Transessuale aggredisce automobilista
Transsexuelle will in die Politik
Crisis intervention centre for transgenders
Thai band with little something extra
Mexican lawmaker proposes giving transsexuals constitutional protection
[USA] [News/Films/ DVDs]A Nine-Disc Passport To the Land of Almodovar
Transessuale aggredisce automobilista
Ennesimo episodio di violenza ieri sera tra Ameglia e Sarzana sulle strade del sesso.
Transsexuelle will in die Politik
Lange Jahre tolerierten Vater und die Ehefrau die weiblichen Anlagen von Dominique Michel S. Doch als der Politiker-Sohn seinen Neigungen nachgab, sich entschloss, endlich eine Frau zu werden, begann ein Spießrutenlauf. Jetzt kandidiert Laura Armani (früher Dominique Michel) für den Tessiner Stadtrat.
Crisis intervention centre for transgenders
A crisis intervention centre and sensitisation programmes for district administration and police officials are among the initiatives through which the State Government is planning to support transgenders in the National AIDS Control Programme 3.
Thai band with little something extra
Tagging Venus Flytrap as "Thailand's Spice Girls" might perhaps be just a little misleading. Although they are without exception spicy and vivacious, their ID cards indicate that each of them was born a man.
Mexican lawmaker proposes giving transsexuals constitutional protection
A Mexican congressman said Thursday he will submit a bill to Congress in March that would amend the country's constitution to guarantee the rights of transsexuals and change civil laws to ensure they can legally change their name and gender.
[USA] [News/Films/ DVDs]A Nine-Disc Passport To the Land of Almodovar
Watching a Pedro Almodovar movie is like seeing a great graphic novel come to life. His camera angles are often inventive, providing the viewer with a telling perspective that reveals more than a character is letting on, or sometimes merely providing a bit of visual comic relief from a dark drama.
The nine-disc "Viva Pedro: The Almodovar Collection" ($117.95) from Sony Pictures Classics is an excellent passport to that witty, campy, involving land.
Photo: Gael Garcia Bernal plays a blackmailing drag queen in Pedro Almodovar's "Bad Education." (By Diego Lopez Calvin -- Sony Pictures Classics)
The nine-disc "Viva Pedro: The Almodovar Collection" ($117.95) from Sony Pictures Classics is an excellent passport to that witty, campy, involving land.
Photo: Gael Garcia Bernal plays a blackmailing drag queen in Pedro Almodovar's "Bad Education." (By Diego Lopez Calvin -- Sony Pictures Classics)
Another Transgender woman murdered?
Another transgender woman has been killed in a seedy Tenderloin Hotel.
Soldier Sex Change: "I Do My Job...So Why Kick Me Out?"
A soldier is fighting to stay in the military while having a sex change operation to turn him from G.I. Jane to G.I. Joe.
Police refuse to release Nizah Morris 911 tape
The Philadelphia Police Department has refused to release an unedited 911 tape covering a courtesy ride police gave to transgender woman Nizah Morris in December 2002.
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