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segunda-feira, junho 07, 2010

Cientos de personas piden en Barcelona la despatologización de la transexualidad
Entre 200 (según la Guardia Urbana) y más de 1000 (según los organizadores) activistas trans se manifestaron por las calles de Barcelona para exigir la retirada de la transexualidad de los manuales de clasificación de enfermedades.
"¡Aquí está la resistencia 'trans'!"
Los transexuales se manifiestan en Barcelona contra su discriminación
Manifestación en Barcelona de transexuales contra la discriminación, enmarcado en Congreso Mundial

14ª Parada Gay de SP começa com tom político e vaias para a homofobia
A 14ª Parada do Orgulho Gay de São Paulo teve início às12h55 deste domingo (6), assumindo um tom político. Os organizadores levam para a Avenida Paulista a reivindicação de que a luta contra a homofobia seja assumida pelos candidatos durante as eleições deste ano. A Parada teve início após a execução do Hino Nacional numa versão eletrônica, dando o clima da festa.
Com tema político, Parada Gay quer chamar a atenção para o voto
La Parada Gay de Sao Paulo cambia la bandera multicolor por colores blanco y negro
Millones de personas protestan contra la homofobia en Sao Paulo
Millones de personas protestan contra la HomoTransfóbia en la Parada Gay de Sao Paulo

«Trans suicida aveva avuto problemi con i carabinieri del caso Marrazzo»
Un'amica di Roberta, il viado che si è tolto la vita venerdì: «Mi diceva di uscire da questa storia perché pericolosa. Tagliente la vessava». Autopsia: è suicidio.

Caso Marrazzo: picchiata la trans Natalì
Sarebbe stata aggredita venerdì notte da un cliente ubriaco. Sospetta frattura a una mano. Apparentemente nessun collegamento con il caso dell'altra trans, Roberta, trovata morta. (Foto)

‘ Rose Festival ‘ by Vladimir Luxuria
Not only on the benches of parliament or television studios: Vladimir Luxuria always on the scene on stage bringing the fun and commitment, political activism and affirming transgender.
Vladimir Luxuria, and close the VI. Rice Rose Festival Thursday, May 27 to 21 hours in Cavriago Multiplex in the twentieth century with what might be termed his battle cry, “Please lie down,” the hilarious show that addresses issues of sexuality in a comic and … “scientific.” (Photo)

2 Transgender women attacked in Tirana


Tirana police intervened yesterday after a violent attack with discriminatory tones, against two transgender persons in Tirana, arresting several men as aggressors while they followed, insulted and threatened with knives two transgender people at 10 o'clock at night, in central Tirana.
One of the knifed transgender was caused wounds in the body and other cracks in the head. Both were taken to the emergency room of the Military Hospital in Tirana by police officers, and were accompanied by relatives and witnesses.
The Alliance against Discrimination of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender strongly condemns these violent discriminatory crimes, and urges the Albanian citizens to take a stand against these violations committed because of hate.
According to contacts of the Alliance deriving from acquaintances of the attacked persons, the aggressors were a group of men, who intentionally followed the victims to insult and beat them.
The Alliance regretfully recalls that similar crimes have happened in the past and that the investigations of these crimes did not take note of homophobia motives. It is of utmost importance, also in light of the recent coming into force of the Anti-Discrimination Law, that the police also investigate the possibility of this being a hate-crime rather than feeding a pattern of impunity of such crimes.
Many of the crimes against transgender people are motivated by discrimination and carried out by people who justify clean violence against those who are different from the male and female stereotypes. The Alliance refuses to condone violence and condemns any kind of attack, directed to each Albanian citizen, no matter how diverse is their appearance or sexual orientation.
The Alliance has received testimonies of people who were present during the attack and during the delivery of one of transgender to the Military Hospital. It has been reported by persons present that the hospital aid was denied to the victims with knife wounds. Only after the insistence of relatives of the victim, hospital doctors have agreed to take measures for the transgender, but giving her the degrading and offensive treatment.
The Alliance is distressed, touched and feels indignation by the way the hospital staff has refused to help the victim of the attack, breaking the state law, the MD code and any human moral code.
The Alliance also calls to the Albanian print and electronic media to break the pattern of discriminatory treatment and belittling of such issues. The Alliance observes that the media have also not given appropriate weight to the homophobic drive of such acts and encourages them to do so. The media has a very important role in raising public awareness of homophobia and the equal rights of the LGBT community.

Standing up
Anindya Hajra, along with a few friends, set up a support group for those who don't conform to the mainstream perception of gender and sexuality. Premankur Biswas takes a look.

Twilight life of Malaysia's Muslim transsexuals
With her tight jeans, elaborate make-up and flowing hair, Tasha looks for all the world like a striking young woman. But her all-important Malaysian ID card declares she is a Muslim man.
"In Islam, there are only men and women, there are no transsexuals, and this is an Islamic country so that makes life very difficult for us," says the 28-year-old who has been cross-dressing since she was a child.

Small victories for transgender rights
Mara Keisling - 6-foot-2, with frizzy brown hair and a wry smile - is the best-known transgender activist in Washington, which is to say she is not well known at all.
"Trust me,'' Keisling said after finishing a conversation with one congressional staffer. "We have no political clout.''
But as she wound her way through the Rayburn House Office Building, there were sparks of recognition. "Hey, Mara,'' another staffer said warmly when he bumped into her on his way to lunch.
Such small acknowledgments count as progress in Keisling's rarefied and often difficult campaign for transgender rights. Ten years ago, when she was a transgender activist in her home state of Pennsylvania, Keisling was thrown out of lawmakers' offices and told she was going to hell.

Organizan marcha del orgullo gay para sensibilizar a población
El sábado 26 de junio se llevará a cabo la tercera marcha del orgullo gay, con el lema "Visibilizarnos nos permitirá existir".