Escolher o sexo depois de nascer
Nasceram com um género sexual com o qual nunca se identificaram e vivem com o estigma de terem escolhido o sexo depois de terem nascido.
Transexuais omissos no quadro legal português
Único cirurgião a fazer mudanças de sexo sem discípulos em Portugal
Escolher o sexo depois de nascer
Escolher o sexo depois de nascer
Nasceram com um género sexual com o qual nunca se identificaram e vivem com o estigma de terem escolhido o sexo depois de terem nascido.
Transexuais omissos no quadro legal português
Único cirurgião a fazer mudanças de sexo sem discípulos em Portugal
Escolher o sexo depois de nascer
Mourir comme un homme
Tonia, une transsexuelle vétéran des spectacles de travesti à Lisbonne, voit s'effondrer le monde qui l'entoure. Son statut de star est menacé par la concurrence des jeunes artistes. Pressée par son jeune copain Rosário d'assumer l'identité de femme et de se soumettre à l'opération qui la fera changer de sexe, Tonia lutte contre ses convictions les plus intimes. Tonia découvre qu'elle est malade. Pour s'éloigner de tous ses problèmes, elle part avec Rosário. Ils se retrouvent dans une forêt enchantée où ils rencontrent l'énigmatique Maria Bakker. Et cette rencontre va tout faire basculer...
Dice gobernador brasileño que cáncer de mama es culpa de paradas gay
Roberto Requiao, asoció las Paradas del Orgullo Gay a un supuesto aumento en la incidencia del cáncer de mama entre los hombres.
Cuatro detenidos en Pamplona relacionados con el homicidio de una transexual
Linsy Acosta Carmona murió en Burgos y el presunto autor material del homicidio encuentra actualmente interno en el centro penitenciario de Pamplona.
La investigación sobre el robo a la víctima del homicidio de Burgos llevó a Pamplona
Aprobado dictamen de no discriminación por motivos de identidad de género
La Comisión de Presidencia, Justicia e Interior ha aprobado hoy el dictamen en relación a la proposición de Ley Foral de no discriminación por motivos de identidad de género y de reconocimiento de los derechos de las personas transexuales.
La primera ley que garantiza derechos a los transexuales supera elprimer trámite
Casi 200 transexuales se han cambiado de sexo en Málaga en una década
En los casos de hombre a mujer se suele hacer una operación, mientras que en los de mujer a hombre se realizan dos o tres.
Los pacientes sienten que están atrapados en un cuerpo extraño.
Rifirrafe entre COLEGA Galicia y Maribolheras Precárias, el colectivo que prendió la mecha de la protesta contra Sizzla en Santiago
La protesta contra la actuación de Sizzla en Santiago de Compostela ha acabado derivando en un feo rifirrafe entre colectivos. Como ya informamos, COLEGA Galicia se apresuraba a enviar ayer tarde un comunicado a los medios en el que se congratulaba de la supuesta cancelación del concierto, una cancelación que luego se desveló falsa. Este engaño desencadenó gran malestar en COLEGA, cuyo presidente ha llegado a declarar al diario Público que sospecha de lo que ha denominado “movimiento antisistema” y en concreto del entorno de Maribolheras Precárias, grupo que ha venido desarrollando una activa campaña contra el concierto. Maribolheras ha evitado entrar al trapo sobre este asunto, pero sí reprocha con contundencia a COLEGA que hiciera acto de aparición al ver “el filón mediático” y que se atribuya la representatividad del colectivo LGTB en un territorio en el que no tiene implantación real.
Born in the wrong body
Doctors in Britain are reviewing guidelines for the treatment of people under 18 with gender dysphoria. This is a condition where someone is born one sex but feels they are really the other. A key issue is the age at which young people can be prescribed drugs which pause puberty.
Changing sex: can a child decide?
Brit girl wants boob-vanishing surgery to join Army as a man!
A British girl wants to undergo a breast removal surgery so that she can join the Army and fight in Afghanistan as a man.
