IDAHO is May 17
The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) is May 17 this year.
ILGA-Europe -- the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association -- will stage a "Rainbow Buzz action" in the center of Brussels’ European Union quarter.
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly strongly condemns discrimination against LGBT people in Europe
On 29 April 2010, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a Resolution on Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. This is the second time in a few weeks that a major Council of Europe institution has come out strongly in support of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people: on 31 March 2010, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe unanimously adopted a historic Recommendation on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.
ILGA-Europe welcomes the adoption of this Resolution which addresses all the major issues of discrimination against LGBT people and encourages the 47 member states of the Council of Europe to take steps to fight such discrimination.
The adopted Resolution points to an extensive range of human rights violations affecting the lives of millions of people which still take place within the member states of the Council of Europe.
Freedom of assembly and expression: the Resolution calls these rights pillars of democracy and calls upon member states to ensure these rights are respected in line with international human rights standards.
Hate speech: the Resolution identifies hate speech by certain politicians, religious and other civil society leaders as well as hate speech in the media and internet as being of particular concern. It condemns hate speech and discriminatory statements and calls for effective protection for LGBT people from such statements.
Hate crime: the resolution stresses that the eradicating of homophobia and transphobia requires political will in member states and calls for provision of legal remedies to victims and putting an end to impunity for those who violate fundamental rights of LGBT people to life and security.
Anti-discrimination: the Resolution calls upon member states to adopt and implement anti-discrimination legislation which includes sexual orientation and gender identity among the prohibited grounds for discrimination and provide sanctions for infringement and effective reporting mechanisms for cases of discrimination.
Transgender people: the Resolution particularly highlights the cycle of discrimination and human rights deprivation that transgender people experience. The Resolution calls for specific measures by member states to ensure that identity documents should be changed to reflect a person's preferred gender identity without prior obligation to undergo sterilisation or other medical procedures such as gender reassignment surgery and hormonal therapy.
Young people: the Resolution stresses the particularly serious consequences of homophobia and transphobia for young LGBT people and underlines the importance of not criticising the perceived or declared sexual orientation of young people, particularly of those under the age of 18.
LGBT families: the Resolution points out that the denial of rights to de facto LGBT families in some member states must be addressed through legal recognition and protections of those families. Regretfully, the Resolution calls for the legal recognition of same-sex partnerships only when national legislation envisages such recognition.
Parenting: the Resolution calls for the possibility for joint parental responsibility of each partner’s children bearing in mind the best interests of children.
Asylum: the Resolution calls upon member states to recognise persecution of LGBT people as a ground for granting asylum.
Additionally, the parliamentarians urge the Council of Europe to allocate resources to work on LGBT issues, and to include violence against LBT women in the drafting of its proposed Violence against Women Convention.
Evelyne Paradis, Executive Director of ILGA-Europe’ said:
“This is a very significant development and in a space of one month we see two major Council of Europe institutions adopting comprehensive documents not just strongly condemning discrimination against LGBT people but mapping how the 47 member states should address such discrimination.
We believe this is a solid foundation and a valuable practical tool helping the Council of Europe’s member states develop their laws, policies and practices towards elimination of discrimination against LGBT people and ensuring their fundamental human rights.
Moreover, we believe the Council of Europe has made it crystal clear that homophobia, transphobia, discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity are completely unacceptable in Europe and need to be tackled head on.”
El Gobierno creará una fiscalía específica de lucha contra la discriminación, entre ella la de transexuales
El proyecto de Ley de igualdad de trato y no discriminación, que el Gobierno tiene previsto presentar antes de agosto, contemplará la creación de una fiscalía específica para luchar contra la discriminación.
PSOE registra una Proposición de Ley en favor de los derechos y la integración del colectivo transexual
El Grupo Parlamentario Socialista en la Asamblea de Madrid ha registrado una Proposición de Ley (PROPL) con la que buscan la integración del colectivo transexual en la sociedad a través del respeto efectivo de los derechos de este colectivo.
