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terça-feira, novembro 20, 2007

Tribunal da Relação dá razão a hotel que despede cozinheiro com VIH
O Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa deu razão a um hotel que despediu um cozinheiro infectado com VIH, considerando que ficou provado que há risco de transmissão do funcionário para os clientes, noticia hoje o Público
Médicos garantiram que não havia risco
Tribunal deu razão a hotel apesar dos pareceres médicos
Sida : tribunal dá razão a hotel que despede cozinheiro - Contágio sem provas
O Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa deu razão a um hotel que despediu um cozinheiro infectado com VIH, considerando que ficou provado que há risco de transmissão do funcionário para os clientes. A decisão judicial surpreendeu especialistas portugueses que declararam não haver provas científicas de eventual transmissão do vírus através da manipulação dos alimentos.

El colectivo transexual Bloque Alternativo de Liberación Sexual ha convocado para esta tarde ante la sede del PSOE en Madrid una pitada para que el Gobierno cumpla con su compromiso de que la sanidad pública financie las intervenciones quirúrgicas de cambio de sexo.
Decenas de transexuales pitan al PSOE en defensa de sus derechos sanitarios
Decenas de personas convocadas por la plataforma 'Bloque Alternativo de Liberación Sexual', se han manifestado hoy enfrente de la sede del PSOE, en demanda de la inclusión de los derechos sanitarios específicos de los transexuales en el Catálogo de Prestaciones del Sistema Nacional de Salud.

Soirée spéciale transexualité
La chaîne Jimmy programme le dimanche 9 décembre une soirée spéciale transexualité , composée d'un film et de deux documentaires.
A 20h45, diffusion du film Mauvais genres, de Francis Girod. Avec Richard Bohringer, Robinson Stevenin, Stéphane Metzger...
A 22h40, documentaire inédit réalisé par Josée Dayan : "Nous n'irons plus au bois".
Et enfin, à 0h10, "She's my brother", documentaire britannique.

Support Transgenre Strasbourg, les évènements du TDoR (nov. 2007)
Cette année, Support Transgenre Strasbourg célébrera le Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), ou Journée Internationale de la Mémoire Transgenre, par plusieurs événements

Kelly Wayne
Elle est campée sur le site badoo. fr. Elle vient d'y ajouter de nouvelles photos d'elle en maillot de bain, en tenue orientale, etc. Kelly Wayne, artiste-peintre, décoratrice d'intérieur et transsexuelle n'a pas dit son dernier mot.
Photo: Kelly Wayne

Cross-dresser brings traffic to standstill
A CROSS-DRESSER who brought traffic to a standstill was arrested as he drove his car through Manama wearing women's clothes.

Lahore, meca del sexo prohibido
El estado de excepción acaba con el lugar de reunión de los transexuales paquistaníes

Afghan boy dancers sexually abused by former warlords
They are known as "bacha bereesh," boys without beards, teenage boys who dress up as girls and dance for male patrons at parties in northern Afghanistan.

Sexual minorities warn of agitation against 'discrimination'
Gays, lesbians and transvestites, who earlier used to take out peaceful parades in the streets of Kathmandu to make their presence felt, have this time vowed to wage a protest movement if the government doesn't ensure their representation in the Constituent Assembly (CA) election.

[South Korea]
Korea urged to reinstate orientation discrimination proposals
Plans to drop sexual orientation from a proposed bill on anti-discrimination in South Korea have been met with disappointment from LGBT organisations all over the world.

Buenos Aires se prepara para la "Marcha del Orgullo Gay"
La decimosexta marcha del Orgullo Lésbico Gay Trans Bisexual 2007 en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires se realizará mañana, e irá desde Plaza de Mayo hasta el Congreso.

Thousands Attend Chile's Gay Parade
Over 20,000 people attended Chile's Gay Parade 2007 on Friday, hosted by the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Freedom (Movilh). This figure represents the largest turnout ever for an event promoted by the organization.

Le courage a un nom : Alexis Comte
Caroline Comte a grandi dans Les Moulins… Grandi avec un mal-être qui s'est accentué au début de l'adolescence. Caroline a été tabassée à l'école, au début de ses études secondaires, à cause de son apparence plus masculine que féminine. Aujourd'hui, Caroline a tiré sa révérence pour faire toute la place à Alexis… Un Alexis bien dans sa peau de jeune homme, pleinement épanoui qui se livre avec transparence, sans prétention, pour aider les gens à comprendre et donner de l'espoir aux «rejetés».
Alexis Comte. (Photo : Diane Legault)

Transgender woman 'disgusted' at political ad
A Tasmanian transgender woman has lodged a complaint with the Anti-Discrimination Commission about a television advertisement authorised by Timber Communities Australia.

Drag queens speak to students about their lives as performers
The Read Center lounge was transformed on Nov. 15 into a large performance stage where drag queens strutted their stuff.

[Transgender Day Of Rememberance]
Campus Calendar (Transgender in D.C.)
March a means for expression

DC Transgender Day of Remembrance [Washington, DC, USA]

HRC Joins in Support of National Transgender Day of Remembrance

Julia Serano: There’s Something About “Deception”
Tomorrow is Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender murder victims will be remembered in Norfolk

[NC, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Respect isn't only for those who conform to the norm
While riding the bus into campus from Carrboro on Tuesday, I was embarrassed and dismayed by the behavior of my fellow passengers - UNC students included - towards a transgender woman who shared the bus with us.

Court dodges whether sex stereotyping theory applies to transsexuals
The Tenth Circuit Court Appeals affirmed the dismissal of a transsexual employee's Title VII claim, choosing not to decide whether discrimination based on an employee's failure to conform to sex stereotypes always constitutes discrimination "because of sex" and whether such a claim may extend Title VII protections to transsexuals who act and appear as a member of the opposite sex.

Born a man, he became a woman, then a man again — what's next?
High on prescription painkillers and four days without sleep, Michael Berke raced his Harley to the megachurch where he'd found a home.

Hate Crimes Against Gays Rise
Excerpt: The FBI report did not identify bias crimes against transsexuals.

Transgender candidate misled voters, suit alleges
Two unsuccessful Riverdale City Council candidates have asked a judge to halt an upcoming runoff election, alleging fraud by a candidate who ran as a woman and tampering with voting machines by the city clerk.


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