São Paulo: Justiça autoriza transexual a mudar o nome em documentos
O juiz Décio Luiz José Rodrigues, da 6ª Vara Cível do Foro Regional de Santo Amaro (zona sul de SP), concedeu a um transexual o direito de alterar o nome e o sexo em seus documentos.
O pedido foi feito por uma mulher que fez uma cirurgia de construção da genitália externa masculina. Ele alegou transtorno de identidade sexual, já que se identificava como homem.
Espetáculo ajuda travestis soropositvas
Ser travesti ou transexual e ainda soropositiva não é nada fácil. Enquanto muitos as discriminam, outros as acolhem. A Casa de Apoio Brenda Lee, em São Paulo, virou uma referência nesse tipo de ação. E ela precisa de ajuda.
Transgender data brings down trust's CQC rating
Board papers reveal staff at the Hammersmith gender identity clinic, part of West London Mental Health Trust, were not filling out a box relating to marital status on patient forms – something required by the Department of Health.
The information forms part of the Department of Health’s Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS), which the CQC assessed as part of its initial trust registration process in April. The marital status indicator was added to the MHMDS last year and affects the rating a trust is given for commission’s Quality and Management standard.
However, staff at the Hammersmith clinic did not believe the information was relevant to their patients.
Brighton sex worker said she was due to meet murder accused
Excerpt: Escort Megan Vaux told the jury she had arranged to meet McMillan days before the murder but she failed to keep the appointment.
Andrea Waddell trial: Prostitute failed to meet accused
Prostitute cancelled meeting with murder accused
La France lance un appel à l'OMS sur le transsexualisme
La France a annoncé lundi son intention de demander à l'Organisation mondiale de la santé de retirer le transsexualisme de la liste des maladies mentales, comme l'OMS l'avait fait pour l'homosexualité en 1990.
ILGA-Europe's statement on the recent incident of police violence against trans activists in Ankara
On 17 May 2010, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, 5 trans activists and founding members of Pembe Hayat (Pink Life) were stopped by Ankara police forces, badly beaten up and unlawfully taken into police custody. This incident is part of a recurrent pattern of police harassment and abuse against trans people in Turkey. Trans people in Turkey are regularly subjected to harassment and ill-treatment in the hands of police officer. The police often use the Code on Misdemeanour to charge transgender people various fines including for ‘disturbing the traffic’.
Two ILGA-Europe staff members are currently in Turkey documenting human rights violations against LGBT people and raising the issue with various actors, including national human rights institutions and the European Union representation in the country.
Earlier today in Ankara, ILGA-Europe together with its member organisations Pembe Hayat and Kaos GL met with Human Rights President Mehmet Yilmaz Küçük raising the recurrent patters of discrimination and violence experienced by LGBT people in Turkey.
Mr. Küçük mentioned that last December his office received 36 complaints from trans individuals who were subjected to police harassment, expressing that he is aware of the situation. Mr. Küçük also acknowledged the importance of improving cooperation with local LGBT organisations to raise awareness on the issue.
On its part, the European Union Delegation to Turkey committed to specifically raise the discrimination and violence against LGBT people with relevant ministries in upcoming meetings and discussions on the political criteria for Turkey’s European Union accession.
In February 2010, ILGA-Europe together with Human Rights Watch, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) and Pembe Hayat addressed a letter to the government of Turkey, urging for actions to end ongoing violence and murders of transgender people. Read the letter here.
ILGA-Europe, together with local and international organisations, will continue monitoring the human rights violations of LGBT people in Turkey, working with European institutions and demanding adequate response from Turkish authorities.
See pictures from the two demonstrations held in Ankara and Istanbul on May 18, the day after the police violence.
Prefeitura de Moscou proíbe parada gay pelo quinto ano consecutivo
Municipalidade alegou riscos à segurança como motivo da proibição. Evento se realizou em outras edições marcado por confrontos com a polícia.
Gais y el PSOE piden al Gobierno que urja a Malawi a liberar a homosexuales
La Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB) y el PSOE han condenado hoy la sentencia dictada por un tribunal de Malawi contra una pareja de homosexuales y han pedido al Gobierno que presione al Ejecutivo de ese país para la puesta en libertad de los dos jóvenes.
