trans people in the country didn’t know that transitioning was possible
Pakistan: Attacks on Transgender Women Surge
Pakistani authorities should urgently investigate the surge in violent attacks on transgender women in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Human Rights Watch said today. They should also investigate allegations that medical staff and police failed to assist victims and pursue justice in cases involving transgender people.
Trans and in Love in Karachi
It is past midnight when the convoy of buses and cars finally turns off the highway onto an unpaved road in the Pakistani nowhere and comes to a halt at the sturdy walls of a farmhouse. Slowly, a gate opens. Cars are being searched. The security guards look for weapons, alcohol, anything that might create trouble, Kami explains later. She smiles reassuringly at the armed guards. Sid, Kami’s life partner of seven years, readjusts his sunglasses, which are tucked into the collar of his muscle shirt. They wave us through.
Posters calling for ‘beheading’ transwomen surface on Tariq Road
A number of hateful posters have surfaced at a mall on Tariq Road – one of the city’s most vibrant shopping centres – lending credence to the idea of ‘beheading’ transwomen.
Transgender Persons Bill violates basic rights: Experts
Experts say the Bill has a narrow definition for a transgender and is seriously flawed and derogatory.
Love, sex-change and dhoka: A kashmiri love story gone wrong
A kashmiri love story goes wrong as a man-turned-woman german immigrant files a case of fraud and cheating against his live-in partner
Taiwan’s new digital minister is a transgender software programmer who wants to make government more open
The Taiwanese government has appointed Audrey Tang, a transgender software developer and self-described “civic hacker” to its executive council to head digital policy. Tang, 35, will be the youngest and first transgender official in Taiwan’s executive government, known as the yuan.
Indonesia’s first Muslim transgender boarding school forced to close
Indonesia’s only transgender boarding school has been forced to close after being branded ‘immoral’.
Al Fatah was widely regarded as a symbol of tolerance in the country. The school claimed it was the only Islamic boarding school for transgender students in the world.
Miss Fa'afafine: A look inside Samoa's transgender beauty pageant
Homosexuality may be illegal in Samoa, but the annual transgender beauty pageant is a mainstay of the island nation's social calendar.
Debate raging among Queensland Corrective Services over transfer of transgender worker
A transgender granny killer could be transferred from a men’s prison to a women’s facility in a historic move being debated by Queensland Corrective Services management.
Transgender & intersex Queenslanders seek birth certificate reform
Queensland’s Palaszczuk Government is facing increased pressure to follow the ACT and Victorian lead in amending legislation to allow both transgender and intersex people the right to alter their gender on their birth certificate – a move that would remove legal barriers and discrimination for those transitioning.
Australia's first trans health clinic has opened up in Melbourne
Melbourne has been voted the world's most liveable city for the sixth year in a row, and the city's first trans health clinic cements its reputation as the friendliest city for the trans and gender diverse communities, writes Emily McAvan.
Police investigate crossdresser attacks on schoolgirls at Parkdale and Mentone
A 16-year-ol schoolgirl was assaulted by a man dressed in women’s clothes as she walked to a school bus stop in Parkdale this morning.
Why the M or F on a birth certificate is so important to a transgender person
As governments grapple with legislation on a person being able to change their identified gender at birth, an Adelaide barrister explains why one simple letter is so important.
Clover Moore donates $20,000 to Inner City Legal Centre to help transgender kids
The funding comes as the free legal service had an increase of people seeking help for their transgender children.
'Just another way of being human': number of children experimenting with gender jumps
Transgender advocates and psychologists have welcomed an open discussion on gender identity, despite age concerns.
NSW child, 4, identifies as transgender as data reveals growing referrals for gender dysphoria
A four-year-old who identifies as transgender has begun to transition before their first day at school, hoping to complete the full transformation by 2017.
[New Zealand]
'It's absurd': A possible 50-year wait for transgender surgery
Almost 100 people are now on the waiting list for gender-reassignment surgery, but they face waiting 50 years for the life-changing procedure under Ministry of Health guidelines.
Transgender woman files human rights complaint alleging discrimination at salon
'I have absolutely no issues with transgender people,' says salon owner
Canadian National Exhibition unveils gender-neutral washrooms, signage
The Canadian National Exhibition has become the latest Toronto organization to introduce gender-neutral washrooms and signage, but advocates say there is still more to be done to promote inclusivity.
Canada’s biggest fair says ‘we don’t care’ where you pee
How Banks Make It Difficult for Trans Customers
A few weeks back on the first day of August, an outraged post from a friend appeared in my Facebook newsfeed:
Catholic school districts dispute poor marks on LGBTQ policy report card
