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domingo, junho 03, 2007

Transcending Gender

Heidi Blake speaks to two students about their experiences of dealing with gender transition in a university environment.
Students who define themselves as `trans' open themselves up to a bewilderingly plentiful array of identity options, even by post-modern standards. The term is an umbrella which covers those who identify variously as `gender queer', `gender neutral', `gender-fluid' , `trans-gender' , `transvestite' and/or `trans-sexual' .

[France] [PR/Events]
French activists mobilising against U.S. "DSD" eugenics movement
Dannie Reynal, OII-France, will be giving a presentation this evening, June 2, 2007, in Strasbourg. Here is the outline of the presentation (translated by Curtis E. Hinkle)

A. Current Treatment of intersexed children

The intersexed, almost totally invisible within the general population, have undergone sexual mutilating surgeries in early childhood since Ambroise Paré. These surgeries are the sole decision of a doctor without the parents' consent and this is the case in a country which criminalises female circumcision as primitive and barbaric. These infant surgeries and other medical interventions are performed with the pretext of ensuring that all children can be made into a boy or girl so as to have a legal identity as one or the other.

B. Causes of intersex

The causes of intersex can be natural, chemical or environmental.

C. Consequences of current medical protocols

The results are often manifested by a chaotic development of one's personal identity reinforced by the permanent discomfort resulting from the arbitrary assignment to just one sex and, in other cases, our nonconforming characteristics lead us to suicide, drug addiction and instability.

D. Eugenics

For some years now we are the victims of medical eugenics with doctors killing us unscrupulously when any anomaly which does not fit the male/female binary construct of sex is detected using modern prenatal
screening techniques and this is done even though we are totally physiologically viable.

E. Our demands

We demand that all therapeutic abortions of the intersexed stop NOW. We demand that all genital mutilations of the intersexed stop NOW. We demand recognition of our existence and of our differences. We demand the right to hormone blockers in puberty so as to give us the right to choose our own sex and gender with our own consent and with access to hormone replacement therapy and other medical intervention that we, after informed consent, deem appropriate.

Contact information: OII-France, Dannie Reynal:

OII-France website:

OII-France blog:

E' polemica in Toscana su una card prepagata pensata dalla Regione per transessuali e transgender disoccupati.
Firenze, Card per i trans. Simoncini, “atto di civiltà”
"Ho letto con stupore le critiche all'iniziativa della carta pepagata per avviare al lavoro transessuali e transgender approvata dall giunta regionale.
"Dopo i Dico, dopo la sistematica denigrazione della famiglia e il tentativo di disgregarne il valore come elemento fondante della società italiana, adesso la sinistra insiste approvando in Toscana le card transessuali" .
L'Agedo Livorno si unisce alle altre associazioni glbt nell'accogliere con profonda gioia la delibera con la quale la giunta regionale della Toscana approva per la prima volta un lavoro di sostegno a favore delle persone transessuali al fine di facilitar nel'accesso nel mondo del lavoro e consentire una possibilità di vita dignitosa, così come dovrebbe essere per tutti.
Una tarjeta de crédito para formar a los transexuales
Ofrecer una tarjeta de crédito cargada con 2.500 euros a los transexuales que estén buscando trabajo para que acudan a cursos de formación. Esta es la medida que ha sacado adelante la región de Toscana - la comunidad de Florencia, en el norte de Italia - entre las protestas de la oposición de derechas y las felicitaciones de los colectivos gays e transexuales, según publica hoy el periódico italiano La Repubblica en su web.

[Puerto Rico]
Candidatos a Jefe de Gobierno porteño hablan sobre diversidad sexual
Los postulantes a jefes de Gobierno porteño en las elecciones de mañana respondieron, sin excepciones, a la encuesta que desde el 2000 realiza –-antes de cada votación nacional o de la Capital Federal– la Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA), con la consigna "no vote a los/as candidatos/as que discriminan".

Travestis y transexuales serán llamados por su nombre
En hospitales Las personas travestis y transexuales deberán comenzar a ser llamadas por su nombre de elección y no por el que figura en el DNI, en todos los hospitales públicos de la provincia.

ADN a tres personas por un crimen alevoso
El juez penal de Instrucción Alfredo Ivaldi Artacho ordenó la realización de tres exámenes de ADN en el marco de la causa judicial por el crimen de Marisa González, el transexual asesinado de varias puñaladas hace poco más de dos años en su casona de Pellegrini 341.