Leading Muslim doctor faces professional conduct hearing over homophobic letter
Desarticulan red de prostitución de transexuales brasileños en Italia
Stop Abuse of Sexual Rights Activists
Transsexual beauty queen crowned in Philippines
Transexual complains of "phantom penis"
Identificado un gen vinculado a la transexualidad
[Blog/Commentary] The gene genie
[Blog/Commentary] Intriguing Research Findings ...
[Blog/Commentary] “Character and Integrity”
[Blog/Commentary] Gene for Transsexuality Found
[Blog/Commentary] More Good News and the Threatened Crossdressers
Recherche : des scientifiques affirment avoir découvert un gène jouantun rôle dans la transsexualité
[Canada] [News/Commentary]
Transgender Day of Remembrance
El movimiento travesti transexual latinoamericano se reune desde hoy en Buenos Aires
El GDF “peca de ignorante” sobre los transgénero: PSD
Thomas Beatie, self proclaimed 'pregnant man', back with book
The battle against hate crimes
Anti-gay potential jurors out of trial in Mobile County Circuit Court
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Stigma of de-transition
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
pieces of holes (TRIGGER WARNING)
Do «crash» da bolsa ao «crash» ecológico
Para o Homem manter o seu estilo de vida actual precisa de dois planetas «Terra» em 2030
Para o Homem manter o seu estilo de vida actual precisa de dois planetas «Terra» em 2030
Greenpeace acorrenta quatro barcos portugueses
Em Aveiro, associação ambiental acusa embarcações de pesca ilegal
Em Aveiro, associação ambiental acusa embarcações de pesca ilegal
Leading Muslim doctor faces professional conduct hearing over homophobic letter
A fitness to practise hearing has been told that a GP who wrote a homophobic and transphobic letter to a medical magazine has changed his story several times.
Desarticulan red de prostitución de transexuales brasileños en Italia
La Policía italiana ha desarticulado una red de prostitución de transexuales brasileños que operaba en Milán y que supuestamente reclutaba a jóvenes en Brasil con la promesa de introducirles en el mundo del espectáculo en Italia, informaron hoy fuentes policiales.
Stop Abuse of Sexual Rights Activists
Indian authorities should investigate the mass arrests and ill-treatment of activists working on sexual orientation and gender-identity issues in Bangalore and punish those responsible, Human Rights Watch said today.
Police Violence against Activists in Bangalore on October 20, 2008[Philippines/Thailand]
Transsexual beauty queen crowned in Philippines
An unusual beauty pageant took place in the capital of the Philippines, Manila, last week. The pageant, Amazing Philippines Beauties 2008, was held to choose the beauty queen among transsexuals and transvestites.
Transexual complains of "phantom penis"
A transsexual is complaining of a "phantom erectile penis" after having her genitals removed.
The 52-year-old – who is now a woman after gender reassignment surgery– believes she can feel her old manhood even after it was cut off, according to the report Phantom erectile penis after sex reassignment surgery, published by Okayama Univeristy Medical school in Japan.
Cientistas australianos descobrem possível gene da transexualidade
Cientistas australianos afirmam ter identificado um gene que pode explicar porque algumas pessoas são transexuais. Feito na Universidade de Monash, o estudo é a mais ampla investigação sobre transexualidade já realizada e indica que ela pode estar relacionada com o gene que regula os receptores androgênicos.
Científicos australianos relacionan un gen con la transexualidadCientistas australianos afirmam ter identificado um gene que pode explicar porque algumas pessoas são transexuais. Feito na Universidade de Monash, o estudo é a mais ampla investigação sobre transexualidade já realizada e indica que ela pode estar relacionada com o gene que regula os receptores androgênicos.
Identificado un gen vinculado a la transexualidad
[Blog/Commentary] The gene genie
[Blog/Commentary] Intriguing Research Findings ...
[Blog/Commentary] “Character and Integrity”
[Blog/Commentary] Gene for Transsexuality Found
[Blog/Commentary] More Good News and the Threatened Crossdressers
Recherche : des scientifiques affirment avoir découvert un gène jouantun rôle dans la transsexualité
[Canada] [News/Commentary]
Transgender Day of Remembrance
As it approaches the end of October, some very important national and international dates are coming up quickly; some will be recognizable, and others less known but still significant.
El movimiento travesti transexual latinoamericano se reune desde hoy en Buenos Aires
Representantes del movimiento latinoamericano de personas travestís y transexuales llevan a cabo el primer encuentro regional en el Hotel Bauen de Buenos Aires. Cobertura exclusiva de AG Magazine.
Transexuales y travestis de Latinoamérica debaten estatutos de su red regional[México]
El GDF “peca de ignorante” sobre los transgénero: PSD
Socialdemocrátas proponen que el gobierno local realice el cambio de sexo.
La más amplia campaña de incidencia política en elecciones municipales desarrollada por el movimiento criollo de la diversidad sexual fue todo un éxito, pues gran parte de los candidatos que firmaron un compromiso contra la discriminación resultaron electos. Más aún, cuatro gays, una lesbiana y dos transexuales postularon a concejal, resultando una re-electa.
La más amplia campaña de incidencia política en elecciones municipales desarrollada por el movimiento criollo de la diversidad sexual fue todo un éxito, pues gran parte de los candidatos que firmaron un compromiso contra la discriminación resultaron electos. Más aún, cuatro gays, una lesbiana y dos transexuales postularon a concejal, resultando una re-electa.
Transexual que gerou um filho conta sua história em autobiografia
O transexual Thomas Beatie eletrizou o mundo quando, em abril deste ano, anunciou que estava no sétimo mês de gestação. O caso foi notícia em todo o mundo, mas somente uma parte da saga de Thomas foi divulgada.
Thomas Beatie lança livro de memóriasO transexual Thomas Beatie eletrizou o mundo quando, em abril deste ano, anunciou que estava no sétimo mês de gestação. O caso foi notícia em todo o mundo, mas somente uma parte da saga de Thomas foi divulgada.
Thomas Beatie, self proclaimed 'pregnant man', back with book
The battle against hate crimes
Little more than 10 years after Matthew Shepard was pistol-whipped, tortured, tied to a fence post and left to die in the country outside of Laramie, Wyo., there still is no federal hate crime legislation inclusive of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Anti-gay potential jurors out of trial in Mobile County Circuit Court
A murder trial in which the weapon was a pair of scissors and the accused a cross-dressing female impersonator got under way Monday in Mobile, but not before the judge rejected some prospective jurors, who declared that they could not abide the defendant's "alternative lifestyle."
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Stigma of de-transition
Reading various responses to the Mike Penner/Christine Daniels re-transition news has made me realize that I need to be more vocal about my own experience with this. There are people in the trans community who re-transition, or for various reasons; family, health, religious beliefs, etc., decide to never transition at all.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
pieces of holes (TRIGGER WARNING)
I was raped.
I can't really make that flowery. I can't pretty it up or find some more eloquent way of saying it. I've tried so hard to turn it into the piles of words I paint everything with that I've failed to just say it.
I know I'm not alone in it. It's something more than a third of women in general, and more than half of trans women specifically, can say. It took me a long time to admit that I, too, can say it.
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