Despite new laws and a ministerial order, some Alberta school boards’ policies fail to protect LGBTQ staff, students and their families, according to a new analysis by Public Interest Alberta.
Transgender and unemployed: Businesses shut doors to trans workers
Mike Leard was an ad man, a real Don Draper type, loved his drink, loved women and did some stunning advertisements. Leard never had trouble finding work. In fact, most of the time he didn't even have a resumé, his reputation alone landed him jobs.
Alberta pastor to gvmt: No gay clubs or transgender bathroom exceptions in our private schools
Brian Coldwell, a Baptist pastor and chairman of a Christian school board, has told the provincial government that his two small schools will not allow gay straight alliance clubs for homosexuals or permit transgender students to use the washrooms of the opposite sex.
Lack of transgender policy leading to healthcare delays in Yukon, says advocate
Yukon's health care 'woefully inadequate' for transgender people, says Chase Blodgett
U of T professor Jordan Peterson defends his transphobia: “If that’s a hate crime then bring it on!”
Holding a Ph.D. does not entitle one to espouse bigotry or openly embrace transphobia. Incredibly University of Toronto Prof Jordan Peterson expressed surprise that using his position to indoctrinate young minds with transphobia may come at a price.
Swastikas desecrate U of T as Professor Jordan Peterson ramps up racist transphobia
Transgender boy’s mom sues hospital, saying he ‘went into spiral’ after staff called him a girl
The transgender teenager had once written a poem about the heartache of a boy born in a girl’s body. His words were raw and revealing.
One Million Moms Attack H&M Over Cis Woman They Believe is Trans, Miss Actual Trans Woman
The Christian hate group One Million Moms has launched a boycott of the Swedish multinational clothing retailer H&M following their new advertisement, 'She's a Lady'.
Pistons' Reggie Bullock opens up about his murdered transgender sister
In 2014, the older sister of Detroit Pistons reserve forward Reggie Bullock, Mia Henderson, was senselessly murdered in Baltimore for being a transgender woman. A rather villainous act yet Bullock is somehow able to take the loss of his sister, who was born Kevin Long, in perspective.
Walmart is selling a ‘Tranny Granny’ Halloween costume
Walmart is selling a transphobic Halloween costume via its online store.
‘Safer Sex for Trans Bodies’ guide released
The Human Rights Campaign and Whitman-Walker Health have teamed up for a comprehensive sexual health guide for transgender and gender-nonconforming people called “Safer Sex for Trans Bodies,” HRC announced in a press release.
New Study Highlights High Rates of Suicide and Self-Harm Among Transgender Youth
In a new study, 30 percent of transgender youth report a history of at least one suicide attempt, and nearly 42 percent report a history of self-injury, such as cutting.
Trans-ing History on the Web: The Digital Transgender Archive
When College of the Holy Cross professor K.J. Rawson first imagined what would become the Digital Transgender Archive (DTA), he had in mind something fairly simple: a collection of finding aids that would solve a problem he’d faced himself as a researcher—the difficulty of figuring out “where transgender-related materials are held.” The collection Rawson envisioned would guide researchers through the contents of scattered transgender history archives. What emerged instead is a multi-institution collaboration; a centralized digital repository of unprecedented scale that has made accessible digitized materials related to transgender history gathered from collections across the world.
Warren Beatty: My transgender son is my hero
Actor Warren Beatty has spoken about his transgender son Stephen.
The fourteen-time Oscar nominated filmmaker opened up this week in an interview with Vanity Fair.
Transgender Firefighter Katie Cornhill raising awareness and funds at Great South Run
Transgender firefighter Katie Cornhill will be running in the Great South Run on October 23rd fundraising for the Fire Fighters Charity to help support programs that include rehabilitation, recuperation, psychological and nursing.
Mark Seliger’s Portraits of the Transgender Community Are About Being Seen
The photographer’s collection On Christopher Street features stories about a community that has long found acceptance and solace in the West Village.
Gwen Araujo murder 14 years later: Transgender teen’s killers face parole
Sylvia Guerrero had never even heard the word “transgender” until her 17-year-old daughter Gwen Araujo, born a son named Eddie, was brutally murdered. Today she’s an admired activist for transgender causes, even though the horror of Gwen’s fate has upended her life.
Laverne Cox’s #RockyHorror “Sweet Transvestite” – Fan or Fail?
Laverne Cox debuted as Dr. Frank-n-furter last night on Fox TV’S remake of the #RockyHorror Picture Show. As a transgender woman, I had very strong emotional reactions, mostly a sense of embarrassment. But watching it again this morning and seeing the response on twitter embracing her role I wonder how you feel about this. I wonder if I am out of sync with the trans movement or maybe you have reservations as well?
Police investigating whether shootings of 2 transgender women are connected
Birmingham police are investigating whether or not the shootings of two transgender women may be connected.
Birmingham police responded to a shooting on Monday morning in the 7500 block of 5th Avenue South.
The victim, a transgender woman, was shot in the ear and has life-threatening injuries.

