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domingo, junho 17, 2007

Primera concejala transexual de España decide finalmente no apoyar PSPV ni PP
La primera concejala transexual de España, Manuela Trasobares, prometió hoy su cargo en el Ayuntamiento de Geldo en representación de Acción Republicana Democrática de España (ARDE) y se votó a sí misma, rechazando así apoyar al PSPV ni al PP, empatados en número de ediles.

Propone el PRD reforma constitucional a favor de trans
Con el objeto de respaldar legalmente los derechos de las personas transexuales y transgénero, el legislador David Sánchez Camacho presentó una iniciativa para reformar al artículo 4º de la Constitución Mexicana.

Un transsexuel bientôt Miss Espagne ?
Grâce à une modification du règlement, les transsexuels pourront désormais s'inscrire à l'élection de Miss ou Mister Espagne, et les mères de famille à celle des Miss.
Depuis le mois de mars, les transsexuels peuvent changer de sexe et d'identité sur leur état civil, sans passer par une opération chirurgicale préalable.

Vicenza: accoltellato 40enne in casa transessuale
Trovato morto in casa di un transessuale, a Vicenza, un uomo di 40 anni, ucciso con una o piu' coltellate al petto.

Roma si prepara ad accogliere la parata del gay Pride. Quest'anno toccherà alla capitale ospitare sabato 16 giugno le bandiere arcobaleno e i vessilli rosa che arriveranno da tutta Italia per celebrare l'orgoglio di chi chiede "pari dignità, laicità e parità". Lesbiche, gay, trans e bisessuali ma non solo.

Parla Federica Pezzoli, avvocato ed esponente dell'associazione persone transessuali Crisalide.
«Le diversità sono un valore aggiunto, soprattutto in ambito lavorativo. Per convincersene basta guardare alle aziende europee».

Transfabulous Festival
http://www.transfab uk/Festival07/ festival07. html

Police Board to set up Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Group
Members of the Northern Ireland Policing Board have met with representatives of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community to discuss the setting up of a reference group.

Taliban threaten Lakhtai boys and "eunuch" dancers
One Abdur Raziq contributes June 9 a brief account to the open-posting website Ground Report ("Where You Make the News") of the Taliban crackdown on elements of traditional Pashtun culture which are considered "un-Islamic" in Pakistan's Tribal Areas—Lakhtai dancing boys and "eunuchs." These latter are not necessarily literally castrated, but what we call "trans-gendered" in the West.

'Censors end' drag artist's show
Pakistan's first and only television chat show hosted by a transvestite is being taken off air after falling foul of the state censor, the host says. Ali Saleem, who dresses up as Begum Nawazish Ali for the show, said its last broadcast will be on 1 July.
Photo: Nawazish Ali has proved to be universally popular

Philippe Tisseyre: sa vie en rose Lejaby
Philippe Tisseyre a exercé tous les métiers : imprimeur, musicien, compositeur, tenancier d'un établissement de prêt sur gage, auteur et cuisinier. Il a aussi été cadre dans la maison d'édition de son père Pierre Tisseyre, mari dévoué et père de quatre enfants. Puis à 46 ans, il a tout envoyé promener pour devenir pianiste de concert en... talons hauts.
Portrait d'un transgenre pas comme les autres.
Photo Patrick Sanfaçon, La Presse

Nelson gets life in police slayings
Excerpt: Nelson, 49, was born Glenn Nelson and underwent a sex-change operation in 1992. Three years later, she opened fire with an AK-47 assault rifle on officers who had come to her home to serve a search warrant for weapons.
Transsexual cop-killer gets 2nd life term
Leslie Nelson, the transsexual convicted of killing two law enforcement officers and wounding a third, was sentenced Friday to another life sentence.

[CA, USA] [News/Films]
Identical twins walked divergent paths
Documentary at gay film fest chronicles pair's tough teen years, one brother's sex change.
"Red Without Blue" documents the relationship between identical twins Alex and Mark and the impact of Alex's decision to become female.
Twins Clair (left) and Mark Farley have a close relationship. Chronicle photo by Mike Kane