Profanado monumento a una víctima de la homofobia en Nancy días después de que dos mujeres transexuales fueran agredidas en París
Dos nuevos incidentes se suman a la ola de LGTBfobia que parece recorrrer Francia a lo largo de los últimos meses. Por cuarta vez ha sido profanada en Nancy (Francia) la placa en recuerdo de Jean-Pierre Humblot, víctima en 2003 de un asesinato homófobo. Una profanación que tiene lugar pocos días después de que dos actrices transexuales portuguesas que se encontraban en París promocionado una película fueran agredidas.
Moldova blocks gay demonstration
At the mayor’s request, a court in the Moldovan capital of Chisinau on April 28 ruled that leading gay group GenderDoc-M could not stage a May 2 rally in the city center in support of an anti-discrimination law.
The court said the rally, the culmination of five days of LGBT pride events, must take place in a secluded park away from downtown, to protect public order and morality.
[Singapore] [Blog/Commentary]
Chilling Neo Nazi Methods Used to Persecute Transgender Women at Singapore Night Spots
A transgender woman is happily chatting and enjoying drinks with her friend, also a transgender woman, at a popular nightspot in Clarke Quay. The bouncer approaches them and rudely asks her friend to ask her to leave (he does not know her friend is also transgender). She demands to know why but he cannot give a reason. She asks to see his manager. The manager finally emerges and says she should “know” the reason “herself”. He is “rude and indignant”, as if she has done something shameful. He then asks to see her ID, but she refuses to show it to him until he can explain why she’s been singled out. Finally he gives up and says, “Ok, not everybody knows you’re a man.” To which she replies, “So what’s the problem here?”. He says, “This is simply not their THING.”
[Blog/Commentary] Still have testicles? Please leave
Gender Confusion Lands Suspect in Women’s Prison
Although Alterina Hofan says he is a man, authorities think otherwise and have detained him at Pondok Bambu Women’s Penitentiary for allegedly falsifying his personal data.
Alter, as the 32-year-old is also known, said he was born a boy but because his male genitalia did not develop properly when he was a baby, his mother decided to registered him as female, even dressing and treating him as a girl. However, he says he grew up thinking he was a boy.
Only when he was in his teens did his penis finally develop, Alter added.
(JG Photo/Zaky Pawas - Alterina Hofan with his wife, Jane Deviyant. He has been arrested for allegedly falsifying his birth certificate, with prosecutors saying he was born a woman. He is being detained at a women’s prison.)
Transgendered Woman Sues D.C. Cops
A woman who used to be a man says District of Columbia police assaulted, battered, harassed and degraded her and falsely accused her of filing a false police report. Patti Shaw, fka Melvin Hammond, says D.C. cops insisted she was a man and had a male officer search her, while other male officers made degrading comments.
Transgenders call on Congress for jobs
The National Center for Transgender Equality is calling on lawmakers to hire under- and unemployed transgender individuals.
People are telling Congress: I WANT A JOB!
26th Boston LGBT Film Festival Hits Screens May 6--16
The 26th annual Boston LGBT Film Festival brings gay and lesbian cinema from around the globe to the Boston area starting May 6, and continues through May 16. The festival’s venues will include the Museum of Fine Arts, located at 465 Huntington Avenue in Boston, the Brattle Theatre at 40 Brattle Street in Harvard Square in Cambridge, and the Fenway Community Health Center, a new Boston Venue located at 1340 Boylston Street.
Northampton Hosts 29th Pride Parade and Rally
Thousands hit the streets in Northampton for the 29th Annual Celebrate Diversity Pride Parade.
The parade kicked off at noon from Lampron Park and made it's way down Main Street. People from all over Massachusetts and from around New England came out for Saturday's parade to see over 60 different groups ranging from local churches to advocacy groups march.
