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domingo, agosto 02, 2009

Ministério da Saúde de Portugal pode punir gays que não se assumem
Uma nova polêmica surgiu em Portugal com a insistente ideia que o presidente do Instituto do Sangue do país, Gabriel Olim (foto), tem defendido em entrevistas: penalizar os homossexuais que não assumirem sua orientação sexual nas entrevistas de triagem na doação. Gabriel diz que conta com o total apoio do governo português por meio do Ministério da Saúde com relação ao seu posicionamento.

El Constitucional portugués dictamina que el matrimonio homosexual es anticonstitucional
El Tribunal Constitucional de Portugal dictaminó hoy que el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo es anticonstitucional, al rechazar el recurso presentado por dos mujeres contra la decisión de un tribunal de Lisboa que les había negado el derecho a casarse en 2006.
Reacção - PS mantém casamento homossexual e sublinha divisão no Tribunal Constitucional

Boxer forced to move house after revealing gender reassignment
A boxer who revealed his plans for gender reassignment has said he has been forced to move house after losing all his friends and suffering abuse.
Rob Newbiggin, 44, was born intersex but is not yet living as a woman.
He told the Southport Visiter that since revealing his plans to The Sun, he has been verbally abused in Southport and will now have to relocate his family.

Hatton Sparring Pal In Sex Swap
Sex change boxer Rob Newbiggin will fight as a woman

Majority who register gender change go abroad for the operation
Less than 20 percent of those who changed their gender in family registration records are believed to have undergone gender reassignment surgery in Japan, a survey by the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (JSPN) has found.

Gay student who was barred from prom denied compensation
A gay student who was denied entry to his prom for wearing a dress has been denied reimbursement for the money he spent.

Surfer dude finds peace as a woman
PETER Drouyn never fitted in with the professional surfing crowd despite being one of the world's best.
The night before the Surfers Paradise boy was due to compete in his first Australian Junior Championship in 1965 he was bashed.
He went on to win, surfing with cuts and bruises all over his body.

(Photo: Former pro surfer Peter Drouyn is more at home as Westerly Windina. )

No change to gay marriage law
The Rudd government won't budge on gay marriage or civil unions but a senior minister believes the momentum for change is "unstoppable''.
Gay rights advocates lost a backroom battle at the ALP National Conference to advance the recognition of same-sex couples.
Instead Labor agreed to a compromise removing the explicit definition of marriage being between a man and a woman from its national platform.

Transgendered group welcomes new members
A common experience for many transgendered people is a sense of isolation, so a Courtenay-based discussion group is meeting weekly to provide opportunities for sharing information and discussing experiences.

U.S. accused of killing gay Iraqis
Refugee tells stunned audience that soldiers detained, executed gay civilians

Does discrimination apply to wardrobe choices?
What is the appropriate attire for any individual serving as an elected representative? What about when that individual is transgendered and serving in a public capacity?
This question is being asked in Silverton after Silverton Together director Brenda Sturdevant filed a formal written complaint against Silverton mayor Stu Rasmussen on July 16.

[Letters to the Editor] Silverton's mayor needs to redefine priorities

State rule would allow use of restrooms consistent with gender identity
Social conservatives and advocates for transgender rights squared off Friday over a proposed state rule that would give transgender individuals legal protection to use the public restrooms or locker rooms for the gender they identify with.

Travesti irrumpe en marcha sindical
El miércoles pasado, lo que pudo haber sido una marcha más de trabajadores estatales de Córdoba tuvo un giro inesperado que hizo que el reclamo ganara difusión en todo el país. Golpe de efecto, como le dicen. Una travesti, conocida como Malena Artaza, mostró sus atributos en pleno asfalto. (Foto)