Casal gay é condenado a 14 anos de prisão no Malauí
Madonna Condemns Malawi Gay Sentence
Casal gay do Malauí é condenado a 14 anos de prisão
Exclusive: Alan Duncan writes 'Malawi gay conviction is shocking – but we cannot stop aid'
U.K. Official: Don't Cut Aid for Malawi
Casal gay condenado a 14 anos de prisão no Malawi
The State Department Makes Statement Against Malawi Gay Conviction (Video)
Government ministers 'deeply dismayed' by Malawi gay conviction
Condenan a 14 años de cárcel a una pareja homosexual de Malaui por intentar casarse
Malawi Gay Couple Sentenced to 14 Years
Malawi Government Pleased with Homosexual Couple Conviction
Malawian anti-gay ruling sparks SA protest
Uganda Parliament Gets "Kill The Gays" Bill
The controversial HIV/AIDS control bill has been tabled in Ugandan Parliament, despite world-wide mass protest.
The bill, which is meant to control the spread of HIV/AIDS, targets gays in Uganda, and can carry punishment up to the death penalty. President Obama has describe the bill as "odious", as a senior minister in Kampala suggested as the death penalty be replaced with life-imprisonment.
[South Africa]
Caster Semenya's rights being 'swept under the carpet', says sports scientist Tim Noakes
An eminent sports scientist has accused the International Association of Athletics Federations of being more concerned with brushing the issue of gender under the carpet than protecting the rights of athletes such as Caster Semenya.
Eight athletes secretly banned over gender doubt
Runners to boycott Semenya
Elite runners threaten boycott over Caster Semenya’s comeback
Pelosi vows to end ‘Don’t ask, don't tell’ by the end of the year
The Pentagon’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy will be nothing but a memory by year’s end, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declared Wednesday.
Pelosi, in an interview with The Hill, stopped short of laying all of her strategic cards on the table. She wouldn’t say whether the House will take the lead on the issue or predict when the Clinton administration-era tenet would be repealed.
Breaking news: Pelosi promises votes on ENDA and DADT this year
Pressure mounts to pass ENDA
Pass ENDA Protest
Jury acquits man in buttocks silicone injection case
Donnie Hendrix, 41, of Palm Coast, was accused of offering to pump silicone into women's buttocks to enhance their appearance. The women happened to be undercover agents.
ENDA Protesters Arrested in Senate Office
Thirteen activists demanding passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act were arrested Thursday in the Chicago district office of Illinois Senator and Democratic Party Whip Richard Durbin.
Trans empowerment day holds seminars, spreads awareness
Each year, the number of resources for transgender people grows. One reason for that is because of events like Transgender Detroit's annual Transgender Day of Empowerment, which is held at Affirmations.
License to change
"What do you think God is gonna think about what you're doing to your body, what you're trying to do legally right now, and what do people at your work and your family think about it?" the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles technician allegedly asked the 35-year-old LaMay, a local transgendered woman who had come in to the office on a mid-February day to change the gender on her driver's license. (Photo)
Transgender woman murdered on Milwaukee street
While mainstream media’s news reports of Dana A. "Chanel" Larkin’s murder on Friday, May 7, in Milwaukee have focused on the alleged perpetrator’s version of what he said happened, the crime’s scant media coverage has offered little to no information on who she was.
According to those who did know her, Larkin, 26, was a young transgender woman of color who loved her family and friends. She had turned to sex work to make ends meet.
“Mariposa de Cristal” novela sobre la homosexualidad
Extracto: La historia se basa en la vida del protagonista de la historia, un joven llamado Margot, cuyo mayor deseo es convertirse en mujer en un ámbito donde predomina la presencia masculina.
Formaliza renuncia mujer transexual a grupo asesor del CONAPRED
La activista transexual Irina Layevska Echeverría Gaitán formalizó su renuncia al grupo asesor externo del CONAPRED como protesta a lo que llamó una actitud de “complicidad”, por avalar el decreto del día de la Tolerancia que omitió el término homofobia.
Transvestites shake up Cuba
Lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales españoles aceptan disculpas de Evo Morales
El colectivo Confederación Española de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales (COLEGAS) aceptó de buen grado las disculpas ofrecidas por el presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, quien dijo haber sido malinterpretado cuando, en una alocución, en abril último, mencionó que el consumo de carne de pollo transgénico, insuflado con hormonas sintéticas, provoca alteraciones en la naturaleza humana.
