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sexta-feira, agosto 07, 2009

Passam 64 anos sobre lançamento da bomba atómica - Presidente da câmara de Hiroxima apoia Obama na questão do desarmamento nuclear
O presidente da câmara de Hiroxima, a cidade que há 64 anos foi devastada por uma bomba atómica lançada pelos EUA durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, disse hoje apoiar os planos do Presidente norte-americano Barack Obama para o desarmamento nuclear. “Temos esse poder e essa responsabilidade”, disse Tadatoshi Akiba.
Hiroshima apela a um Mundo desnuclearizado até 2020

Casa de férias de director executivo da Novartis foi incendiada - Defensores dos animais suspeitos de ataques contra farmacêutica suíça
Activistas de direitos dos animais terão sido responsáveis por uma série de ataques na Áustria à companhia farmacêutica suíça Novartis.

Abrindo a porta a novas terapias - Nova técnica permite vista geral do genoma do vírus da sida
Funciona quase como um Google Maps para ver a estrutura de um vírus, a nova técnica de imagem que uma equipa de Kevin Weeks, da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade da Carolina do Norte, Estados Unidos, desenvolveu. Segundo o investigador a nova técnica, a que chamou SHAPE, consegue mostrar a complexidade do ARN, as profundezas de um vírus, neste caso o do HIV, onde se tinha dificuldade em chegar e onde podem residir segredos que podem ajudar a desenvolver novas terapias.
Para crear nuevas terapias Descifran genoma del VIH
Sida: Visão geral de VIH dá mais esperança a investigadores - Descodificado mapa genético
Investigadores desenvolvem nova técnica - Descodificação inédita do mapa genético do vírus HIV

[Jordan] [News/Film]
Gender Bending in Jordan
Finding a venue in Jordan for a short film about a man suffering from gender dysphoria is no easy task. In fact, after a couple of organizations rejected her entreaties, 25-year-old writer-director Laila Khan had all but given up on the idea

[USA] [Blog/News]
The Washington State ENDA Game: Who IS this man?
A vote on ENDA, HR 3017, is rapidly approaching in September sometime, and where are we? According to my calculations over at the Facebook Inclusive ENDA House spreadsheet, we're at 205 confirmed votes, and we need 218. That's close, but no cigar yet. If you take a close look at the spreadsheet, you'll see there are 33 states with Representatives who are unconfirmed on ENDA. Them's a lot of states.
Merkley introduces ENDA in Senate
Inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act introduced in Senate
Senate Gay Protections Bill Includes Transgender Provisions
Inclusive ENDA Introduced in Senate for First Time
Task Force: ENDA 'reflects core U.S. value of fairness'
Merkley moves to end workplace discrimation against gays
Franken, Klobuchar sponsor workplace non-discrimination act

HRC launches grassroots lobby effort
With members of the Congress starting their summer recess, the Human Rights Campaign has unveiled a grassroots lobbying effort designed to have LGBT folks set up meetings with their representatives to, in HRC's words, "demand equality" and persuade lawmakers to support LGBT legislation.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Porno Pete and Bam Bam in a Panic Over Health Care Reform
Peter LaBarbera and J. Matt Barber are unhinged over health care reform because it might include coverage for sex reassignment surgery. The number of gender reassignment procedures conducted in the United States each year is estimated at between 100 and 500. A significant portion of sex reassignment surgeries are done on infants who are born with ambiguous genitalia in which case, the procedure is medically essential. The cost of the actual procedure is between $10,000 and $20,000 which does not include pre and post therapy.
[Blog/Commentary] The Autumn of Pete's discontent
[Blog/Commentary] Matt Barber’s Lobotomy Was Covered, Apparently
[Blog/Commentary] Why "Sex Change" Surgery is Medically Necessary

Suspect: 'I feel bad' about stabbing
As murder suspect Devin Fortune left the Forrest County Justice Court building Wednesday, he admitted to reporters that he stabbed his transsexual companion.

Cross-dressing stylist sues salon
A hair stylist has filed a federal suit contending that he was fired from his salon job because he wears high heels and women's clothes and does not "conform to stereotypes regarding how males should appear and behave."

[OR, USA] [Commentary]
Mayor's apology should be accepted
Now that the Silverton City Council has dealt with the mayor's dress, it's time to get back to work.
The council took the ridiculous action this week of formally reprimanding Mayor Stu Rasmussen on a 4-3 vote for his choice in clothing. The silliness included Rasmussen voting against his own reprimand, instead of abstaining.