Army dream of transgender man
I want to be man of war
[UK] [Commentary]
The Operation That Can Ruin Your Life
Last year, I was nominated for the Stonewall Journalist of the Year award. This seemed fair enough since I write prolifically about sexuality and sexual identity. But I guessed that Stonewall would not dare give me the prize, because a powerful lobby affiliated with the lesbian and gay communities had been hounding me for five years. Six weeks later I, along with a police escort, walked past a huge demonstration of transsexuals and their supporters, shouting "Bindel the Bigot". Despite campaigning against gender discrimination, rape, child abuse and domestic violence for 30 years, I have been labelled a bigot because of a column I wrote in 2004 that questioned whether a sex change would make someone a woman or simply a man without a penis. Subsequently, I was "no platformed" by the National Union of Students Women's Campaign, a privilege previously afforded to fascist groups such as the BNP. As a leading feminist writer, I now find that a number of organisations are too frightened to ask me to speak at public events for fear of protests by transsexual lobbyists.
Bindel Still Apparently Obsessed With Writing Barely Coherent Crap About Transsexualism[Brazil]
Dice gobernador brasileño que cáncer de mama es culpa de paradas gay
Roberto Requiao, asoció las Paradas del Orgullo Gay a un supuesto aumento en la incidencia del cáncer de mama entre los hombres.
Cuatro detenidos en Pamplona relacionados con el homicidio de una transexual
Linsy Acosta Carmona murió en Burgos y el presunto autor material del homicidio encuentra actualmente interno en el centro penitenciario de Pamplona.
La investigación sobre el robo a la víctima del homicidio de Burgos llevó a Pamplona
Aprobado dictamen de no discriminación por motivos de identidad de género
La Comisión de Presidencia, Justicia e Interior ha aprobado hoy el dictamen en relación a la proposición de Ley Foral de no discriminación por motivos de identidad de género y de reconocimiento de los derechos de las personas transexuales.
La primera ley que garantiza derechos a los transexuales supera elprimer trámite
Casi 200 transexuales se han cambiado de sexo en Málaga en una década
En los casos de hombre a mujer se suele hacer una operación, mientras que en los de mujer a hombre se realizan dos o tres.
Los pacientes sienten que están atrapados en un cuerpo extraño.
Rifirrafe entre COLEGA Galicia y Maribolheras Precárias, el colectivo que prendió la mecha de la protesta contra Sizzla en Santiago
La protesta contra la actuación de Sizzla en Santiago de Compostela ha acabado derivando en un feo rifirrafe entre colectivos. Como ya informamos, COLEGA Galicia se apresuraba a enviar ayer tarde un comunicado a los medios en el que se congratulaba de la supuesta cancelación del concierto, una cancelación que luego se desveló falsa. Este engaño desencadenó gran malestar en COLEGA, cuyo presidente ha llegado a declarar al diario Público que sospecha de lo que ha denominado “movimiento antisistema” y en concreto del entorno de Maribolheras Precárias, grupo que ha venido desarrollando una activa campaña contra el concierto. Maribolheras ha evitado entrar al trapo sobre este asunto, pero sí reprocha con contundencia a COLEGA que hiciera acto de aparición al ver “el filón mediático” y que se atribuya la representatividad del colectivo LGTB en un territorio en el que no tiene implantación real.
Born in the wrong body
Doctors in Britain are reviewing guidelines for the treatment of people under 18 with gender dysphoria. This is a condition where someone is born one sex but feels they are really the other. A key issue is the age at which young people can be prescribed drugs which pause puberty.
Changing sex: can a child decide?
Brit girl wants boob-vanishing surgery to join Army as a man!
A British girl wants to undergo a breast removal surgery so that she can join the Army and fight in Afghanistan as a man.
Army dream of transgender man
I want to be man of war
[UK] [Commentary]
The Operation That Can Ruin Your Life
Last year, I was nominated for the Stonewall Journalist of the Year award. This seemed fair enough since I write prolifically about sexuality and sexual identity. But I guessed that Stonewall would not dare give me the prize, because a powerful lobby affiliated with the lesbian and gay communities had been hounding me for five years. Six weeks later I, along with a police escort, walked past a huge demonstration of transsexuals and their supporters, shouting "Bindel the Bigot". Despite campaigning against gender discrimination, rape, child abuse and domestic violence for 30 years, I have been labelled a bigot because of a column I wrote in 2004 that questioned whether a sex change would make someone a woman or simply a man without a penis. Subsequently, I was "no platformed" by the National Union of Students Women's Campaign, a privilege previously afforded to fascist groups such as the BNP. As a leading feminist writer, I now find that a number of organisations are too frightened to ask me to speak at public events for fear of protests by transsexual lobbyists.
