Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, julho 09, 2007

El Supremo dice que es necesario una norma común para financiar el cambio de sexo
El Tribunal Supremo ha anulado una sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias por la que se condenó al Instituto Madrileño de la Salud a asumir el coste de una operación de cambio de sexo a una mujer transexual, según recoge una sentencia.
El Supremo sentencia que una operación de cambio de sexo no es financiable con cargo a la Seguridad Social
El Tribunal Supremo ha sentenciado que una operación de cambio de sexo no es financiable con cargo a la Seguridad Social. Según la sentencia del Alto Tribunal, sólo existe una salvedad: que exista un grave riesgo para la vida del paciente.
El Tribunal Supremo rechaza que el Estado financie el cambio de sexo
Una sentencia determina que este tipo de operaciones deben estar recogidas en una normativa sanitaria para ser subvencionadas.
Activista transexual cree sentencia T.Supremo es discriminatoria e inválida
La activista transexual Carla Antonelli se manifestó hoy 'desagradablemente sorprendida' por la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo sobre una operación de cambio de sexo, que 'discrimina' a los transexuales y es 'inválida' porque 'no se fundamenta en el marco jurídico actual'.

What God didn't give them, ebay will
Excerpt: One of the reasons put forward for the dearth of Scottish drag events in recent years is an infamous incident outside Glasgow's Club X in 1994, where a transsexual was supposedly beaten to death by two transvestites. It was the sharp end of a scene that was already spiralling towards heavy drug-abuse and aggression.

The prisoner using taxpayers' money to sue for a sex change
A burglar is claiming taxpayers' money to sue the Ministry of Justice for refusing to release him from prison for sex-change treatment.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Trans hate crime is "justifiable"?
This is one of those cases that'll just make you seethe with anger. A trans woman is horribly beaten in Palm Springs, Florida and the judge decides it wasn't a hate crime, but instead commented, "In many ways it appears from the testimony that was presented here that there are two victims in the case."

Christian, Pro-Family Groups Stand Up Against 'Criminalizing' Right to Speak Truth
Excerpt: "The Hate Crimes Act will be the first step to criminalize our rights as Christians to believe that some behaviors are sinful," Dr. James C. Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family Action, said in a message for a petition to oppose the bill. ..."Pastors preaching from Scripture on homosexuality could be threatened with persecution and prosecution, " he noted.