São Paulo: Justiça autoriza transexual a mudar o nome em documentos
O juiz Décio Luiz José Rodrigues, da 6ª Vara Cível do Foro Regional de Santo Amaro (zona sul de SP), concedeu a um transexual o direito de alterar o nome e o sexo em seus documentos.
O pedido foi feito por uma mulher que fez uma cirurgia de construção da genitália externa masculina. Ele alegou transtorno de identidade sexual, já que se identificava como homem.
Espetáculo ajuda travestis soropositvas
Ser travesti ou transexual e ainda soropositiva não é nada fácil. Enquanto muitos as discriminam, outros as acolhem. A Casa de Apoio Brenda Lee, em São Paulo, virou uma referência nesse tipo de ação. E ela precisa de ajuda.
Transgender data brings down trust's CQC rating
Board papers reveal staff at the Hammersmith gender identity clinic, part of West London Mental Health Trust, were not filling out a box relating to marital status on patient forms – something required by the Department of Health.
The information forms part of the Department of Health’s Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS), which the CQC assessed as part of its initial trust registration process in April. The marital status indicator was added to the MHMDS last year and affects the rating a trust is given for commission’s Quality and Management standard.
However, staff at the Hammersmith clinic did not believe the information was relevant to their patients.
Brighton sex worker said she was due to meet murder accused
Excerpt: Escort Megan Vaux told the jury she had arranged to meet McMillan days before the murder but she failed to keep the appointment.
Andrea Waddell trial: Prostitute failed to meet accused
Prostitute cancelled meeting with murder accused
La France lance un appel à l'OMS sur le transsexualisme
La France a annoncé lundi son intention de demander à l'Organisation mondiale de la santé de retirer le transsexualisme de la liste des maladies mentales, comme l'OMS l'avait fait pour l'homosexualité en 1990.
ILGA-Europe's statement on the recent incident of police violence against trans activists in Ankara
On 17 May 2010, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, 5 trans activists and founding members of Pembe Hayat (Pink Life) were stopped by Ankara police forces, badly beaten up and unlawfully taken into police custody. This incident is part of a recurrent pattern of police harassment and abuse against trans people in Turkey. Trans people in Turkey are regularly subjected to harassment and ill-treatment in the hands of police officer. The police often use the Code on Misdemeanour to charge transgender people various fines including for ‘disturbing the traffic’.
Two ILGA-Europe staff members are currently in Turkey documenting human rights violations against LGBT people and raising the issue with various actors, including national human rights institutions and the European Union representation in the country.
Earlier today in Ankara, ILGA-Europe together with its member organisations Pembe Hayat and Kaos GL met with Human Rights President Mehmet Yilmaz Küçük raising the recurrent patters of discrimination and violence experienced by LGBT people in Turkey.
Mr. Küçük mentioned that last December his office received 36 complaints from trans individuals who were subjected to police harassment, expressing that he is aware of the situation. Mr. Küçük also acknowledged the importance of improving cooperation with local LGBT organisations to raise awareness on the issue.
On its part, the European Union Delegation to Turkey committed to specifically raise the discrimination and violence against LGBT people with relevant ministries in upcoming meetings and discussions on the political criteria for Turkey’s European Union accession.
In February 2010, ILGA-Europe together with Human Rights Watch, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) and Pembe Hayat addressed a letter to the government of Turkey, urging for actions to end ongoing violence and murders of transgender people. Read the letter here.
ILGA-Europe, together with local and international organisations, will continue monitoring the human rights violations of LGBT people in Turkey, working with European institutions and demanding adequate response from Turkish authorities.
See pictures from the two demonstrations held in Ankara and Istanbul on May 18, the day after the police violence.
Prefeitura de Moscou proíbe parada gay pelo quinto ano consecutivo
Municipalidade alegou riscos à segurança como motivo da proibição. Evento se realizou em outras edições marcado por confrontos com a polícia.
Gais y el PSOE piden al Gobierno que urja a Malawi a liberar a homosexuales
La Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB) y el PSOE han condenado hoy la sentencia dictada por un tribunal de Malawi contra una pareja de homosexuales y han pedido al Gobierno que presione al Ejecutivo de ese país para la puesta en libertad de los dos jóvenes.