Julie Bindel still doesn't understand what Human Rights actually means
[UK] [People/Television]
Millionaire businesswoman had to fight after she had a sex change
Millionaire entrepreneur Stephanie Booth had to overcome some remarkable challenges to build her string of successful businesses.
And none was greater, or as emotionally draining, as the challenge of overcoming prejudice – after her sex change from family man Keith Hull to businesswoman Stephanie Booth.
[Itália] [Blog/Commentary]
Catholic Church Gives Italian Priest 'Reflection' Vacation After Performing Transgender Wedding
Forty-four-year-old Father Alessandro Santoro, a priest in Florence, is getting an unsolicited vacation! It wouldn't have anything to do with his performing a transgender marriage, would it?
Un sacerdote transexual divide a los feligreses de Finlandia
Un sacerdote luterano finlandés de 55 años oficiará mañana, domingo, su primera misa tras someterse a una operación de cambio de sexo, lo cual, pese al beneplácito de sus superiores, ha dividido a sus feligreses, entre quienes alaban su coraje y quienes le consideran un blasfemo.
Largest European LGBT conference being held in Malta
Around 300 persons from all over Europe and North African and Asian countries are participating in the ILGA-Europe conference being held in Malta, the largest ever held.
Call for equal rights for all forms of family
Struggle against Homophobic Discrimination in Professional Life
LGTB organization Kaos GL held a "LGB Employees Meeting" in Ankara to draw attention to the discrimination of homosexual and bisexual people in professional life. One of the most urgent problems is the rejection of applications because of a person's sexual identity.
Q&A: "Guardian Angel" of Gulf Transsexuals
Transsexuals in the Gulf call Bahraini lawyer Fawziya Janahi "guardian angel". She is the Arab world's only female lawyer who takes up cases on behalf of clients who want to change their sex.
Exigen verdad de Semenya
La prensa australiana aseguró, remitiéndose a una fuente anónima implicada en las pruebas de la IAAF, que Semenya era "hermafrodita", desatando la indignación de la opinión pública sudafricana.
S.Africa ruling party calls for gender row apology
Chennai transgenders learning karate for self-defence
Many transgenders in Chennai are undergoing karate training to improve their self-confidence and health so that they can land a good job.
New sex change regulations set to take effect
Areeya Milintanapa, a 26 year old transvestite, had hoped to undergo sexual reassignment surgery at a private clinic in Bangkok next year, but her plans have hit a setback - new regulations by the Medical Council of Thailand.
Japanese Win "Angel Of Talent" At Miss International Queen 2009
A Japanese contestant easily took out first place to win the “Angel of Talent” contest, which is part of the “Miss International Queen 2009” week that has attracted world-wide attention. This is one of several functions held in the run up to the grand final judging, which will be held at the “Tiffany Theatre” in north Pattaya on the night of Saturday 31st October. (Photo)
Transsexual contest for awarenessAnd none was greater, or as emotionally draining, as the challenge of overcoming prejudice – after her sex change from family man Keith Hull to businesswoman Stephanie Booth.
[Itália] [Blog/Commentary]
Catholic Church Gives Italian Priest 'Reflection' Vacation After Performing Transgender Wedding
Forty-four-year-old Father Alessandro Santoro, a priest in Florence, is getting an unsolicited vacation! It wouldn't have anything to do with his performing a transgender marriage, would it?
Un sacerdote transexual divide a los feligreses de Finlandia
Un sacerdote luterano finlandés de 55 años oficiará mañana, domingo, su primera misa tras someterse a una operación de cambio de sexo, lo cual, pese al beneplácito de sus superiores, ha dividido a sus feligreses, entre quienes alaban su coraje y quienes le consideran un blasfemo.
Largest European LGBT conference being held in Malta
Around 300 persons from all over Europe and North African and Asian countries are participating in the ILGA-Europe conference being held in Malta, the largest ever held.
