Transfofa em Blog

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sexta-feira, maio 15, 2009

Mar subiria três metros com degelo no Pólo Sul
Novos cálculos indicam que, se a zona ocidental da Antárctida entrasse em colapso devido às alterações climáticas, os oceanos subiriam em média 3,3 metros. Na costa portuguesa, esse valor poderia chegar aos três metros e meio, mas a América do Norte seria a mais afectada, com uma elevação do nível do mar da ordem dos quatro metros.
Oceanos vão subir menos do que o esperado

Petição à Ordem dos Médicos sobre "reconversão" da orientação sexual
Destinatário: Técnicos de saúde mental

Rosas: una mirada a “otra” comunidad
La transformación de seres humanos con pensamientos, actitudes y todo lo que conlleva ser mujer que vive la comunidad transexual, trasvesti está plasmados en Rosas.

Una canción transexual protagonizará el Día del Orgullo Gay
Las personas transexuales van a asaltar la radiofórmula. Una pegadiza canción que relata la dura realidad de este colectivo 'amenaza' con convertirse en un 'hit' de las discotecas. Por lo pronto, 'Imperfecta mujer' será el tema que ponga punto final a la Marcha del Día del Orgullo Gay de este año.
¿Un himno para los transexuales?

Ignorados e agredidos, transexuais reivindicam direito de viver em paz
Vítimas de violência e discriminação, os transexuais se uniram nesta semana em vários países para exigir o direito a uma vida normal, por ocasião do dia mundial contra a homofobia, celebrado no domingo.

Apoyan escritores prohibición de Marcha Gay
La Unión de Escritores de Rusia respaldó la decisión del alcalde moscovita para no celebrar la Marcha del Orgullo LGBT. Dijeron que no debe mezclarse la “repugnancia hacia las degeneraciones” y “los que necesitan asistencia siquiátrica”.

Activists speak out against Manitoba's SRS decision
All across Canada, queer activists who fight for trans rights are venting their frustration about the Manitoba NDP government's decision to reject funding for sex reassignment surgeries.

Pride’s heavy baggage
Excerpt: Some of the smaller changes this year do suggest a savvy understanding of the Toronto Pride behemoth ... A Friday night march for transsexual and transgendered people is being considered. And Sandilands has big plans for the future. A nighttime parade? A longer festival? She’ll consider it all.

State nixes marriage of transsexual, man
Tennessee authorities have invalidated the 18-month marriage of a transgender woman and a man, saying the state considers them both men.
Jo T. Rittenberry, 46, was born a man and claims to have had sex reassignment surgery in Canada.
The Clarksville Leaf Chronicle reported that Rittenberry had officials legally change the gender on her Kentucky birth certificate and Tennessee driver's license.
Rittenberry married Jeffery Scott Phillips, 36, in November 2007.
Kelly Farmer, director of communications at the Davidson County Clerk's Office, said Tennessee authorities will not honor the marriage because Rittenberry was not born a woman.
Tennessee does not permit same-sex marriage and does not recognize gender change, even after sex reassignment surgery.
Tennessee trans woman has marriage declared invalid

Verdicts upheld in murder of transgender teen
A state appeals court upheld the murder convictions of two East Bay men Wednesday for their roles in battering and strangling a transgender teenager after learning she was biologically male.

Equal ID Act would allow transgender to change
The Equal ID Act, which would increase legal rights for thetransgender community, passed the State Assembly Judiciary Committeeby a 7-3 vote.

[MA, USA] [PR]
MTPC: Action Alert Regarding Media Outing and Disrespect
MTPC condemns the media’s use of MBTA employee’s transgender status to sensationalize coverage.

NJ eases transgender license policy
The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission announced late last month that it amended its policy toward gender changes on licenses to facilitate the process for transgender individuals, allowing them to change their gender markers before their sexual-reassignment surgery is complete.