Transfofa em Blog

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sexta-feira, julho 20, 2007

El Supremo dice que el cambio de sexo debe estar recogido en la ley para ser financiado
El Tribunal Supremo determina en una sentencia que una operación de cambio de sexo no es financiable con cargo a la Seguridad Social o a fondos estatales si no aparece recogida en las correspondientes normas de prestaciones sanitarias, como ocurre en algunas comunidades autónomas, sin que ello suponga «ninguna» discriminación.
El Supremo descarta la financiación de los tratamientos a transexuales
El Tribunal Supremo ha anulado una sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias por la que se condenó al Instituto Madrileño de la Salud (IMSALUD) a asumir el coste de una operación de cambio de sexo contra una mujer transexual, según consta en una sentencia hecha pública.

Colega lanza una campaña en favor de los transexuales
Con el lema La transexualidad no es una enfermedad. La transfobia sí, la Confederación Colega de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales de España ha presentado en Málaga una campaña dirigida a lograr la desclasificación de la transexualidad como enfermedad mental. La Federación Española de Sociedades Sexológicas colabora como encargada de coordinar las contribuciones científicas que argumentan esta reivindicación desde la psicología y la psiquiatría.

Who's your daddy?
You're strolling through the park and you happen upon the intimate scene of a mother breastfeeding her baby under a tree. How sweet, you think, and before looking away - because your mother always told you it's not polite to stare - you notice the cropped hair and full beard. Seems mommy is actually a daddy. Breastfeeding his baby.
This isn't the only awkward type of scenario to arise when a female-to-male (FTM) transsexual decides to have a baby.
Photo: Clever '70s marketing isn't so far from today's reality for some FTM transsexuals

Bar vs. transvestites: AG looks into complaint
The Arizona Attorney General's Office is investigating a civil rights complaint against a Scottsdale bar owner for alleged discrimination against transgender or transvestite patrons.
Transgender patron files complaint over bar ban
Scottsdale bar owner Tom Anderson believes he was doing the right thing when he banned several transgender patrons from the club after women complained about cross-dressing men using the women's bathroom.
Transgender Woman Files Complaint Against Scottsdale Club
Michele DelaFreniere, is transgender and is furious she got the boot from Anderson's Fifth Estate in Scottsdale. So much so, she's filed a sex discrimination complaint with the attorney general's office.
Photo: Michele DelaFreniere

[NY,USA] [News/Commentary]
Pride Agenda Needs Focus on Gender Rights
After reading the recent Letter to the Editor from Alan Van Capelle, executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda ("Enough GENDA Frustration to Go Around," June 28-July 4), I have no doubt that the group is sincere in its support of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA). Nevertheless, I believe that the persistent failure of GENDA to advance in the State Assembly, even as a marriage equality bill with fewer co-sponsors succeeded in winning passage last month, raises some questions that have to be seriously addressed.