Transfofa em Blog

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domingo, maio 24, 2009

Diabos-da-tasmânia na lista de animais em perigo
Cancro facial causou a morte de 70% dos indivíduos desta espécie desde 1996

Haverá 16 linces em Silves até final do ano
Primeiros seis a dez animais poderão vir para Portugal em Julho ou Setembro. Reintrodução na natureza será feita no próximo ano, em duas zonas no Norte da Andaluzia

Cinema: Vencedor da Palma de Ouro é conhecido hoje - “O importante é a visibilidade”
A sala não esteve cheia para ‘Morrer como um Homem’, mas os presentes aplaudiram longamente a adaptação ficcionada da luta e alegria de viver de ‘Tónia’, um travesti ícone do transformismo lisboeta. É um trabalho de autor do realizador João Pedro Rodrigues, de maturidade que prolonga o anterior ‘Odete’. Já cá fora, no fim da sessão, os travestis Cindy Scrash e Jenny Larrue foram o centro da atenção e dos flashes de muitos fotógrafos ocasionais.
To Die Like a Man (Photo)

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Challenging the conventional thinking on transgender provision in theEquality Bill
There are two main objections from those who believe that the EqualityBill does not do enough to cover transgender rights.

Police ignore sex change questions
Police said they were forced to ignore responses to a diversity questionnaire after a large number of staff claimed they had undergone a sex change.

Census could include third gender
For 19-year-old Bishnu Adhikary of Naudanda of Kaski district, ge-tting her citizenship identifying her sex as third gender was the most victorious moment of her life.

[USA] [Blog/Science/Medicine]
Presentation on Brain Gender Identity by Sidney Ecker, MD FACS
The participants shall learn the current definitions of Transgenderism, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Gender Role Behavior, Gender Dysphoria and Transsexualism and understand the Standards of Care (WPATH) for treatment. The neurobiological evidence for gender differences in the human brain and genetic inheritability of Transsexualism will be presented. Current US medical practices in the Treatment of GID in children, adolescents and adults will be discussed.
[Blog/Commentary] Selling Psuedo-Science: Politics, Psychiatric Theories & The CAMH

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Trans Person's Photo in the Hall
I've heard of administrators or parents complaining when a trans speaker talks to a class, when a teacher comes out as trans, or even when a student does - but I never expected that the mere presence of a photograph would cause a similar reaction.