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terça-feira, agosto 18, 2009

Panda gigante da China em vias de extinção, alerta WWF
O panda gigante da China pode desaparecer "em duas a três gerações" devido ao rápido crescimento económico que tem vindo a destruir o habitat natural destes animais, alertou hoje o Fundo Mundial para a Natureza (WWF).
Panda gigante pode desaparecer em duas gerações

Natalia nació como Marcos y es la primera menor que ha logrado operarse para cambiar de sexo. La argentina necesitó un fallo judicial, como ahora el español Toni, de 16 años, cuyo caso ha trascendido esta semana. «Tiene la cabeza bien amueblada, sabe lo que hace», dice de él su cirujano. Proliferan las clínicas para cambiar de género desde los 7 años

Judge in Spain to rule on sex change for minor
A judge in Barcelona, Spain is set to be the first in the country to decide whether to allow a 16 year-old boy to undergo a sex change operation according to his wishes and with the consent of his parents.

[España] [OPINIÓN]
La transexualidad no es una enfermedad
A propósito de las declaraciones realizadas a EFE el 13 de Agosto por el Doctor Iván Mañero, jefe de la Unidad de Trastornos de Género del Hospital Clínico de Barcelona, donde afirma que la transexualidad es una “enfermedad”, hay que pensar que quizás sus palabras están fuera de contexto. Es impensable que una persona que trata con personas transexuales, y que por su profesión estará al corriente de las últimas investigaciones y trabajos que los profesionales de la sexología, la psiquiatría han desarrollado en los últimos tiempos, haga ese tipo de aseveración.

Trans woman performed own surgery after transition delays
A trans woman has performed her own gender reassignment surgery after being told she would have to wait two years for professional help.

Carnival mood for Mumbai's gay Pride march
Thousands of people took to the streets of Mumbai on Sunday for the annual Pride parade, in celebratory mood after a landmark court ruling advocating an end to a ban on gay sex.
Rallying to change mindsets, dispel phobia

Transsexuals recognised as men
Two West Australian women who changed their gender have won the right to be legally considered men, despite still having female reproductive organs.

Sentencing Tomorrow in Lateisha Green Trial
On July 17, Dwight R. DeLee was convicted of manslaughter in the shooting death of 22-year-old Lateisha Green in Syracuse, New York. On August 18, DeLee will be sentenced to a maximum of 25 years in prison for his role in the killing. TLDEF staff members are currently en route to Syracuse. We'll once again be blogging and posting Twitter and Facebook updates about developments on the ground at the sentencing.

Driver Wants License To Match Gender Identity
Transgendered Person Wants Photo ID To Reflect Feminine Image
The Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles has a new set of challenges. More and more gay, lesbian and transgendered people want their driver’s licenses to reflect their identities.
Posha Towers is one of those people. She will soon undergo sex reassignment surgery. In the meantime, she has legally changed her name from Dominick to Posha.
Trans Battlefield: Drivers’ Licenses

Trans Woman Sues Over Photo Request
A Pennsylvania transgender woman has filed suit against her former employer, who she said requested a photograph of her genitalia as a condition of continued employment. (Photo)

Man Robbed Store Dressed as Woman, Police Say
Montgomery County police have charged a man with theft and other offenses after he allegedly dressed as a woman last month, entered the Saks Fifth Avenue store in Chevy Chase, slipped a $2,000 Chanel dress into his bag and used pepper spray on a guard as he fled the store.