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quinta-feira, agosto 02, 2007

Mujer transexual denuncia a CC OO de transfobia laboral

El Diario Digital Transexual informa que: Gina Serra, trabajadora de Euroresindencias sanitas y presidenta ATC libertad (asociación de transexuales e intersexuales de Catalunya ) denuncia a CC OO por transfobia laboral por su condición de mujer transexual.

Los Verdes llevará al Congreso la agresión a las transexuales
El parlamentario y miembro de Los Verdes Francisco Garrido llevará al Congreso de los Diputados el caso de la agresión a tres transexuales ocurrida el pasado 25 de julio en la Avenida de la Constitución.

Are sex change operations justified?
Many people who have been through sex change operations say it was the only solution to a distressing condition.
But a leading feminist campaigner claims that sex reassignment surgery is based on unscientific ideas - and could be doing more harm than good.
"I should never have had sex change surgery," Claudia MacLean, a transsexual woman told the audience at a recent debate organised by the BBC Radio 4 programme Hecklers and the Royal Society of Medicine in London.
Gender reassignment same as aversion therapy claims Bindel
Excerpt: In the Radio 4 debate show, Guardian columnist and feminist campaigner Ms Bindel will argue that 'being trapped in the wrong body' is a homophobic diagnosis created in the 1950's, and that gender re-assignment surgery is unnecessary mutilation.

Timing of transgender protection effort divides gay leaders in Broward County
Excerpt: Bodiford predicted anti-gay activists would seize on the inclusion of transgender protections to start a referendum campaign to overturn all protections for gays and lesbians, not just to block the new provision. ... Barbara Collier, chairwoman of the Christian Coalition in Broward, said Bodiford's concern is correct.

Male Sportswriter Returns To Work As a Woman
For all of its trappings of money, fame, and corruption, professional sports has a lot to do with character. Avid sports fans seem to respect those who face up to overwhelming challenge and overcome adversity. So it should not come as a surprise that readers rose in solidarity when a 23-year veteran sports writer announced in the Los Angeles Times that he would return from a short hiatus ... as a woman.

Judge's decision 'normalizes' transgenderism
Excerpt: "Judge Williams has taken it upon himself to normalize transgenderism, and is forcing Idaho's taxpayers to subsidize a twisted approach to resolving gender identity disorders," Fischer said.