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terça-feira, abril 03, 2007

[New Zealand]
128 submissions for NZ transgender inquiry
128 submissions showing New Zealand transgender people's experiences of discrimination have been collected and summarised by the Human Rights Commission - and those summaries are now in the hands of Members of Parliament and government agencies.

Boycott Homosexual 'Day of Silence,' Pro-Family Group Says
A national pro-family coalition is calling on parents to keep their children home from school on April 18 to avoid the annual "Day of Silence," when some students and faculty members remain mute to "protest the oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth."

'U' makes your name your choice
Sebastián Colón, a graduate student in the School of Social Work, knows what's in a name. Colón, a self-identified transgender student, goes by his male name rather than the female title on his Mcard, driver's license and CTools account. Because he couldn't get his name changed legally, Colón has petitioned the University since 2005 to use his preferred name for University business.

[IA,USA] [Letters to Editor]
Religion is not an excuse for discrimination
Thank you to the Register's editorial board for its March 19 endorsement of legislation to include sexual orientation and gender identity in the Iowa Civil Rights Code.

[FL,USA] [Commentary]
Sex changes, alimony, and the true meaning of progress
The media often romanticizes the gay community as a decadent subculture to which most of us cannot relate, but it's a cakewalk in contrast to the sideshow status of transgender people.