Transfofa em Blog

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quarta-feira, maio 31, 2006

This article is from a recent, Exodus International online
Exodus International describes itself as "...a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization promoting the message of Freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ."
Excerpt: Like homosexuality, many people who struggle with their gender have traumatic experiences in their past including sexual or physical abuse, rejection from same-sex family and peers, etc. What makes their struggle different is that instead of (or in addition to) longing for and fantasizing about the same sex, they abandon their own gender altogether. They feel they will not be safe, loved or accepted if they remain as they are. They long to cover their shame and hurt in the appearance of the opposite sex.

Transsexual woman can't see child
Woman who underwent sex-change operation appeals to High Court of Justice after Rabbinic Court cancels prior alimony agreement; appeal rejected

Inmate Seeks Court Order For Sex-Change Operation
Man Says He Suffers From Anxiety, Depression
BOSTON -- A man convicted of killing his wife is again asking a judge for permission to get a sex-change operation.

Transsexual: 13 jovens acusados
Ministério Público do Porto acusou todos os menores pelo crime de homicídio qualificado tentado de «Gisberta». Seis também vão responder por tentativa de profanação de cadáver. Julgamento pode começar em Junho
O Ministério Público acusou 13 menores, na sua maioria alunos das oficinas de São José, no caso do transsexual brasileiro encontrado morto dentro de um fosso, num parque de estacionamento, no Porto.