Oceanos: Zonas «mortas» estão a aumentar - estudo
Recife: Transexual é discriminada em shopping center
Protest still dragging on
Groups challenging detention of transgender immigrant
[USA] [People/Style/Fashion]
Video: Transgender 'America's Next Top Model' Contestant Speaks, Works It
Oceanos: Zonas «mortas» estão a aumentar - estudo
As chamadas «zonas mortas» dos oceanos, com muito pouco oxigénio, estão a aumentar, com consequências graves para a vida marinha, revela um estudo.
Recife: Transexual é discriminada em shopping center
O Shopping Boa Vista, localizado no centro da capital pernambucana, foi novamente palco de um ato de discriminação praticado por um de seus funcionários. O Centro de Referência Leões do Norte contra a Homofobia recebeu a denúncia da transexual Carla Silva contra o centro de compras após ter sido impedida de usar o banheiro feminino. Ao ser obrigada a usar o masculino, os usuários se manifestaram contra a sua presença.
Protest still dragging on
A month after Crews Inn co-owner David Moore temporarily banned drag queens and transgender women from his bar if their appearance does not match their ID, protests continue and two formal complaints against Crews Inn are under investigation by the city.
Groups challenging detention of transgender immigrant
The American Civil Liberties Union, the Casa Cornelia Law Center and a private law firm are challenging the federal government's detention in Otay Mesa of a transgender immigrant who was granted asylum in May.
ACLU sues for release of transgendered immigrantThe American Civil Liberties Union is suing for the release of a transgendered Mexican woman who is being held in an immigration jail.
[USA] [People/Style/Fashion]
Video: Transgender 'America's Next Top Model' Contestant Speaks, Works It
We're not the pious type, but when word came yesterday that one of the contestants on the next season of America's Next Top Model was transgender, we closed our eyes and thanked the Lord for people like Tyra Banks, who just don't quit. Entertainment Tonight has a video preview of the new season and shines the spotlight on the transgender contestant, 22-year-old Isis Tsunami. When Tyra saw Isis she thought she was "absolutely amazing" and just had to have her on ANTM, even after her staff told her there was something "a little different" about her. "I was born physically male, but mentally [and] everything else I was born female," Isis says. She adds being a woman wasn't a choice but who she's always been. "Some people might say that I'm transgender, some people might say transsexual. Personally I prefer 'born in the wrong body,'" she tells Tyra.
Tranny Models Who Made HistoryWith trannies rising to prominence, from Rebecca Romijn's character on Ugly Betty to America's Next Top Model's newly announced first transgender contestant, Isis Tsunami, we had to ask, have any made it big in fashion? (And no, Christian Siriano's catchphrase doesn't count.) We dug deep into our fashion history books (and Google) and found four fabulous ladies who worked it well enough to make it to the big time.
Tyra Banks Ready to Name America's Next Top 'Trans' Model?Could this be the season America's Next Top Model scores a Cover Girl contract for a trans woman?
Gay Group Outraged Over Trans SlurGay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is outraged at a Fox News segment which aired August 14th discussing the inclusion of a transgender woman, Isis, on the reality show America's Next Top Model. GLAAD called the segment "offensive," "crude" and "dehumanizing."
At 16 agosto, 2008 23:20,
Aurora Officialis said…
Que vergonha ainda em pleno século 21 ouvir notícias de discriminação porque alguém usou um banheiro para fazer uma necessidade fisiológica. Isso é surreal até! Onde está o governo que não vê esse absurdo??
Ai, Eduarda, este teu blog é tão gostoso de ler, cheio de notícias diversas e plural. Ver ele e outros blogs do gênero me deu até vontade de blogar de novo. Com certeza porei o teu na minha lista de indicações. Bjcas mil! Dri
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