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quinta-feira, abril 17, 2008

Justiça portuguesa condena jovem por morte de travesti
A justiça portuguesa condenou, na última segunda-feira (14), o jovem português Vitor a 8 meses de prisão pelo assassinato do travesti brasileiro Gisberto Salce Júnior, na cidade portuguesa do Porto, em fevereiro de 2006.

Violência homofóbica cresceu 400% na Espanha desde 2005
Segundo dados do COGAM (Colectivo Gay de Madrid), a violência contra homossexuais na Espanha cresceu 400% após a aprovação do matrimônio gay no país. Em 2006, foram registradas 6 agressões de teor homofóbico, e em 2007, o número subiu para 43. Ainda segundo informa o COGAM, a maioria destas agressões ocorreram nas ruas ou no metrô.

Trans candidate, among others, ousted in Italian election
Excerpt: The extreme left was the biggest loser in the election. The Rainbow Left -- a grouping of Communists, Greens and other radicals -- failed to make the threshold. Gone are their key representatives, including transgender Vladimir Luxuria and outgoing Environment Minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio. Longtime leader Fausto Bertinotti has stepped down in shame at the poor showing.

[UK] [Books]
How to be a laydee
The Boy In The Dress will be published in October and illustrated by Quentin Blake. Publisher Harper Collins said the book was 'all quite fun', adding that it was 'a fable about what happens when an ordinary boy does something extraordinary and the way that people, even the petty and cruel, can surprise you in the end'.

Corrientes: Una niña hermafrodita logró su DNI de mujer
La Justicia autorizó el cambio de nombre y sexo en los documentos legales de la menor de cuatro años, que nació con una malformación congénita. Los médicos del Garraham ya la habían operado porque peligraba su salud.
Fallo judicial autorizó reasignar sexo y nombre de una niña hermafrodita
La menor tiene cuatro años y pertenece a una familia humilde de Colonia Tatacuá. Hace un año fue sometida a una cirugía correctiva en el Garrahan para extirparle el miembro masculino. Cuando nació, la inscribieron como varón llamándola Marcos.

Transexuals' house locked, set on fire
Tamil Nadu might be the first in the country to give an estimated one lakh transexuals in the state a 'T' status. But society continues to harass the third gender as was evident in Thanjavur, where the house of a transexual was set on fire on Monday night.

Transexual chinesa recebe novos documentos como mulher
Ying Ning, uma transexual chinesa de 33 anos, habitante da cidade de Tianjin, recebeu na última terça-feira (15) seu novo documento de identidade como mulher.
Tianjin transsexual gets new Chinese ID card as a woman
Ying Ning, the 33-year-old Tianjin man who became a woman through transsexual operations, got a new Chinese ID card as a female on Tuesday.

Trans interests excluded from 2020 Summit
GLBT advocates have slammed the apparent non-inclusion of trans representatives in the 2020 Summit this weekend.
The summit includes a number of people championing the cause of gay and lesbian people in Australia, but trans interests appear to have been sidelined, activists claimed.

LGBT Groups: Try Teen In Lawrence King Murder As Juvenile
A coalition of 27 LGBT rights groups is calling on prosecutors to try 14-year-old Brandon McInerney in juvenile court, not as an adult.