Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, junho 18, 2007

Bailey nasceu homem e agora é a mulher de Cambridge
A histórica cidade de Cambridge, no Reino Unido, era até agora conhecida sobretudo pela sua prestigiada universidade, de onde saíram alguns Prémios Nobel. Mas, desde Maio, ela anda na boca de muitos por ter eleito uma transexual para presidente da câmara.

La edil transexual de Geldo actúa en la serie valenciana de temática gay «Lo que surja»
La serie «Lo que surja», de temática gay y rodada para internet por siete jóvenes valencianos, estrena hoy su segunda temporada con seis capítulos de diez minutos en los que aparecerán, como estrellas invitadas, las actrices Carmen Machi y Eva Santolaria y la primera edil transexual de España, Manuela Trasobares.
La serie, que se estrenó en octubre del año pasado en la página web creada por Singermorning Producciones (www.loquesurja. es), registró más de 500.000 visionados de internautas que se interesaron por los avatares y escarceos de los siete amigos homosexuales que la protagonizan.
En el primer capítulo, Carmen Machi, conocida por su papel como Aída, interpretará a la madre de uno de los personajes, mientras que Eva Santolaria será en el quinto episodio la ex novia de un protagonista. Ambas colaboran con la serie de forma altruista.
Otra de las «musas» es Manuela Trasobares, edil en el Ayuntamiento castellonense de Geldo, que interpreta a una esquizofrénica profesora que viste de forma extravagante, y que con su atuendo atrajo la atención de todos los estudiantes que se cruzaron con ella durante el rodaje, en la Universidad de Gandía.

Miss Spagna aperto anche ai trans
Cambio di regole per la nuova edizione.
La notizia giunge direttamente da Madrid. Le nuove regole sono chiare, anche le madri, e i transessuali i cui documenti riflettano la loro nuova condizione, potranno presentarsi come concorrenti per il titolo di Miss Spagna.

Multitudinaria marcha gay en Italia
Manifestación en Roma para pedir la igualdad para los homosexuales. Cientos de miles de personas han reclamado el reconocimiento de las uniones civiles. En el Parlamento italiano se está debatiendo la Ley que regulará los deberes y derechos de las personas que tienen una convivencia estable.
Foto: Vladimir Luxuria, Diputado transexual

[Ireland] [Blog/News/Commentary]
More on Irish transsexuals
Excerpt: It all started to get busy after the decision by the Irish State to re-issue the Leaving Cert of an unnamed Irish transsexual in her new female name.

[USA] [Books]
Transsexual finds sexism in feminism
A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The Church and The Transgendered
This has been floating around for a while, and I have to admit I really have no opinion about it, except to say the presiding Bishop of the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference acted in accordance with the law and the gospel.

[USA] [Commentary]
Transmission – In Defense of ‘Queer,’ It’s a Flexible Word
In the Pride issue of Camp, Stephanie Bottoms wrote the Speak Out column “When LGBT Groups Embrace the Word ‘Queer,’ That Hurts.” I do understand and appreciate where she is coming from – “queer” isn’t one of my favorite words to use either. Unfortunately, living in a world where gender identity and sexual orientation grow more fluid and our traditional labels no longer seem to adequately fit, the word “queer” has become the default umbrella term for the LGBT et al. communities.

New Jersey becomes 9th state to protect against transgender discrimination
Starting Sunday, New Jersey joins eight other states in making it illegal for employers and landlords to discriminate against transgendered people.
Gender identity added to state's anti-bias law
Excerpt: Beginning today, New Jersey becomes the sixth state to explicitly prohibit transgender discrimination.

[CA,USA] [Blog/Commentary/ Film]
Frameline Censors Lesbian Film
For the first time in 31 years, Frameline, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Film Festival in San Francisco (June 14-24), has taken a film out of the program. The Gendercator (USA 2007) has been banished for being "transphobic", scheduled for screening on June 15th .

[CA,USA] [Blog/Commentary/ Film Review]
Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother
It's amazing how glamorous a little press accreditation can feel, my favorite part is getting inside the theater before everyone else so that I can choose the seat of my choice! Soon the theater is packed with so many gays, I don't think I've seen this many gays in a while. Not all together, at least.


  • At 18 julho, 2007 22:32, Blogger Geoffrey Kruse-Safford said…

    I just wanted to say "Thank you" for the link. I'm sorry if my equivocation on the issue of the transgendered upset or offended; I was just trying to be honest. Thank you, again, though, for the props. Stop by again.


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