Outside US, World Stands Up May 17 Against Bigotry
On May 17, in hundreds of cities all over the planet, on all continents, there will be a wide range of events marking this year’s observation of the annual International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO). But not in the United States, where — inexplicably — our national LGBT organizations continue to refuse to join hands with our queer sisters and brothers abroad who are fighting to achieve the right to love that we, in America, have increasingly come to take for granted.
Consejo de Europa reclama a los 47 países volunta política para erradicar la Transfóbia y la Homofóbia
El secretario general del Consejo de Europa, Thorbjon Jagland, reclamó hoy a los 47 países de esta institución que muestren "voluntad política" en la lucha contra la discriminación de personas homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales.
Minas Gerais: Travesti e cliente foram parar na delegacia depois de programa sexual
Uma travesti de 22 anos e um cliente de 26 anos foram presos, em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, depois de brigarem após fazerem um programa. Os dois não entraram em acordo quanto ao valor da relação sexual.
Primavera reivindicativa
No próximo mês de Junho a cidade de Barcelona acolherá diversos eventos de especial relevância para as pessoas trans a nível mundial.
El Gobierno pedirá a la OMS que no vea la transexualidad como una enfermedad
Gays y lesbianas aplauden que el gobierno pida a la oms la descatalogación de la transexualidad como trastorno
Piden que la Seguridad Social incluya las operaciones de cambio de sexo
El Gobierno solicitará a la OMS que desclasifique la transexualidad como enfermedad
El Gobierno formulará una declaración institucional contra la Transfobia y la Homofobia
Respeto, dignidad y prestaciones sanitarias para las personas trans, exigencias con motivo del 17 de Mayo
Gobierno de España pide a OMS que deje de considerar la transexualidad como enfermedad
FELGTB y COLEGAS celebran que Gobierno apueste formalmente por la despatologización de la transexualidad
Transexualidad Euskadi denuncia "Transfóbia y mentiras" por parte de MAFRE Seguros
TRANSEXUALIDAD-EUSKADI, denuncia la transfobia por parte de la aseguradora MAPFRE, en la que se trata a una mujer transexual por parte de una comercial y su jefe en el país vasco, en masculino y se hace uso de su próxima cirugía para vender un seguro que no cumple lo prometido.
Maribel Ibáñez "Mis hijos saben muy bien que su papá es transexual"
“Las personas tienen que abrir sus mentes y no fijarse solo en el exterior. Si la gente entiende se acaba la discriminación de sexos. Con un lenguaje sencillo y entendible yo conté mi caso a mis dos hijos, y ellos saben que soy su papá”. Así de contundente se explicó ayer Maribel Ibáñez, la primera transexual castellonense en cambiar su DNI, ya en el año 2007, ante el medio centenar de alumnos de la Universitat Jaume I, en la charla que ofreció ayer en el vestíbulo de la facultad de Humanidades, dentro de los actos de celebración del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y Transfobia.
Made in 1970 and aired on British TV, this rare film is a portrait of an Irish transgendered individual living on the streets of London.
Former Annan man denies murdering prostitute
A former Annan man has denied murdering a prostitute by strangling her and setting her body alight.
Neil McMillan, 42, had arranged to pay 29-year-old transgender escort Andrea Waddell £140 for an hour at her one-bedroom flat in Brighton, East Sussex.
Killed prostitute had £37,000 in cash
Wait over transsexual NHS op bid
A transsexual who started a High Court battle for the legal right to NHS funding for breast augmentation surgery will have to wait for a judgement.
Transsexual Suing NHS After Being Denied Larger Breasts
Turkish LGBTs protest trans murder
Around 100 members of the Black Pink Triangle Association in Izmir, Turkey, staged a candlelight vigil April 28 following the killing of transgender member Azra.
Malawi gay couple who 'married' face harsh prison sentences
A man whose same-sex "marriage" has become a symbol of the struggle for gay rights in Africa has vowed to become a martyr rather than give in to homophobia, campaigners say. Tiwonge Chimbalanga and his partner Steven Monjeza are facing a possible 14 years in prison with hard labour after becoming the first gay couple in Malawi to declare their commitment in a public ceremony.
Final battle for rights
Nepal's sexual minorities have said that they are fighting the "final battle" for the protection of their rights.
Cross-dressing 'Super Boy' stirs up gender debate
Wearing a dress, long wavy hair and some makeup, on the stage of Hunan TV's popular all male singing talent show Super Boy (or Happy Boy, inspired by UK's Pop idol), Liu Zhu (刘著) appears as a sweet-looking college girl. However, he (yes, he) has not come to compete at the wrong show, as he is indeed a boy.
