Transfofa em Blog

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quarta-feira, julho 11, 2007

Un transexual logra por primera vez en Andalucía que cambien el nombre de su DNI
Jessica Carranque es la segunda persona en España en alcanzar este logro tras más de un año de reclamaciones y trámites burocráticos.

Suicide due to Police harassment: High Court asks TN to act
Excerpt: According to the petitioner, police had named Pandian in the FIR in a theft case. Under the guise of interrogation, they took Pandian who was later remanded to custody. Later, Pandian was enlarged on bail. As part of fulfilling the bail condition, the transgender had to appear before the Vyasarpadi Police Station everyday. Whenever the transgender appeared, police attacked and sexually assaulted Pandian, the petition charged.

Sobre lo LGBT...
Cuatro letras. Una sigla –a veces– imposible de pronunciar, de verbalizarla por sí misma. ¿Será por eso de que cuesta hablar de las minorías sexuales, de sexualidad en general? ¿O justamente para brindarle un estatuto único, primordial e individual a cada letra, que representa en sí misma una palabra?
LGBT: cuatro palabras: Lesbianas Gays Bisexuales Trans; cada una de ellas designa una (id)entidad propia, una determinada subjetividad que se forja en vidas, historias, ideas, sueños, devenires, desenvolvimientos, factores, modos de estar y ser diferentes y únicos.

Girl/Boy Interrupted
A New Treatment For Transgender Kids Puts Puberty On Hold So That They Won't Develop Into Their Biological Sex.

State won’t fund new mental appraisal
Psychologists from the state mental hospital in Pueblo found a Colorado Springs hermaphrodite competent to stand trial on theft charges, prompting her attorney to ask the judge to have the state pay for an independent evaluation.
Defense: State Should Pay For Mental Evaluation
Colorado Springs Woman Is A Hermaphrodite.