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quarta-feira, julho 30, 2008

Um padre da cidade fluminense de São Gonçalo está sendo acusado por uma travesti de tê-la estrangulado e chutado em pleno altar no último domingo, 27, durante a missa das 19 horas da Igreja Matriz. A confusão começou quando um grupo de homossexuais fazia uma manifestação em uma rua em frente à igreja, o que motivou o início de uma série de agressões verbais contra os LGBTs, segundo os manifestantes, lanados pelo padre Ademar Pimenta.

[UK] [Science]
'Transsexuality gene' boosts male hormones
A gene variant has been identified that appears to be associated with female-to-male transsexuality – the feeling some women have that they belong to the opposite sex.
While such complex behaviour is likely the result of multiple genes, environmental and cultural factors, the researchers say the discovery suggests that transsexuality does have a genetic component.

[UK] [Entertainment]
Second annual Tranny Olympics to coincide with Beijing thing
Just 24 hours after the Olympics begin in Beijing, The Macbeth pub in London's Shoreditch will play host to its very own sporting event.
While there won't be as much pressure on the contestants, there will be plenty of friendly competition at the second annual Tranny Olympics on August 9th.

Woman born a man demands right to marry
A woman, who was born a man but was legally declared female following gender reassignment surgery, filed a Constitutional application today claiming that a previous court decision stopping her from getting married was in breach of her human rights and subjected her to degrading and inhuman treatment.

A Lab Is Set to Test the Gender of Some Female Athletes
By the time they arrive in Beijing, most athletes have resigned themselves to the possibility of undergoing a battery of tests for banned substances, like anabolic steroids and certain cough medicines.
But some female athletes may find they are asked to submit to an entirely different examination — one that will test whether they are, in fact, women.
The gender trap
We're familiar with drug testing for athletes, but officials at the Beijing Olympics will be taking things one stage further and examining competitors whose sex is in doubt. And it is far from being a new problem, as Emine Saner discovers.

X-Men migram para San Francisco em busca de aceitação
San Francisco "é a única capaz de aceitar os mutantes da maneira como eles são", foi com essas palavras que Axel Alonso, editor da marvel _que edita a série X Men_ explicou a decisão de mudar os personagens da Mansão Xavier, em Salem Center, Nova York, para a cidade californiana. A declaração foi dada em a palestra "Gays nos Quadrinhos", durante a San Diego Comic-Con neste sábado, 26.
Imagem: Colossus, personagem gay de X-Men agora morador de San Francisco

[USA] [Film/DVD]
The Brandon Teena Story: Collector's Edition
Someday, when sexuality and gender are less of a shooting affair, the 1990s are likely to be viewed as a turning point. The Brandon Teena case in 1993 and the Matthew Shepard case in 1998 forced Americans to confront, on tape and on video, the twisted hatred that gays, lesbians and transgendered people have long endured.