Black transgender woman Jazz Alford shot and killed in Birmingham, Alabama, hotel room
A person found shot to death at the Kings Inn in Birmingham, Alabama, on Sept. 23 is now being counted among the transgender women killed in 2016, after early reports of the incident misgendered her as male, according to AL.com.
Rest In Power and Peace Jazz Alford
Carmichael faith-based hospital denies transgender man hysterectomy
Evan Minton claims hospital canceled surgery because he is transgender
Mercedes Successful is one of 19 reported transgender murders in the U.S. this year. When will it stop?
Mercedes Successful was found shot to death in the back parking lot of a Big Lots and Tractor Supply Co. in Haines City May 15. She was 32 years old. Successful identified as a transgender woman.

'Trailblazing' Trans Man Dies Mysteriously, But His Legacy Lives On
In a life entrenched with religious tradition, Jonah Berele was a trailblazer.
When he was born in 1988 it was as Sarah, Miriam and Allan Berele's first-born baby.
But growing up a devout Jew in West Ridge, particularly within the conservative Orthodox community, it wasn't easy for Jonah to come out as a transgender teen.
Christian extremist shoots trans woman in the face — but in Pence’s Indiana it’s not a hate crime
When is a hate crime not a hate crime? If it happens in vice presidential nominee Mike Pence’s state of Indiana, it cannot be a hate crime: Indiana does not have a hate crimes statute. So, for Crystal Cash, a transgender woman who was shot in the face, police will not be pursuing hate crime charges against the man who Cash alleges shouted an anti-gay slur at her before shooting her.

Cachita Dead: Alina María Hernández, One Of First Transgender Women On Hispanic TV, Passes Away
Alina María Hernández, known as “Cachita” from Univision’s “El Gordo y la Flaca” passed away on October 8, according to a post shared by Raúl de Molina on his social media accounts. “I’ve been informed of the sad news of the passing of #Cachita #AlinaHernandez, who was one of the great personalities from @elgordoylaflaca. My most sincere condolences to her loved ones. She will always be in our hearts,” De Molina posted. Hernández worked with the show for over 10 years.
Alina María Hernández
State settles with inmate seeking sex change operation
The state this week agreed to settle a civil rights lawsuit filed by an inmate against the state prison's medical director for refusing to provide hormone therapy.
Woodside: Transgender woman allegedly attacked for being gay, Van Bramer to hold rally
Police are investigating an incident last week when a transgender woman was struck in the head with a hammer as a hate crime, and several councilmen are speaking up against violence toward transgender women.
Rally in Queens calling for end to violence against transgender community
Transgender woman beaten with hammer ignites emotional Queens rally to support trans community
Woodside Rallies for Trans Woman Attacked in Hate Crime
New York Moves to Allow Medicaid to Cover Hormone Therapy for Transgender Youth
The New York State Health Department has signaled it intends to allow transgender youth to receive Medicaid coverage for hormones that forestall puberty, wiping away prohibitions that have been criticized by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups.
Woman’s Hockey League Player Harrison Browne comes out as transgender
Harrison Browne a professional Hockey player with the Buffalo Beauts came out as transgender Friday, announcing what his teammates already knew and embraced. Harrison made history by becoming the first male to play in a woman’s hockey league. Harrison said he had one wish and that was to hear his authentic name and gender announced during a game. He had his dream realized in a big way Friday.
NWHL player Harrison Browne comes out as a transgender man

DA: DeWitt woman handcuffed herself to bike, rode into Green Lake in suicide
A DeWitt woman whose body was found Saturday floating at Green Lakes State Park is believed to have committed suicide, Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick said.
The victim, who went by the name Sarah, 38, was born Paul Kench Jr., Fitzpatrick said today. New York State Park Police also today confirmed the identity of the person found in the lake.

Transgender woman found dead in Cleveland with plastic bag around head
A Cleveland woman found dead Saturday with a plastic bag around her head identifies as a transgender woman, according to family members.
Brandi Bledsoe, 32, told her family about two years ago that she wanted to be identified as Brandi, instead of Brandon, the name in which she was identified to the media by the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner.
Black Trans Woman Brandi Bledsoe Is At Least the 23rd Trans Person Murdered This Year in US
Vigil held to honor transgender murder victim
A crowd gathered to voice a renewed call for hate crime protections for members of the transgender community Wednesday evening.
Trans woman sues former employer
Despite improving business at Cedar Hill restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings fired its manager when she began presenting as a woman
UPDATED: Online Posts Appear to Show TDCJ Officers Encouraging Violence Against Trans Prisoner
Comments on a September Observer article include ‘one to the back of the head.'
Vogue en la Ciudad de México: la diversidad sexual en escena
Entrevistamos a Bryan Cárdenas, quien es voguer (bailarín de vogue) y madre de la casa de vogue “The House of Drag”, y artista Drag Queen también conocido artísticamente y al interior de la comunidad vogue como Zebra Drag Queen, quien nos habló sobre el baile vogue que cada vez comienza a popularizarse más en la comunidad LGBT de la CDMX.
This Trans Activist Wants To Change Mexico By Promoting Self-Love
Colombia-born Ophelia Pastrana fights to empower transgender women.

