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terça-feira, agosto 11, 2009

França: Incidente «significativo» em central nuclear
Um incidente «significativo» aconteceu domingo na central nuclear de Gravelines, no Norte de França, sem consequências para o pessoal e sem poluir o ambiente, segundo um comunicado da Autoridade de Segurança Nuclear (ASN).

Drag queen full of Pride as she returns to star in home town's festival
Nationwide drag queen Cassie Darling, pictured right, returned to her roots to star in Stoke-on-Trent's fourth gay pride event.

Gloucestershire Gay Pride
Gay people from across Gloucestershire were out in force in Cheltenham.
The fourth annual Gay Pride march, the first in Cheltenham, saw a colourful procession of more than 100 people march from Pittville Park through town to Montpellier Gardens.

Eunuchs happy as registration starts
The commencement of registration of eunuchs on the directives of the Supreme Court has sent a wave of jubilation among the community, as a large number of transsexuals thronged the lone registration point in the provincial metropolis to get registered.

[USA] [Commentary]
Transgenderism and ObamaCare
Autumn Sandeen (who is biologically a male in every cell of his body despite adopting a female name) writes at Pam's House Blend that it's all hokum that sex reconstructive surgery could wind up being mandated by ObamaCare, all in an effort to contradict Matt Barber's assertion that it almost certainly will. But as Peter LaBarbera has pointed out, the leftist Center for American Progress is already lobbying to ensure that the president explicitly adds "sex change operations to the list of medical procedures that all health insurance policies in the nation must cover."
[Blog/Commentary] What A Rational Discussion About Healtcare Reform And "Sex Change Operations" Actually Looks Like

Defining Genderqueer
Also found under the Transgender Umbrella—besides Transsexuals—are Genderqueers. As defined by Wikipedia Genderqueer is a “catchall term for gender identities other than man and woman. People who identify as genderqueer may think of themselves as being both male and female, as being neither male nor female, or as falling completely outside the gender binary. […] Genderqueer people are united by their rejection of the notion that there are only two genders…” Since Genderqueer has such an open-ended definition I decided to interview six people from different backgrounds to learn what being Genderqueer (or even toying with idea) means or has meant to them.

Massachusetts transgender inmate, still waiting for a judge to rule on sex-change request, now seeks electrolysis
A convicted killer who has been waiting for years for a judge in Boston to rule on a request for a sex-change operation is now asking to be allowed electrolysis treatments.
Cross-dressing inmate seeks electrolysis