Filmmaker Takes Heat Over Transgender Inspired Film
As the station continues its coverage of the Tribeca Film Festival, NY1's Shazia Khan takes a look at the controversy surrounding one movie about the transgender community.
‘Ticked-Off’ lands in Seattle film fest
[Puerto Rico]
Celebrarán vigilia en Corozal por crimen impune de Ashley
Mientras las autoridades policiacas continúan sin pistas para dar con el asesino de la estilista transexual Ashley Santiago Ocasio, miles de personas consternadas por el crimen se han unido a través de Facebook para exigir justicia.
Los tragos amargos de 'La Georgette'
Profesor de primaria que ha aceptado su homosexualidad narra las épocas difíciles de su vida.
(Foto: Triunfador: La Georgette, Jorge Jiménez Hernández, ganó un concurso de belleza.)
Afirman que homosexualidad ya no es tabú en Cuba
La homosexualidad ha dejado de ser un tema tabú en Cuba aunque persisten los prejuicios, por parte del gobierno, entre otros sectores, en relación con la lucha por los derechos de este sector.
Efectuarán en Cuba jornadas de reflexión contra la homofobia
Hija de Raúl Castro ve avances contra homofobia, pero con resistencia
Gobierno cubano impulsa políticas contra la homofobia
Muere Ingrid Huayaba, una chica transexual de 23 años, asesinada por su pareja en Lima
Ingrid Huayaba Gonzáles, de veintitrés años, una chica transexual, ha muerto lanzada a la calle desde su apartamento al parecer por Juan Carlos Ugarte Alcántara, que convivía con ella, en el barrio del Cercado de Lima.
La Cámara de Diputados de Argentina aprueba el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo
La Cámara de Diputados de Argentina acaba de aprobar, por 125 votos a favor, 109 en contra y 6 abstenciones, la modificación del Código Civil que permite el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en ese país. La ley deberá ser refrendada ahora por el Senado, donde la oposición se prevé mucho mayor.
Argentinean congress passes marriage equality bill by a vote of 129-105
IDAHO is May 17
The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) is May 17 this year.
ILGA-Europe -- the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association -- will stage a "Rainbow Buzz action" in the center of Brussels’ European Union quarter.
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly strongly condemns discrimination against LGBT people in Europe
On 29 April 2010, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a Resolution on Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. This is the second time in a few weeks that a major Council of Europe institution has come out strongly in support of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people: on 31 March 2010, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe unanimously adopted a historic Recommendation on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.
ILGA-Europe welcomes the adoption of this Resolution which addresses all the major issues of discrimination against LGBT people and encourages the 47 member states of the Council of Europe to take steps to fight such discrimination.
The adopted Resolution points to an extensive range of human rights violations affecting the lives of millions of people which still take place within the member states of the Council of Europe.
Freedom of assembly and expression: the Resolution calls these rights pillars of democracy and calls upon member states to ensure these rights are respected in line with international human rights standards.
Hate speech: the Resolution identifies hate speech by certain politicians, religious and other civil society leaders as well as hate speech in the media and internet as being of particular concern. It condemns hate speech and discriminatory statements and calls for effective protection for LGBT people from such statements.
Hate crime: the resolution stresses that the eradicating of homophobia and transphobia requires political will in member states and calls for provision of legal remedies to victims and putting an end to impunity for those who violate fundamental rights of LGBT people to life and security.
Anti-discrimination: the Resolution calls upon member states to adopt and implement anti-discrimination legislation which includes sexual orientation and gender identity among the prohibited grounds for discrimination and provide sanctions for infringement and effective reporting mechanisms for cases of discrimination.
Transgender people: the Resolution particularly highlights the cycle of discrimination and human rights deprivation that transgender people experience. The Resolution calls for specific measures by member states to ensure that identity documents should be changed to reflect a person's preferred gender identity without prior obligation to undergo sterilisation or other medical procedures such as gender reassignment surgery and hormonal therapy.