Call for equal rights for all forms of family
Struggle against Homophobic Discrimination in Professional Life
LGTB organization Kaos GL held a "LGB Employees Meeting" in Ankara to draw attention to the discrimination of homosexual and bisexual people in professional life. One of the most urgent problems is the rejection of applications because of a person's sexual identity.
Q&A: "Guardian Angel" of Gulf Transsexuals
Transsexuals in the Gulf call Bahraini lawyer Fawziya Janahi "guardian angel". She is the Arab world's only female lawyer who takes up cases on behalf of clients who want to change their sex.
Exigen verdad de Semenya
La prensa australiana aseguró, remitiéndose a una fuente anónima implicada en las pruebas de la IAAF, que Semenya era "hermafrodita", desatando la indignación de la opinión pública sudafricana.
S.Africa ruling party calls for gender row apology
Chennai transgenders learning karate for self-defence
Many transgenders in Chennai are undergoing karate training to improve their self-confidence and health so that they can land a good job.
New sex change regulations set to take effect
Areeya Milintanapa, a 26 year old transvestite, had hoped to undergo sexual reassignment surgery at a private clinic in Bangkok next year, but her plans have hit a setback - new regulations by the Medical Council of Thailand.

Japanese Win "Angel Of Talent" At Miss International Queen 2009
A Japanese contestant easily took out first place to win the “Angel of Talent” contest, which is part of the “Miss International Queen 2009” week that has attracted world-wide attention. This is one of several functions held in the run up to the grand final judging, which will be held at the “Tiffany Theatre” in north Pattaya on the night of Saturday 31st October. (Photo)
Miss International Queen 2009 contest
Una artista brasileña, entre las tres transexuales más bellas del mundo
Haruna, Miss Transsexuel, milite pour le respect de sessemblables
Pattaya kürt die schönste Transsexuelle der Welt
Japanerin zur schönsten Transsexuellen der Welt gewählt
Annual transvestite pageant wows Thailand
Transsexual wins apology over passport
A transsexual has won a written apology from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for the distress she experienced as a result of having to travel on a passport that identified her as a man.
(Photo: Passport led to ridicule ... Stefanie Imbruglia’s complaints have brought changes.)
Natalie Imbruglia's transexual cousin airport
Alleged transgendered discrimination highlights need for education
The owner of a night-club accused of discriminating against a transgendered woman says it was case of mistaken identity.
The allegations stem from an incident on Sunday night, when a local transgendered woman was asked to use the men's washroom at the Level nightclub.
Update: Nightclub owner says allegations of discrimination against transgendered woman a misunderstanding
Man charged in deadly blaze
Excerpt: Police arrested Justin Rosdobutko Tuesday night following an extensive investigation of the deadly Oct. 11 fire at the Aquarius Men's Bath on Notre Dame Avenue. Steven Yablonski, 23, of Winnipeg, and Robert Clark, 62, of Saskatchewan, were both killed. Yablonski was a well-known local drag queen and performer.
Police lay charges over fatal Winnipeg bathhouse fire
President Obama signs first federal transgender protections into law
Upon President Obama’s signing today, October 28, 2009, of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) issued the following press release:
President Obama has just signed into law the very first protections for transgender people in U.S. history: the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
Obama signs expanded US hate crimes law
Obama hails expansion of hate crimes legislation
Obama inks defense bill with hate crimes provision
After 10-year dispute, expansion of hate crimes law to gays signed
Presidente Obama firma Ley contra delitos de odio hacia transexuales y homosexuales
Seventeen Slammed for Transphobic Article
A young LGBT activist has launched a Facebook campaign against Seventeen magazine in response to its publication of an article that portrays transgender people in a highly negative way.
[Commentary] Seventeen Magazine Doesn’t Do Much To Encourage Compassion For Transgender Teens
[USA] [News/History]
Remembering the Stonewall Riots
This year’s Atlanta Pride marks 40 years since turning point for LGBT rights
Milestones since Stonewall
Group says transgender teen was abused in Philadelphia agency's custody
A transgender teenager who identifies as a girl said she was subject to constant abuse and discrimination during 18 months in the custody of the Department of Human Services.