Ex militar mató a prostituta por no decirle que era transexual
Paola era una chica travesti que se dedicaba a la prostitución. Tenía 23 años la noche que fue asesinada por un exmilitar. El pasado 30 se septiembre el hombre se acercó a un grupo de sexo servidoras para solicitar un servicio.
A Paola la mató un exmilitar por no decirle que era hombre

Itzel Durán, una joven transexual de 19 años, fue asesinada en Chiapas
Dos hombres entraron a su casa y asesinaron a puñaladas a Itzel, de 19 años. Los vecinos escucharon sus gritos de auxilio y llamaron a la policía pero no pudieron ayudar a la joven.

Asesinan a Alessa Flores, mujer transgénero y activista
La joven originaria de Tabasco que se desempeñaba como escort, apareció sin vida en un hotel de la colonia Obrera
Alessa Flores, mujer transgénero originaria de Tabasco que se desempeñaba como escort, según su descripción en Facebook, apareció sin vida este jueves 13 de octubre en un hotel de la colonia Obrera.
La vida de las personas trans también importa
La liberación en 2012 del asesino de Trayvon Martin detonó el surgimiento de movilizaciones con la causa #BlackLivesMatter (Las vidas negras importan). Lo que comenzó como una discusión pública acerca de la ejecución de personas negras en Estados Unidos por parte de policías, ha evolucionado en un movimiento de resistencia en contra de los procesos de deshumanización de las vivencias negras y para la defensa de sus derechos. Esta lucha contra la violencia por prejuicios logró visibilizar que el racismo no quedó superado con la abolición de las leyes de segregación y que sus víctimas lo sufren de forma diferente dependiendo de si son mujeres, gays, personas con discapacidad o inmigrantes.
We Can No Longer Turn A Blind Eye To Murders Of Transgender Women In Mexico
México es el segundo país del mundo con más asesinatos de transexuales: estudio
Representantes y activistas de la comunidad de mujeres transexuales preguntaron al Gobierno de la Ciudad de México cuántas más de ellas sucumbirán ante la ola de asesinatos que las tiene viviendo en el más profundo temor
Muxes; el odio y la transfobia atentan sus vidas
Existe un imaginario colectivo en nuestra sociedad que señala que en diversas zonas de Oaxaca existe cierto halo de tolerancia en torno a la diversidad sexual, debido al respeto que algunas comunidades tienen hacia las muxes, lo cual ha llevado a algunas personas a afirmar que este estado es “un paraíso muxe”. La realidad es que el odio, la homofobia y la transfobia son una constante que lacera las vidas de estas personas.
[Costa Rica]
UNA reconoce nombre elegido por transgénero en Costa Rica
La Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) informó hoy de que reconocerá en sus registros internos el nombre elegido por la población estudiantil y administrativa transgénero.
Estudiantes trans podrán elegir cuál nombre usar en documentos de la Universidad Nacional
Con éxito La Pincoya marchó por la diversidad sexual por vez primera
Con la participación de vecinos e invitados se realizó la Primera Marcha de la Diversidad Sexual en La Pincoya. La actividad se desarrolló con total éxito el sábado 20 de agosto donde los asistentes y curiosos participaron de una feria de la diversidad y de la marcha, también disfrutaron de los distintos números artísticos que llegaron al evento que por primera vez se realiza en la popular población de la comuna de Huechuraba.
'Decir ideología de género es tergiversación', dice Naciones Unidas
El director regional del Fondo de Población de Naciones Unidas habla sobre las polémicas cartillas.
Colegio en Colombia accede a que estudiante transgénero asista con falda
Gabriela Espinosa inició su transformación hace dos años. La Institución Educativa Ricaurte Valle aceptó a la menor luego de que esta considerara necesario asumir su condición. Con falda y uniforme, igual a la de sus compañeras, continua con sus estudios.
Cambió de género y denuncia que no le permiten jugar hockey femenino
Jessica Millamán dice que la Asociación del Valle de ese deporte se negó a renovar su fichaje y ella lo atribuye a su "condición sexual".
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