Young people: the Resolution stresses the particularly serious consequences of homophobia and transphobia for young LGBT people and underlines the importance of not criticising the perceived or declared sexual orientation of young people, particularly of those under the age of 18.
LGBT families: the Resolution points out that the denial of rights to de facto LGBT families in some member states must be addressed through legal recognition and protections of those families. Regretfully, the Resolution calls for the legal recognition of same-sex partnerships only when national legislation envisages such recognition.
Parenting: the Resolution calls for the possibility for joint parental responsibility of each partner’s children bearing in mind the best interests of children.
Asylum: the Resolution calls upon member states to recognise persecution of LGBT people as a ground for granting asylum.
Additionally, the parliamentarians urge the Council of Europe to allocate resources to work on LGBT issues, and to include violence against LBT women in the drafting of its proposed Violence against Women Convention.
Evelyne Paradis, Executive Director of ILGA-Europe’ said:
“This is a very significant development and in a space of one month we see two major Council of Europe institutions adopting comprehensive documents not just strongly condemning discrimination against LGBT people but mapping how the 47 member states should address such discrimination.
We believe this is a solid foundation and a valuable practical tool helping the Council of Europe’s member states develop their laws, policies and practices towards elimination of discrimination against LGBT people and ensuring their fundamental human rights.
Moreover, we believe the Council of Europe has made it crystal clear that homophobia, transphobia, discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity are completely unacceptable in Europe and need to be tackled head on.”
El Gobierno creará una fiscalía específica de lucha contra la discriminación, entre ella la de transexuales
El proyecto de Ley de igualdad de trato y no discriminación, que el Gobierno tiene previsto presentar antes de agosto, contemplará la creación de una fiscalía específica para luchar contra la discriminación.
PSOE registra una Proposición de Ley en favor de los derechos y la integración del colectivo transexual
El Grupo Parlamentario Socialista en la Asamblea de Madrid ha registrado una Proposición de Ley (PROPL) con la que buscan la integración del colectivo transexual en la sociedad a través del respeto efectivo de los derechos de este colectivo.
Profanado monumento a una víctima de la homofobia en Nancy días después de que dos mujeres transexuales fueran agredidas en París
Dos nuevos incidentes se suman a la ola de LGTBfobia que parece recorrrer Francia a lo largo de los últimos meses. Por cuarta vez ha sido profanada en Nancy (Francia) la placa en recuerdo de Jean-Pierre Humblot, víctima en 2003 de un asesinato homófobo. Una profanación que tiene lugar pocos días después de que dos actrices transexuales portuguesas que se encontraban en París promocionado una película fueran agredidas.
Moldova blocks gay demonstration
At the mayor’s request, a court in the Moldovan capital of Chisinau on April 28 ruled that leading gay group GenderDoc-M could not stage a May 2 rally in the city center in support of an anti-discrimination law.
The court said the rally, the culmination of five days of LGBT pride events, must take place in a secluded park away from downtown, to protect public order and morality.
[Singapore] [Blog/Commentary]
Chilling Neo Nazi Methods Used to Persecute Transgender Women at Singapore Night Spots
A transgender woman is happily chatting and enjoying drinks with her friend, also a transgender woman, at a popular nightspot in Clarke Quay. The bouncer approaches them and rudely asks her friend to ask her to leave (he does not know her friend is also transgender). She demands to know why but he cannot give a reason. She asks to see his manager. The manager finally emerges and says she should “know” the reason “herself”. He is “rude and indignant”, as if she has done something shameful. He then asks to see her ID, but she refuses to show it to him until he can explain why she’s been singled out. Finally he gives up and says, “Ok, not everybody knows you’re a man.” To which she replies, “So what’s the problem here?”. He says, “This is simply not their THING.”
[Blog/Commentary] Still have testicles? Please leave

Gender Confusion Lands Suspect in Women’s Prison
Although Alterina Hofan says he is a man, authorities think otherwise and have detained him at Pondok Bambu Women’s Penitentiary for allegedly falsifying his personal data.