Transgender women launch campaign to end discrimination
After being verbally abused and asked to leave a club for a second time in months, a transgender performance artist and two other transgender women have taken a stand and launched a campaign to end discrimination against their community. (Photo)
Gov't advises schools on responding to needs of students with gender identity disorder
The government has advised schools across Japan to thoroughly discuss the education of students with gender identity disorder (GID), and to give the feelings of such children the utmost consideration.
[New Zealand]
Transgender youth "vulnerable" to sex industry
A researcher has found transgender youth are particularly vulnerable to being drawn into the sex industry.
A team led by Gillian Abel from University of Otago, Christchurch, interviewed 772 sex workers for the book Taking the crime out of sex work - New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation.
Abel says they found decriminalisation of New Zealand's sex industry has resulted in safer, healthier sex workers.
Sex industry safer for workers
Book hails decriminalisation of sex work
YouTube Removes Video of Transman’s Bare Chest
While it’s a given that video containing a woman’s naked breasts would be banned from YouTube (considering that lady nipples are so inherently sexual as compared to their male counterparts), there’s seems to be an even more perplexing double standard at play in YouTube’s decision to remove video featuring the bare chest of a post-op transman, as reported by the Huffington Post. (Photo)
YouTube Removes Man's Video for Going Shirtless
Time running out for ENDA
Supporters of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) say they have the votes to pass the bill, they are just waiting for the Democratic leadership to call the bill to the floor. But the leadership has grown quiet -- no more regular expressions of optimism and predictions for when Congress will take up the bill, and the waiting game is wearing on nerves.
GOP Tricks Worry Dems on ENDA
Employment Non-Discrimination Act Would Protect Transgender Worker
Alexis Arquette joins Pride as celebrity marshal
Boston Pride is delighted to announce that Alexis Arquette will join our 40th Anniversary Celebration as Celebrity Marshal. Alexis will be accompanying the Rainbow Flag in the Parade! (Photo)
Missoula anti-discrimination ordinance takes effect
Last month, on April 12, Taryn Nash stood at a microphone and shared her reasons for cheering on the equality ordinance in Missoula.
In the wee hours of April 13, the Missoula City Council widened the umbrella that protects people from housing and work discrimination so it includes Nash, a member of the LGBT community - folks who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.
On Thursday, the law takes effect.
Hundreds rally in response to reports of violence against Asheville's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community
In response to reports of attacks against members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, more than 200 people Wednesday showed they were not cowed by bigotry.
American Eagle Now Welcoming Transgenders
Back in March, Make the Road New York was singling out J. Crew for discriminating against transgenders, after testing a number of retailers. Oddly, American Eagle wasn't on the list of stores they sent us at the time, but today the Daily News reports that the organization has had a hand in impacting change at the retailer.
New York AG accused of 'bullying' private employer
American Eagle Outfitters Agrees To Include Transgenders
American Eagle's Trans Employees Now Free to Wear Whatever They Want to Work
American Eagle suits transgendered workers
Cuomo's cross-dressing lawsuit irks family organization
Transvestite beaten in Lorain
A man told police he was beaten by another man at a West Ninth Street house about midnight Wednesday because he is a transvestite.
Knife-Wielding Transgender Man Charged in Party Dispute
Transsexual Says Gypsy Psychic Got Him to Spend $150,000
As a child, Drakar Druella was raised a Catholic and also had been the victim of ritual abuse, so when he turned to a Portland, Ore., psychic last October looking for spiritual advice, he said, her strange requests made some sense.
DART committee OKs trans protections
Less than three months after Dallas Area Rapid Transit was publicly accused of discriminating against a transgender bus driver, a committee of the board of directors voted Tuesday, May 11, to add gender identity to the agency’s employment nondiscrimination policy
[Puerto Rico]
Policía de Puerto Rico dicen que pronto se detendrá al asesino de la estilista transexual
El crimen de la estilista y mujer transexual corozaleña Ashley Santiago Ocasio está a punto de esclarecerse pues hay un sospechoso identificado y la Policía sólo espera por la evidencia científica que corrobore el vínculo entre el alegado asesino y la escena criminal, informó ayer la Policía.
Identificado un sospechoso por el asesinato de Ashley
[Puerto Rico]
Justicia a Jorge Steven
Perdieron a su hijo, pero Jorge López y Myriam Mercado suspiraron aliviados ayer cuando escucharon a Juan “Casper” Martínez Matos declararse culpable de asesinato en primer grado por la muerte de su hijo Jorge Steven.