Transsexual wins apology over passport
A transsexual has won a written apology from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for the distress she experienced as a result of having to travel on a passport that identified her as a man.
(Photo: Passport led to ridicule ... Stefanie Imbruglia’s complaints have brought changes.)
Natalie Imbruglia's transexual cousin airport
Alleged transgendered discrimination highlights need for education
The owner of a night-club accused of discriminating against a transgendered woman says it was case of mistaken identity.
The allegations stem from an incident on Sunday night, when a local transgendered woman was asked to use the men's washroom at the Level nightclub.
Update: Nightclub owner says allegations of discrimination against transgendered woman a misunderstanding
Man charged in deadly blaze
Excerpt: Police arrested Justin Rosdobutko Tuesday night following an extensive investigation of the deadly Oct. 11 fire at the Aquarius Men's Bath on Notre Dame Avenue. Steven Yablonski, 23, of Winnipeg, and Robert Clark, 62, of Saskatchewan, were both killed. Yablonski was a well-known local drag queen and performer.
Police lay charges over fatal Winnipeg bathhouse fire
President Obama signs first federal transgender protections into law
Upon President Obama’s signing today, October 28, 2009, of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) issued the following press release:
President Obama has just signed into law the very first protections for transgender people in U.S. history: the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
Obama signs expanded US hate crimes law
Obama hails expansion of hate crimes legislation
Obama inks defense bill with hate crimes provision
After 10-year dispute, expansion of hate crimes law to gays signed
Presidente Obama firma Ley contra delitos de odio hacia transexuales y homosexuales
Seventeen Slammed for Transphobic Article
A young LGBT activist has launched a Facebook campaign against Seventeen magazine in response to its publication of an article that portrays transgender people in a highly negative way.
[Commentary] Seventeen Magazine Doesn’t Do Much To Encourage Compassion For Transgender Teens
[USA] [News/History]
Remembering the Stonewall Riots
This year’s Atlanta Pride marks 40 years since turning point for LGBT rights
Milestones since Stonewall
Group says transgender teen was abused in Philadelphia agency's custody
A transgender teenager who identifies as a girl said she was subject to constant abuse and discrimination during 18 months in the custody of the Department of Human Services.
DHS discrimination against transgender teen alleged
[AL, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
This campaign not about human rights
The phrase "human rights" as used by gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered persons in their advocacy campaign is a gross deception and misrepresentation. Their so-called human rights' agenda consist of advocating conduct that is morally reprehensible, despicable and contemptible before God.
KSU-Salina to fund transgender speaker
The student governing group at Kansas State University’s Salina campus has reconsidered and will now help fund a transgendered speaker’s visit to campus.
Report: Even with protections, transgenders in California
More than five years since state legislation to ensure employment and housing protections for transgender people went into effect, many still face discrimination, according to a recently released report.
First trans march makes Atlanta Pride history
Participants will walk through park to ensure visibility to larger gay community
Primer transexual logra cambiar su identidad en Ecuador
Un transexual cambió su identidad en el documento de identificación para aparecer inscrita como mujer, gracias al primer fallo judicial en ese sentido dictado tras una batalla legal que duró ocho años.
[AL, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
This campaign not about human rights
The phrase "human rights" as used by gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered persons in their advocacy campaign is a gross deception and misrepresentation. Their so-called human rights' agenda consist of advocating conduct that is morally reprehensible, despicable and contemptible before God.
KSU-Salina to fund transgender speaker
The student governing group at Kansas State University’s Salina campus has reconsidered and will now help fund a transgendered speaker’s visit to campus.
Report: Even with protections, transgenders in California
More than five years since state legislation to ensure employment and housing protections for transgender people went into effect, many still face discrimination, according to a recently released report.
First trans march makes Atlanta Pride history
Participants will walk through park to ensure visibility to larger gay community
Primer transexual logra cambiar su identidad en Ecuador
Un transexual cambió su identidad en el documento de identificación para aparecer inscrita como mujer, gracias al primer fallo judicial en ese sentido dictado tras una batalla legal que duró ocho años.
