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sexta-feira, maio 26, 2006

Commission wins an important victory for transsexual persons in Ontario
A decision concerning the treatment of transsexual persons detained by police was issued by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario on Tuesday, May 16, 2006. The complainant's case was referred and argued by the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

The Woman Inside
The story of the Sandy City Councilman formerly known as Prince
Nicole Cook received the shock of her life the day she visited her mother's apartment in 1996.

Female hormone to blame for male infertility

Male infertility is likely to increase unless the high level of the female hormone estrogen in recycled water is addressed, the Water Institute of South Africa's conference heard on Tuesday.
Add a few more months to the legal proceedings surrounding the nearly 4-year-old Gwen Araujo murder case. On Monday, May 22, attorneys agreed to continue the sentencing of Jaron Nabors – the prosecution's star witness in the case – until Friday, August 4 at the Hayward Hall of Justice.
In the photo, Jaron Nabors's mother Terry Nabors. Left, talks with his attorney Anne Beles outside the courtroom. Photo: Jane Philomen Cleland

Desde que fuera testigo del asesinato de la travesti Dayana (29 de julio de 2000) a manos de un policía en la ciudad de Valencia, estado de Carabobo, Venezuela, la activista Yhajaira Marcano Bravo ha sido objeto de constante persecución policial. Entre otros incidentes, pasó tres años paralítica y tuvo que ser tratada en Cuba luego de que le dispararan; la casa precaria en la que se refugiaba fue demolida y ni siquiera sus desplazamientos internos a Barquisimeto y Caracas sirvieron para protegerla, ya que al continuar allí con su activismo contra la violencia policial, fue objeto de nuevas agresiones. En este momento, Yhajaira está en Buenos Aires, intentando movilizar a la opinión pública venezolana e internacional para que presionen al gobierno de su país y este le proporcione las garantías de protección necesarias para que ella pueda regresar.