Alter, as the 32-year-old is also known, said he was born a boy but because his male genitalia did not develop properly when he was a baby, his mother decided to registered him as female, even dressing and treating him as a girl. However, he says he grew up thinking he was a boy.
Only when he was in his teens did his penis finally develop, Alter added.
(JG Photo/Zaky Pawas - Alterina Hofan with his wife, Jane Deviyant. He has been arrested for allegedly falsifying his birth certificate, with prosecutors saying he was born a woman. He is being detained at a women’s prison.)
Transgendered Woman Sues D.C. Cops
A woman who used to be a man says District of Columbia police assaulted, battered, harassed and degraded her and falsely accused her of filing a false police report. Patti Shaw, fka Melvin Hammond, says D.C. cops insisted she was a man and had a male officer search her, while other male officers made degrading comments.
Transgenders call on Congress for jobs
The National Center for Transgender Equality is calling on lawmakers to hire under- and unemployed transgender individuals.
People are telling Congress: I WANT A JOB!
26th Boston LGBT Film Festival Hits Screens May 6--16
The 26th annual Boston LGBT Film Festival brings gay and lesbian cinema from around the globe to the Boston area starting May 6, and continues through May 16. The festival’s venues will include the Museum of Fine Arts, located at 465 Huntington Avenue in Boston, the Brattle Theatre at 40 Brattle Street in Harvard Square in Cambridge, and the Fenway Community Health Center, a new Boston Venue located at 1340 Boylston Street.
Northampton Hosts 29th Pride Parade and Rally
Thousands hit the streets in Northampton for the 29th Annual Celebrate Diversity Pride Parade.
The parade kicked off at noon from Lampron Park and made it's way down Main Street. People from all over Massachusetts and from around New England came out for Saturday's parade to see over 60 different groups ranging from local churches to advocacy groups march.
Filmmaker Takes Heat Over Transgender Inspired Film
As the station continues its coverage of the Tribeca Film Festival, NY1's Shazia Khan takes a look at the controversy surrounding one movie about the transgender community.
‘Ticked-Off’ lands in Seattle film fest
[Puerto Rico]
Celebrarán vigilia en Corozal por crimen impune de Ashley
Mientras las autoridades policiacas continúan sin pistas para dar con el asesino de la estilista transexual Ashley Santiago Ocasio, miles de personas consternadas por el crimen se han unido a través de Facebook para exigir justicia.

Los tragos amargos de 'La Georgette'
Profesor de primaria que ha aceptado su homosexualidad narra las épocas difíciles de su vida.
(Foto: Triunfador: La Georgette, Jorge Jiménez Hernández, ganó un concurso de belleza.)
Afirman que homosexualidad ya no es tabú en Cuba
La homosexualidad ha dejado de ser un tema tabú en Cuba aunque persisten los prejuicios, por parte del gobierno, entre otros sectores, en relación con la lucha por los derechos de este sector.
Efectuarán en Cuba jornadas de reflexión contra la homofobia
Hija de Raúl Castro ve avances contra homofobia, pero con resistencia
Gobierno cubano impulsa políticas contra la homofobia

Muere Ingrid Huayaba, una chica transexual de 23 años, asesinada por su pareja en Lima
Ingrid Huayaba Gonzáles, de veintitrés años, una chica transexual, ha muerto lanzada a la calle desde su apartamento al parecer por Juan Carlos Ugarte Alcántara, que convivía con ella, en el barrio del Cercado de Lima.
La Cámara de Diputados de Argentina aprueba el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo
La Cámara de Diputados de Argentina acaba de aprobar, por 125 votos a favor, 109 en contra y 6 abstenciones, la modificación del Código Civil que permite el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en ese país. La ley deberá ser refrendada ahora por el Senado, donde la oposición se prevé mucho mayor.
Argentinean congress passes marriage equality bill by a vote of 129-105
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