Una transexual cambia de nombre y sexo por primera vez en Ecuador sin CRS genital
Gay Student Accuses Baptist High School of Discrimination
You probably haven’t heard about gender identity disorder – or gender dysphoria. It is a condition where a person feels they are trapped in the body of the wrong sex. It is not a biological condition – it is a psychiatric classification – but that doesn’t mean the person who has it is crazy, just different. Tonight we’ll introduce you to a young man who says he is a woman trapped in the body of a man. But that’s not the news tonight – the news is that he might be kicked out of school because of it. Keith Swift has his story.
Gay Student Jose Garcia's Future in Limbo
[República Dominicana]
Homosexuales celebrarán concurso de belleza en La Romana
La Romana, una ciudad con bellezas excepcionales en la explotación turística se prepara para la celebración de un concurso de belleza para homosexuales, que se desarrollará en noviembre, pero que desde ya está siendo repudiado por periodistas y otros sectores que defienden la buena moral.
La historia de una joven transexual gana el Festival de Cine Venezolano Mérida
Gay Student Accuses Baptist High School of Discrimination
You probably haven’t heard about gender identity disorder – or gender dysphoria. It is a condition where a person feels they are trapped in the body of the wrong sex. It is not a biological condition – it is a psychiatric classification – but that doesn’t mean the person who has it is crazy, just different. Tonight we’ll introduce you to a young man who says he is a woman trapped in the body of a man. But that’s not the news tonight – the news is that he might be kicked out of school because of it. Keith Swift has his story.
Gay Student Jose Garcia's Future in Limbo
[República Dominicana]
Homosexuales celebrarán concurso de belleza en La Romana
La Romana, una ciudad con bellezas excepcionales en la explotación turística se prepara para la celebración de un concurso de belleza para homosexuales, que se desarrollará en noviembre, pero que desde ya está siendo repudiado por periodistas y otros sectores que defienden la buena moral.
La historia de una joven transexual, que interpreta la colombiana Endry Cardeño, que debe hacer frente a la intolerancia de su familia, fue la ganadora del premio a la mejor película en el Festival de Cine Venezolano Mérida 2009, cuya quinta edición fue clausurada el jueves.

Cambio de nombre de transexual representa avance para la diversidad chilena
Chile consiguió dar un paso importante en logros de los derechos de la población transexual. Recientemente, la transexual Alison Constanza Ruiz Martínez, quien era identificada como René Rodrigo, consiguió cambiar de nombre sin necesidad de una cirugía de reasignación sexual. (Foto)
Trans chilena recibe carné que la acredita con nombre mujer, aunque no se modifica sexo
Anuncian en Chile un Seminario Internacional de personas transexuales y/o transgénero
Zuliana Araya Gutiérrez, foto, la presidenta del Sindicato de Trabajadoras Independientes Travestis “Afrodita” V Región y coordinadora General Encuentro Trans, Valparaíso, Chile, anunció que se llevará a cabo el Seminario Internacional Transgénero “Inclusión en la diversidad” en noviembre próximo en Valparaíso, Chile.
Por primera vez en Argentina un transexual masculino cambia de nombre y sexo sin cirugía genital
Llevado por la abogada transexual Mariana Casas, el Juzgado Nacional en lo Civil de la Capital Federal Nº 76 dictó sentencia " un caso de transexualidad masculina, otorgándole su cambio de sexo y nombre, adaptándolo así a su realidad social y familiar.

Anuncian en Chile un Seminario Internacional de personas transexuales y/o transgénero
Zuliana Araya Gutiérrez, foto, la presidenta del Sindicato de Trabajadoras Independientes Travestis “Afrodita” V Región y coordinadora General Encuentro Trans, Valparaíso, Chile, anunció que se llevará a cabo el Seminario Internacional Transgénero “Inclusión en la diversidad” en noviembre próximo en Valparaíso, Chile.
Por primera vez en Argentina un transexual masculino cambia de nombre y sexo sin cirugía genital
Llevado por la abogada transexual Mariana Casas, el Juzgado Nacional en lo Civil de la Capital Federal Nº 76 dictó sentencia " un caso de transexualidad masculina, otorgándole su cambio de sexo y nombre, adaptándolo así a su realidad social y familiar.
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