Transfofa em Blog

Um espaço especial e pessoal, para dar relevo a cada momento único - Bem Vind@ ao meu Blog!

sexta-feira, novembro 23, 2007

"¡No nos falles!" fue el grito más repetido por los seguidores de Rodríguez Zapatero en la noche del 14 de marzo de 2004 cuando se dio a conocer la victoria electoral del PSOE. Entre los que aclamaban con esta consigna al actual Presidente del Gobierno en la celebración del triunfo había, muy probablemente, hombres y mujeres transexuales. Hombres y mujeres que depositaron su confianza en Zapatero para que reconociera plenamente sus derechos durante esta legislatura. Sin embargo, el colectivo transexual ha sido traicionado. La legislatura llega a su fin, en marzo celebraremos nuevas elecciones generales, y el partido del gobierno aún no ha cumplido su compromiso con este colectivo.

A federal human rights tribunal has ruled the Canadian Forces discriminated against a transgendered lawyer when they passed her up for a job.

Why isn't anybody seeking answers about a transgendered prostitute's death anymore?

[MD, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
In response to Sue White's comment concerning transgendered persons using ''family restrooms where they can be locked [for privacy] when in use," I believe that statement oversimplifies the issue (''Council bans transgender bias; opponents plan to lobby for veto," Nov. 14 article).
I feel compelled to reply to the outrageous comments regarding my actual statements during a Nov. 13 County Council meeting verses what was reported in the Nov. 14 article, ''Council bans transgender bias; opponents plan to lobby for veto."
My ''Heil Hitler" comment was clearly directed at the council president for the Nazi-like manner in which she ran the vote and would not tolerate public input.

Are trans people welcome at the table with the rest of our siblings in the movement?

[Transgender Day of Rememberance]