Trans teen's killer gets 99 years
Detienen a los asesinos de una mujer transexual en México, dos crímenes en una semana
La Subprocuraduría estatal de Justicia informó ayer que detuvo a Gerardo Jiménez Aguilar, Joel Romero Hernández y Carlos Frás Salvador como presuntos asesinos de la mujer transexual Samantha Tec Cupul, de 30 años.
Detienen a tres sujetos presuntamente implicados con el asesinato de un homosexual
Diputados priistas proponen declarar “Día Estatal contra la homofobia”
El grupo legislativo del Partido Revolucionario Institucional presentó una iniciativa para establecer el 17 de mayo, como “el día estatal contra la discriminación y la homofobia”.
Convocan marcha contra homofobia y transfobia
Marcha infantil contra la homofobia en Querétaro
Jornada Mundial contra la Homofobia en la BUAP
Día internacional de lucha contra la homofobia
Se duplicaron en México asesinatos homofóbicos de 1995 a 2009: informe
Se comete un crimen por odio cada tercer día
Pide la ALDF día contra la homofobia
Hay 10 asesinatos impunes por homofobia en la ciudad de Puebla, informa ONG
Killings of gays increase in Mexico, report says
Michoacán, tercero a nivel nacional con más asesinatos contra homosexuales
Alistan jornadas contra la homofobia en estados de la República
Veracruz, tercer lugar en crímenes por homofobia tras el DF y Estado de México
Jalisco es quinto lugar nacional de crímenes por homofobia
Comienza Jornada Nacional contra la Homofobia
Con la proyección de documentales, debates y la exposición de obras plásticas en el Pabellón Cuba, comienza la III Jornada contra la Homofobia, que alcanzará también la ciudad de Santa Clara.
[República Dominicana]
Una mujer transexual, trabajadora del sexo, asesinada por su cliente en la República Dominicana
Nuevo asesinato de una mujer transexual trabajadora del sexo en la República Dominicana. Según la versión del asesino (Juan Bautista Herrera, de 24 años), el asesinato ocurrió cuando, tras llegar al hotel en el que pensaba mantener relaciones sexuales con ella, descubrió su condición transexual.
Apresan supuesto matador de homosexual en habitación del hotel Londres
PN apresa presunto matador homosexual
Outside US, World Stands Up May 17 Against Bigotry
On May 17, in hundreds of cities all over the planet, on all continents, there will be a wide range of events marking this year’s observation of the annual International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO). But not in the United States, where — inexplicably — our national LGBT organizations continue to refuse to join hands with our queer sisters and brothers abroad who are fighting to achieve the right to love that we, in America, have increasingly come to take for granted.
Consejo de Europa reclama a los 47 países volunta política para erradicar la Transfóbia y la Homofóbia
El secretario general del Consejo de Europa, Thorbjon Jagland, reclamó hoy a los 47 países de esta institución que muestren "voluntad política" en la lucha contra la discriminación de personas homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales.
Minas Gerais: Travesti e cliente foram parar na delegacia depois de programa sexual
Uma travesti de 22 anos e um cliente de 26 anos foram presos, em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, depois de brigarem após fazerem um programa. Os dois não entraram em acordo quanto ao valor da relação sexual.
Primavera reivindicativa
No próximo mês de Junho a cidade de Barcelona acolherá diversos eventos de especial relevância para as pessoas trans a nível mundial.
El Gobierno pedirá a la OMS que no vea la transexualidad como una enfermedad
Gays y lesbianas aplauden que el gobierno pida a la oms la descatalogación de la transexualidad como trastorno
Piden que la Seguridad Social incluya las operaciones de cambio de sexo
El Gobierno solicitará a la OMS que desclasifique la transexualidad como enfermedad
El Gobierno formulará una declaración institucional contra la Transfobia y la Homofobia
Respeto, dignidad y prestaciones sanitarias para las personas trans, exigencias con motivo del 17 de Mayo
Gobierno de España pide a OMS que deje de considerar la transexualidad como enfermedad
FELGTB y COLEGAS celebran que Gobierno apueste formalmente por la despatologización de la transexualidad
Transexualidad Euskadi denuncia "Transfóbia y mentiras" por parte de MAFRE Seguros
TRANSEXUALIDAD-EUSKADI, denuncia la transfobia por parte de la aseguradora MAPFRE, en la que se trata a una mujer transexual por parte de una comercial y su jefe en el país vasco, en masculino y se hace uso de su próxima cirugía para vender un seguro que no cumple lo prometido.

