Transfofa em Blog

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domingo, fevereiro 24, 2008

Transexuais debatem discriminação na AR
A discriminação de transexuais e transgéneros em Portugal chega hoje à Assembleia da República, pela voz dos próprios. Uma iniciativa do Bloco de Esquerda, que promove uma audição parlamentar sobre o que diz ser uma realidade que "permanece invisível e sem enquadramento legal".
«Falta lei de igualdade para os transexuais»
Dois anos depois da morte de Gisberta, ainda pouca coisa mudou.
[Blog] 22 de Fevereiro
Desculpa Gisberta.....
Dois anos passados sobre o teu assassinato, dois anos passados sobre o questionamento das autoridades portuguesas quanto á sua responsabilidade pela forma como escondem, dissimulam e ignoram a evidente falta de igualdade de direitos das minorias ou pela forma como tentam remediar atabalhoadamente os erros e o desleixo evidente no acompanhamento dos menores institucionalizados.
Dois anos passaram e se alguma vez pretendi que o teu assassinato servisse, ao menos, para que nos uníssemos, com todas as nossa diferenças mas por um bem comum e que preparasse melhor o futuro d@s que depois de nós virão, esse desejo desvanece-se com o mesmo empenho com que vai morrendo a tua memória.
Dois anos passados sobre o teu assassinato, parece-me que tudo foi em vão.
Desculpa Gisberta.....

[Switzerland] [Blog/News]
Transwomen of Color Testify to the UN on Racism in the U.S.
Right now, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) is meeting in Switzerland -- and two Bay Area activists are there to advocate for the rights of transwomen of color in the U.S.

Moscow register office reports rise in sex change applications
Moscow's General Register Office reported on Friday that the number of people requesting a legal change of gender doubled last year.

18th Melbourne Queer Film Festival
It's a queer, queer, queer, queer world and Melbourne will be its epicentre from March 5 to 16 when the 18th Melbourne Queer Film Festival takes over the town.

Gay teen shot dead while dressed as woman in Fort Lauderdale
The shooting death of a gay teenage boy who was dressed in women's clothing is being investigated as a possible hate crime, while detectives try to determine whether he was targeted because of his sexual orientation.
[Blog/News/Commentary] Another Gender Non-Conforming Person Murdered
Simmie Williams, a 17-year-old kid, was shot and killed this morning. Simmie is alternately being referred to as a "cross-dresser" and a "transvestite" in the (already limited) press coverage. I'm having a hard time finding out details about what happened, since the news stories are simply telling me that Simmie was "dressed like a woman" and "he" had a verbal argument with two men (no info on whether Simmie identified as male or female, but the press is apparently comfortable choosing for Simmie). No quotes from Simmie's family or friends. None of the usual humanizing comments or tidbits from people who knew Simmie. Just the usual identification of a freak, and impostor "dressed as a woman."
Gay Teen Gunned Down Dressed As Woman In Ft. Laud.
Fort Lauderdale police are investigating whether a teen was shot and killed this week because he was gay.
Gay teen shot dead while dressed as woman in Fort Lauderdale
Excerpt: Simmie Williams Jr., 17, was attacked on the 1000 block of Sistrunk Boulevard by two young men who wore dark clothing and might live in the neighborhood, police said. Williams, who was wearing a dress and was known in the area by his first name or as "Chris" or "Beyonce," was shot about 12:45 a.m. Friday and soon afterward died at Broward General Medical Center, police said.

[USA] [Books/People]
Becoming a Woman: The Christine Jorgensen Story
In 1952, the front page of the Daily News blazed with a headline that "Ex-G.I. Becomes Blonde Beauty." With that, George Jorgensen, a quiet, shy young man from the Bronx, burst into the public eye like a blazing comet.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
It’s easy to kill a trans person
On Saturday, Sanesha Stewart, a transwoman of color living in the Bronx, was murdered in her own apartment. She was 25 years old. Her accused killer, Steve McMillan, had known her for months, yet when he was arrested, he claimed to have been enraged to find out that she was what the media coverage called not really a woman. He stabbed her over and over again in the chest and throat. She tried to fight him off; there were defensive wounds found on her hands.

[NY, USA] [Blog/News]
In landmark ruling for transgender people, court decision means 40,000 Transit employees must abide by Human Rights Law.

Activists seek reconciliation, renewed push for ENDA
Leaders of a newly formed coalition of nearly 400 gay and transgender advocacy groups that criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and gay Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) last fall have vowed to redouble efforts to help pass a trans-inclusive gay rights bill.

Boy's Killing, Labeled a Hate Crime, Stuns a Town
Hundreds of mourners gathered at a church here on Friday to remember an eighth-grade boy who was shot to death inside a junior high school computer lab by a fellow student in what prosecutors are calling a hate crime.
Boy killed at Oxnard school remembered
Lawrence 'Larry' King is memorialized as a sensitive child who liked to draw, paint and crochet. A classmate is charged in his death.

Parents talk about transgender child's transition
Karen and Eric Boelts had a tough time at first. They were confused. They felt alone. They had no idea what transgender was all about. (with video)