Casal gay é condenado a 14 anos de prisão no Malauí
Madonna Condemns Malawi Gay Sentence
Casal gay do Malauí é condenado a 14 anos de prisão
Exclusive: Alan Duncan writes 'Malawi gay conviction is shocking – but we cannot stop aid'
U.K. Official: Don't Cut Aid for Malawi
Casal gay condenado a 14 anos de prisão no Malawi
The State Department Makes Statement Against Malawi Gay Conviction (Video)
Government ministers 'deeply dismayed' by Malawi gay conviction
Condenan a 14 años de cárcel a una pareja homosexual de Malaui por intentar casarse
Malawi Gay Couple Sentenced to 14 Years
Malawi Government Pleased with Homosexual Couple Conviction
Malawian anti-gay ruling sparks SA protest
Uganda Parliament Gets "Kill The Gays" Bill
The controversial HIV/AIDS control bill has been tabled in Ugandan Parliament, despite world-wide mass protest.
The bill, which is meant to control the spread of HIV/AIDS, targets gays in Uganda, and can carry punishment up to the death penalty. President Obama has describe the bill as "odious", as a senior minister in Kampala suggested as the death penalty be replaced with life-imprisonment.
[South Africa]
Caster Semenya's rights being 'swept under the carpet', says sports scientist Tim Noakes
An eminent sports scientist has accused the International Association of Athletics Federations of being more concerned with brushing the issue of gender under the carpet than protecting the rights of athletes such as Caster Semenya.
Eight athletes secretly banned over gender doubt
Runners to boycott Semenya
Elite runners threaten boycott over Caster Semenya’s comeback
Pelosi vows to end ‘Don’t ask, don't tell’ by the end of the year
The Pentagon’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy will be nothing but a memory by year’s end, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declared Wednesday.
Pelosi, in an interview with The Hill, stopped short of laying all of her strategic cards on the table. She wouldn’t say whether the House will take the lead on the issue or predict when the Clinton administration-era tenet would be repealed.
Breaking news: Pelosi promises votes on ENDA and DADT this year
Pressure mounts to pass ENDA
Pass ENDA Protest
Jury acquits man in buttocks silicone injection case
Donnie Hendrix, 41, of Palm Coast, was accused of offering to pump silicone into women's buttocks to enhance their appearance. The women happened to be undercover agents.
ENDA Protesters Arrested in Senate Office
Thirteen activists demanding passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act were arrested Thursday in the Chicago district office of Illinois Senator and Democratic Party Whip Richard Durbin.
Trans empowerment day holds seminars, spreads awareness
Each year, the number of resources for transgender people grows. One reason for that is because of events like Transgender Detroit's annual Transgender Day of Empowerment, which is held at Affirmations.

License to change
"What do you think God is gonna think about what you're doing to your body, what you're trying to do legally right now, and what do people at your work and your family think about it?" the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles technician allegedly asked the 35-year-old LaMay, a local transgendered woman who had come in to the office on a mid-February day to change the gender on her driver's license. (Photo)
Transgender woman murdered on Milwaukee street
While mainstream media’s news reports of Dana A. "Chanel" Larkin’s murder on Friday, May 7, in Milwaukee have focused on the alleged perpetrator’s version of what he said happened, the crime’s scant media coverage has offered little to no information on who she was.
According to those who did know her, Larkin, 26, was a young transgender woman of color who loved her family and friends. She had turned to sex work to make ends meet.
“Mariposa de Cristal” novela sobre la homosexualidad
Extracto: La historia se basa en la vida del protagonista de la historia, un joven llamado Margot, cuyo mayor deseo es convertirse en mujer en un ámbito donde predomina la presencia masculina.
Formaliza renuncia mujer transexual a grupo asesor del CONAPRED
La activista transexual Irina Layevska Echeverría Gaitán formalizó su renuncia al grupo asesor externo del CONAPRED como protesta a lo que llamó una actitud de “complicidad”, por avalar el decreto del día de la Tolerancia que omitió el término homofobia.
Transvestites shake up Cuba
Lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales españoles aceptan disculpas de Evo Morales
El colectivo Confederación Española de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales (COLEGAS) aceptó de buen grado las disculpas ofrecidas por el presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, quien dijo haber sido malinterpretado cuando, en una alocución, en abril último, mencionó que el consumo de carne de pollo transgénico, insuflado con hormonas sintéticas, provoca alteraciones en la naturaleza humana.
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