Maribel Ibáñez "Mis hijos saben muy bien que su papá es transexual"
“Las personas tienen que abrir sus mentes y no fijarse solo en el exterior. Si la gente entiende se acaba la discriminación de sexos. Con un lenguaje sencillo y entendible yo conté mi caso a mis dos hijos, y ellos saben que soy su papá”. Así de contundente se explicó ayer Maribel Ibáñez, la primera transexual castellonense en cambiar su DNI, ya en el año 2007, ante el medio centenar de alumnos de la Universitat Jaume I, en la charla que ofreció ayer en el vestíbulo de la facultad de Humanidades, dentro de los actos de celebración del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y Transfobia.
Made in 1970 and aired on British TV, this rare film is a portrait of an Irish transgendered individual living on the streets of London.
Former Annan man denies murdering prostitute
A former Annan man has denied murdering a prostitute by strangling her and setting her body alight.
Neil McMillan, 42, had arranged to pay 29-year-old transgender escort Andrea Waddell £140 for an hour at her one-bedroom flat in Brighton, East Sussex.
Killed prostitute had £37,000 in cash
Wait over transsexual NHS op bid
A transsexual who started a High Court battle for the legal right to NHS funding for breast augmentation surgery will have to wait for a judgement.
Transsexual Suing NHS After Being Denied Larger Breasts
Turkish LGBTs protest trans murder
Around 100 members of the Black Pink Triangle Association in Izmir, Turkey, staged a candlelight vigil April 28 following the killing of transgender member Azra.
Malawi gay couple who 'married' face harsh prison sentences
A man whose same-sex "marriage" has become a symbol of the struggle for gay rights in Africa has vowed to become a martyr rather than give in to homophobia, campaigners say. Tiwonge Chimbalanga and his partner Steven Monjeza are facing a possible 14 years in prison with hard labour after becoming the first gay couple in Malawi to declare their commitment in a public ceremony.
Final battle for rights
Nepal's sexual minorities have said that they are fighting the "final battle" for the protection of their rights.
Cross-dressing 'Super Boy' stirs up gender debate
Wearing a dress, long wavy hair and some makeup, on the stage of Hunan TV's popular all male singing talent show Super Boy (or Happy Boy, inspired by UK's Pop idol), Liu Zhu (刘著) appears as a sweet-looking college girl. However, he (yes, he) has not come to compete at the wrong show, as he is indeed a boy.

Transgender women launch campaign to end discrimination
After being verbally abused and asked to leave a club for a second time in months, a transgender performance artist and two other transgender women have taken a stand and launched a campaign to end discrimination against their community. (Photo)
Gov't advises schools on responding to needs of students with gender identity disorder
The government has advised schools across Japan to thoroughly discuss the education of students with gender identity disorder (GID), and to give the feelings of such children the utmost consideration.
[New Zealand]
Transgender youth "vulnerable" to sex industry
A researcher has found transgender youth are particularly vulnerable to being drawn into the sex industry.
A team led by Gillian Abel from University of Otago, Christchurch, interviewed 772 sex workers for the book Taking the crime out of sex work - New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation.
Abel says they found decriminalisation of New Zealand's sex industry has resulted in safer, healthier sex workers.
Sex industry safer for workers
Book hails decriminalisation of sex work

YouTube Removes Video of Transman’s Bare Chest
While it’s a given that video containing a woman’s naked breasts would be banned from YouTube (considering that lady nipples are so inherently sexual as compared to their male counterparts), there’s seems to be an even more perplexing double standard at play in YouTube’s decision to remove video featuring the bare chest of a post-op transman, as reported by the Huffington Post. (Photo)
YouTube Removes Man's Video for Going Shirtless
Time running out for ENDA
Supporters of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) say they have the votes to pass the bill, they are just waiting for the Democratic leadership to call the bill to the floor. But the leadership has grown quiet -- no more regular expressions of optimism and predictions for when Congress will take up the bill, and the waiting game is wearing on nerves.
GOP Tricks Worry Dems on ENDA
Employment Non-Discrimination Act Would Protect Transgender Worker
Alexis Arquette joins Pride as celebrity marshal
Boston Pride is delighted to announce that Alexis Arquette will join our 40th Anniversary Celebration as Celebrity Marshal. Alexis will be accompanying the Rainbow Flag in the Parade! (Photo)
Missoula anti-discrimination ordinance takes effect
Last month, on April 12, Taryn Nash stood at a microphone and shared her reasons for cheering on the equality ordinance in Missoula.
In the wee hours of April 13, the Missoula City Council widened the umbrella that protects people from housing and work discrimination so it includes Nash, a member of the LGBT community - folks who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.
