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segunda-feira, junho 04, 2007

Nouvelle anthologie sur l'intersexuation

Nouvelle anthologie publiée par l'Organisation Internationale des Intersexes disponible sur le site de l'OII.

Cirujanos afirman que hay más de 400 transexuales pendientes de un cambio de sexo
Son todos los que están, pero no están todos los que son. En la lista de espera del Hospital Regional Carlos Haya hay de 80 a 100 transexuales esperando una operación de cambio de sexo, según dijeron ayer a este periódico fuentes de los cirujanos plásticos. Sin embargo, el número real de pacientes que cumplen el requisito internacional para ser intervenidos tras superar dos años en tratamiento hormonal y psicológico es mucho mayor. Las fuentes citadas indicaron que puede haber entre 400 y 450 transexuales que deberían ser operados.

Boy or girl? Teenager shunned over his sex
Life is becoming unbearable for Samuel in his village in Western Kenya. The adolescent, who has both male and female reproductive organs, has become the laughing stock in his village. The Standard Eight pupil in Butere/Mumias District lived secretly with his condition until he reached puberty. The stage, marked by genital maturation and development of secondary sex characteristics, let his secret out of the bag.
Raised as a boy, villagers were shocked when Samuel's breasts started growing.

Universidad se niega a matricular a transexual
La Universidad laica Vicente Rocafuerte de la ciudad de Guayaquil le niega matricula a una transexual que pretendia inscribirse en la carrera de periodismo. El pasado 15 de mayo, la transexual Briana Jijón Arce, se encontró con la negativa de incripcion cuando le comunicó a la tesorera del establecimiento su condición transexual.

[Jamaica] Heather Little-White, Ph.D., Contributor
Who is a cross-dresser?
Are you having fantasies of cross-dressing? One definition for a cross-dressing is clothing oneself in the garments of the opposite sex. This a common practice of transvestites who like to wear clothing of the opposite sex. Cross-dressing is usually associated wit sexual pleasur some cross-dressers just feel comfortable in clothing of the opposite sex. While some women dress up as men, the majority of cross-dressers are men who may not be homosexual or want to change their sex.

Jaclyn Meridth's lost identity
The government seems sure Jaclyn Vivian Meridth is a fraud. Many church members seem sure Meridth is genuine.