Peter in £1M Lip Payout
Gender bender Pete Burns is set for a £1million payout after a surgeon admitted botching his lip job. (Photo)
Police arrest transsexuals, brawl ensues
[New Zealand] [Blog/People/History]
Mariela Castro pede aprovação de lei que permite que trans mudem de nome e sexo
A chefe do Centro Nacional de Cuba para Educação Sexual, Mariela Castro, anunciou que seu próximo objetivo é lutar pela aprovação de uma lei que permita que as transexuais do país, após se submeterem a cirurgia de transgenitalização, possam trocar de nome e sexo nos registros civis.
[Canada] [Health/Environment]
Canada to ban baby bottles with 'gender-bending' chemical
Health officials in the country have officially classified bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical added to plastics and food packaging, as toxic.
BPA mimics the female sex hormone oestrogen and has been linked to birth defects in boys, heart disease in adults, and lower sperm counts and breast cancer in animals.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The Real Impacts of Real Life Experiece
The RLE is a discriminatory process but what is even more oppressing are the impacts it has on the lives of the people forced to endure it.
Interview with Stephanie Battaglino
Stephanie Battaglino is a Communications Director at New York Life Insurance Company, located in Sleepy Hollow, New York. She successfully transitioned on the job in October of 2005, and is the first transgendered person to do so in the 163–year history of the company. (Photo)
Teens in transition
As puberty hits, transgender youths are increasingly finding it the catalyst for coming out about their sexual identities.
WWF alerta para mudanças climáticas mais rápidas
Fundo Mundial para a Natureza (WWF) afirma que mudanças climáticas previstas para 2099 podem ocorrer já entre 2013 a 2040
Fundo Mundial para a Natureza (WWF) afirma que mudanças climáticas previstas para 2099 podem ocorrer já entre 2013 a 2040

Peter in £1M Lip Payout
Gender bender Pete Burns is set for a £1million payout after a surgeon admitted botching his lip job. (Photo)
Police arrest transsexuals, brawl ensues
A drive against transsexuals on Monday landed the police in a soup at Banashankari. Activists working with transsexuals protested in front of Banashankari police station, demanding the release of six members who were arrested.
[New Zealand] [Blog/People/History]
A hero a day: Georgina Beyer
Today the gay community and Equality Forum celebrate Georgina Beyer as part of GLBT History Month. Beyer is a transgender politician and the first openly transgender person in the world to hold a national office. Beyer was elected to parliament in New Zealand.
Today the gay community and Equality Forum celebrate Georgina Beyer as part of GLBT History Month. Beyer is a transgender politician and the first openly transgender person in the world to hold a national office. Beyer was elected to parliament in New Zealand.
Mariela Castro pede aprovação de lei que permite que trans mudem de nome e sexo
A chefe do Centro Nacional de Cuba para Educação Sexual, Mariela Castro, anunciou que seu próximo objetivo é lutar pela aprovação de uma lei que permita que as transexuais do país, após se submeterem a cirurgia de transgenitalização, possam trocar de nome e sexo nos registros civis.
[Canada] [Health/Environment]
Canada to ban baby bottles with 'gender-bending' chemical
Health officials in the country have officially classified bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical added to plastics and food packaging, as toxic.
BPA mimics the female sex hormone oestrogen and has been linked to birth defects in boys, heart disease in adults, and lower sperm counts and breast cancer in animals.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The Real Impacts of Real Life Experiece
The RLE is a discriminatory process but what is even more oppressing are the impacts it has on the lives of the people forced to endure it.

Interview with Stephanie Battaglino
Stephanie Battaglino is a Communications Director at New York Life Insurance Company, located in Sleepy Hollow, New York. She successfully transitioned on the job in October of 2005, and is the first transgendered person to do so in the 163–year history of the company. (Photo)
Teens in transition
As puberty hits, transgender youths are increasingly finding it the catalyst for coming out about their sexual identities.
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