On Thursday, the law takes effect.
Hundreds rally in response to reports of violence against Asheville's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community
In response to reports of attacks against members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, more than 200 people Wednesday showed they were not cowed by bigotry.
American Eagle Now Welcoming Transgenders
Back in March, Make the Road New York was singling out J. Crew for discriminating against transgenders, after testing a number of retailers. Oddly, American Eagle wasn't on the list of stores they sent us at the time, but today the Daily News reports that the organization has had a hand in impacting change at the retailer.
New York AG accused of 'bullying' private employer
American Eagle Outfitters Agrees To Include Transgenders
American Eagle's Trans Employees Now Free to Wear Whatever They Want to Work
American Eagle suits transgendered workers
Cuomo's cross-dressing lawsuit irks family organization
Transvestite beaten in Lorain
A man told police he was beaten by another man at a West Ninth Street house about midnight Wednesday because he is a transvestite.
Knife-Wielding Transgender Man Charged in Party Dispute
Transsexual Says Gypsy Psychic Got Him to Spend $150,000
As a child, Drakar Druella was raised a Catholic and also had been the victim of ritual abuse, so when he turned to a Portland, Ore., psychic last October looking for spiritual advice, he said, her strange requests made some sense.
DART committee OKs trans protections
Less than three months after Dallas Area Rapid Transit was publicly accused of discriminating against a transgender bus driver, a committee of the board of directors voted Tuesday, May 11, to add gender identity to the agency’s employment nondiscrimination policy
[Puerto Rico]
Policía de Puerto Rico dicen que pronto se detendrá al asesino de la estilista transexual
El crimen de la estilista y mujer transexual corozaleña Ashley Santiago Ocasio está a punto de esclarecerse pues hay un sospechoso identificado y la Policía sólo espera por la evidencia científica que corrobore el vínculo entre el alegado asesino y la escena criminal, informó ayer la Policía.
Identificado un sospechoso por el asesinato de Ashley
[Puerto Rico]
Justicia a Jorge Steven
Perdieron a su hijo, pero Jorge López y Myriam Mercado suspiraron aliviados ayer cuando escucharon a Juan “Casper” Martínez Matos declararse culpable de asesinato en primer grado por la muerte de su hijo Jorge Steven.
Trans teen's killer gets 99 years
Detienen a los asesinos de una mujer transexual en México, dos crímenes en una semana
La Subprocuraduría estatal de Justicia informó ayer que detuvo a Gerardo Jiménez Aguilar, Joel Romero Hernández y Carlos Frás Salvador como presuntos asesinos de la mujer transexual Samantha Tec Cupul, de 30 años.
Detienen a tres sujetos presuntamente implicados con el asesinato de un homosexual
Diputados priistas proponen declarar “Día Estatal contra la homofobia”
El grupo legislativo del Partido Revolucionario Institucional presentó una iniciativa para establecer el 17 de mayo, como “el día estatal contra la discriminación y la homofobia”.
Convocan marcha contra homofobia y transfobia
Marcha infantil contra la homofobia en Querétaro
Jornada Mundial contra la Homofobia en la BUAP
Día internacional de lucha contra la homofobia
Se duplicaron en México asesinatos homofóbicos de 1995 a 2009: informe
Se comete un crimen por odio cada tercer día
Pide la ALDF día contra la homofobia
Hay 10 asesinatos impunes por homofobia en la ciudad de Puebla, informa ONG
Killings of gays increase in Mexico, report says
Michoacán, tercero a nivel nacional con más asesinatos contra homosexuales
Alistan jornadas contra la homofobia en estados de la República
Veracruz, tercer lugar en crímenes por homofobia tras el DF y Estado de México
Jalisco es quinto lugar nacional de crímenes por homofobia
Comienza Jornada Nacional contra la Homofobia
Con la proyección de documentales, debates y la exposición de obras plásticas en el Pabellón Cuba, comienza la III Jornada contra la Homofobia, que alcanzará también la ciudad de Santa Clara.
[República Dominicana]
Una mujer transexual, trabajadora del sexo, asesinada por su cliente en la República Dominicana
Nuevo asesinato de una mujer transexual trabajadora del sexo en la República Dominicana. Según la versión del asesino (Juan Bautista Herrera, de 24 años), el asesinato ocurrió cuando, tras llegar al hotel en el que pensaba mantener relaciones sexuales con ella, descubrió su condición transexual.
Apresan supuesto matador de homosexual en habitación del hotel Londres
PN apresa presunto matador homosexual
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