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terça-feira, maio 06, 2008

Unicef diz que Ronaldo não é embaixador
Entidade divulga nota após declarações do atacante do Milan.
Ronaldo poderá ter contrato com a TIM cancelado
Na última sexta-fera (3), o colunista Ancelmo Góis, do jornal O Globo, publicou que a empresa TIM havia decidido cancelar o contrato milionário que mantinha com o jogador por causa de seu envolvimento com as três travestis em um motel da Barra da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro.
"Sou completamente heterossexual", diz Ronaldo a TV
O atacante Ronaldo, do Milan, afirmou em entrevista ao programa "Fantástico" (Globo) exibida neste domingo (4) que é "completamente heterossexual" e que não fez sexo com travestis. Ele também negou o uso de drogas.
Ronaldo, o brasileiro do Milan, já foi o melhor do mundo
Há poucos dias, no Brasil, uma noitada e um escândalo. Ronaldo admite que foi o maior erro que cometeu na vida.
Transvestite 'targets star'
A transvestite has denied trying to extort money from AC Milan striker Ronaldo in Rio de Janeiro.
Police are investigating claims by the Brazil international that Andre Luiz Ribeiro Albertini, known as Andreia Albertini, sought to extort money.
Scolari Slams Ridiculous Ronaldo
Former Brazil boss Luiz Felipe Scolari has blasted Ronaldo's 'absurd and ridiculous' extracurricular activities…
The AC Milan striker has found himself at the centre of a bizarre sex scandal after claiming three transvestite prostitutes attempted to blackmail him while he was in Rio de Janeiro recently.

La realidad transexual
Aunque la nueva ley aborda las especificidades del colectivo transexual, los profesionales sanitarios exigen que la transexualidad no sea contemplada como una enfermedad mental. Para tratar adecuadamente este fenómeno, se considera necesaria la creación de equipos multidisciplinares, con psicólogos, endocrinólogos y cirujanos. En muchos casos, las dificultades que encuentran los transexuales para ser tratados por el sistema sanitario público les llevan a recurrir al autotratamiento hormonal.

Growing up confused
Left out of the debate over gay marriage and gay parenting is the potential devastation wrought on the child, said Dawn Stefanowicz, who tells her story of growing up with a gay father and a chronically ill and passive mother in her memoir, "Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting."

[USA] [Commentary]
Calling for an End to Gender Stereotypes
The article "Man, I Feel like a (Pregnant) Woman" by Maryclaire Dugre '10 published in the April 17 issue of The Cowl was irresponsible not only because of its hateful attack on transgender people, but primarily for its failure to grasp the meaning of even the most rudimentary terms used in its analysis.

[USA/Canada] [News/Commentary]
Trans News Updates
American Psychiatric Association Press Release (of 5-01-08):"APA Names DSM-V Work Group Members - Experts to Revise Manual for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders"<http://www.psych. org/MainMenu/ Newsroom/ NewsReleases/ 2008NewsReleases /dsmwg.aspx>. Ken Zucker <http://www.tsroadma kenneth-zucker. html> , who heads a reparatist clinic for gender-variant youth <http://ai.eecs. people/conway/ TS/News/Drop% 20the%20Barbie. htm> in Toronto, was named as Chair of the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Work Group for DSM Revision. Ray Blanchard <http://www.tsroadma ray-blanchard. html> , widely known for pronouncing that transitioned women are "men without penises", was appointed as a member of that Work Group. Any bets on how this is going to turn out?

[USA] [Commentary]
A Day in Neverland
Abstract: Blanchard, Bailey and Dreger have attempted to deconstruct what they call the "feminine essence narrative". Their articles and analysis are replete with internal contradictions and lack of empirical data. Some of the illogical fallacies included are: 1) In comparing male to female transsexuals to natal women, lesbians are not even considered as a possible control group for male to female transsexuals who are attracted to women. Instead, Blanchard suggests that homosexual transsexuals (those who are attracted to men) are the proper control group for autogynephiles. (...)