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quinta-feira, agosto 06, 2009

Cidade mártir de Hiroshima apela à desnuclearização
O presidente da câmara municipal de Hiroshima, cidade mártir do oeste do Japão, apelou à abolição total das armas nucleares até 2020, por ocasião do 64º aniversário do primeiro ataque atómico da história.

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Fox News Show Red Eye Bashes Pre-Op MTF Boxer
The Fox News show Red Eye hosted by Greg Gutfeld continues to air transphobic remarks at the expense of various transgender people in the public spotlight, now focusing his attention on a boxer who will transition from male to female. We first called Mr Gutfeld out for his outrageous transphobic and horrific remarks about the "Pregnant Man" FTM, Thomas Beatie. He also spewed out offensive remarks against openly gay congressman Barney Frank.

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
Lu's Womyn-Born-Womyn-Only Policy: The Ongoing Discussions
On July 6th, I noted the story of Lu's: A Pharmacy for Women, operated by the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC) , and noted how the Vancouver pharmacy's policy to serve only "women who were born as women and live as women" excluded anyone transsexual or of transsexual history. At that point, I'd recommended opening dialogue as a first step solution.

Cover sex-reassignment surgery: activists
Manitoba's transgendered community has been petitioning the provincial government to cover the full cost of surgery for those who want to live as a member of the opposite sex, Healthy Living Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross confirmed Tuesday.
[Commentary] It's dollars and cents not bias
Petition for province to ante up for sex-reassignment

Kennedy Introduces ENDA
An inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act is now on the move in the U.S. Senate.
ENDA introduced into Senate
ENDA Possible by Year's End

Zapata Killer Pops Up on MySpace
With the convicted killer of transgender woman Angie Zapata serving life plus 60 years behind bars, his brother has taken to MySpace so that people can get to know the real Allen Andrade.
Autumn Sandeen, a transgender activist living in San Diego who covered the Zapata murder trial for Pam’s House Blend, stumbled upon the page and reported on its contents for the Bilerico Project.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Ken Zucker discusses his reparative therapy of gender-variant children
Psychologist Kenneth Zucker, famed for his reparative therapy of gender-variant children at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, explains why he thinks it’s appropriate to use coercion to stop children from expressing gender in a way that does not conform.
Tristan Fassel had an intake session at Toronto’s notorious Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Tristan has posted an excellent essay about all this on Facebook, at the following link: What a gender “assessment” from Toronto’s CAMH looks like

[USA] [Commentary]
Taxpayer-Funded Tranny-Care? ObamaCare Could Mandate Free ‘Sex-Change’ Surgeries
Folks, you don’t have to be very politically sophisticated to predict that GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) activists and their liberal allies are going to demand “Tranny-Care” under a federal health insurance system, in the name of “fairness” and “inclusion” — even if it’s not passed initially as a “benefit.” And yes, the idea of subsidizing body-disfiguring “operations” surely would be considered “queer” by the average tax-paying American. Already, trans activists are strategizing on the best ways to get taxpayers to pay for their -gender-confused mutilations- “sex change” procedures — and
Human Rights Campaign and other homosexual lobby groups boast of their support for same in cities like San Francisco. — Peter LaBarbera,

[USA] [Blog/News]
New site on trans surgery results:
The webmaster notes: is an ongoing project dedicated to the collection of images and information related to transsexual sugeries.

Forças Armadas investigam soldados americanos por possíveis execuções de gays no Iraque
As Forças Armadas dos Estados Unidos iniciaram as investigações para apurar as denúncias de que soldados americanos estariam ajudando a executar homossexuais no Iraque. A apuração dos fatos está a cargo do Comando de Investigação Criminal do Exército, que anunciou que não irá dar maiores informações no momento.

Stu's Short Skirt Shame
Stu Rasmussen, the transgender mayor of Silverton, Oregon USA and America’s first transgender mayor, has been criticised by the local council for wearing “inappropriate clothing” while visiting a youth leadership training event. (Photo)
Trans mayor censured by city council for short skirt
Transgender mayor Stu Rasmussen reprimanded for short skirt

Suspect confesses in Hattiesburg slaying
A man arrested and charged in the slaying of a transsexual told reporters that he stabbed the victim after they had an argument.

Travestis denunciaron en la Justicia abusos de la Policía de Villa Maria
Cansadas de ser arbitrariamente detenidas y de recibir insultos y burlas por parte de personal policial, un grupo de jóvenes se presentó en Tribunales y radicó cinco denuncias penales. Un hecho puntual las impulsó a decir ¡basta!
Cinco travestis formularon ayer igual cantidad de denuncias penales en los Tribunales de Villa María por abusos y malos tratos recibidos en los últimos tiempos por parte de la Policía, aunque un episodio registrado el fin de semana fue el detonante que las movilizó para defender sus derechos.