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quinta-feira, outubro 28, 2010

"SIN CULPABLES" Por el aberrante asesinato de la transexual marroquí que apareció quemada en Valencia
Un crimen sin resolver. La muerte de Cristina Larouhni, una mujer transexual que ejercía la prostitución en Valencia, se ha convertido en un nuevo asesinato sin culpables. La falta de pruebas para incriminar a los tres sospechosos ha llevado a que el fiscal pida el cierre del caso. Pese a los trabajos realizados, la falta de indicios contundentes deja su muerte, asesinada y luego quemada, para la literatura.
El asesinato de Cristina, sin culpables
Piden levantar las medidas contra los cinco sospechosos de la muerte y quema de Cristina

Ruth: ´Inyectaba silicona para pagarme las drogas´
La acusada de poner inyecciones de aceite de silicona en peluquerías se enfrenta a 16 años de cárcel por causar lesiones a veinte clientas.
Ruth, mujer transexual canaria en juicio: "Inyectaba silicona para pagarme las drogas"

Red por Despatologozación de Identidades Trans publica Guía para un nuevo modelo de atención sanitaria
Red por la Despatologización de las Identidades Trans del Estado Español Red por la Despatologización de las Identidades Trans del Estado Español publica guía para un nuevo modelo de atención sanitaria. La Red por la Despatologización de las Identidades Trans del Estado Español presentó documento de referencia para la generación de políticas sanitarias no patologizantes. La actividad forma parte de la campaña internacional Stop Trans Pathologization (STP2012) que el próximo sábado 23 de octubre realizará una inédita jornada de manifestaciones y actividades en 57 ciudades del mundo.

Girl Trapped In Boy's Body...At 3
A lad of three who believes he is a girl has become the youngest child in Britain to be treated for the rare condition Gender Identity Disorder.

BBC and Channel 4 'working on better trans representation'
Senior managers at the BBC and Channel 4 recently admitted that transgender storylines can be inaccurate and are frequently lacking in breadth and substance.

Turkey: Drop Charges Against Transgender Rights Defenders
Prosecutors should investigate the attacks against five transgender rights activists by police in Ankara and drop all charges against the activists, five human rights organizations said today. In a letter to Turkey’s Interior and Justice ministers, the rights organizations said that the police officers responsible for the attack should be held accountable and called for an end to violence against toward transgender people.
Five Transgender Activists To Go On Trial In Turkey
Human rights groups denounce trial of transgender rights activists in Turkey
Transgender rights defenders look forward to justice in Turkey
Transgender Activists on Trial in Turkey

Peruvian Transsexual Robs Muscovite
Moscow police have detained a Peruvian transsexual for attacking and robbing a Muscovite who refused his advances, Moskovsky Komsomolets reported Monday.

My Life as a Transgender Girl in Kenya
Lindsay is a transgendered woman living in Kenya who shares her life and her journey to womanhood on her blog Living Lindsay- My life as a transgender girl in Kenya. She describes herself as “I'm a normal girl with not-so-normal traits. I am transgender, or transsexual if you like.”

Petition in SC for debt recovery by eunuchs
A petition has been received by Supreme Court Lahore Registry, proposing to use services of eunuchs for recovering debts from politicians and other influential people.

LIC to hire trans-gender as insurance agents
In yet another move towards sexual emancipation in the country, insurance behemoth LIC is all set to hire trans-genders as insurance agents in Chennai, a newspaper reported Saturday.

'Transgender' activist describes discrimination'
Many gays and "transgender" people in Southeast Asia continue to suffer discrimination and 70 per cent of "transgender" people in the region end up as sex workers, an international conference on human rights in Southeast Asia held in Bangkok this week heard.

Court decision a setback for trans rights
In early September, two transsexual men lost an appeal in Western Australia’s Supreme Court to be legally recognised as men. The negative ruling has consequences for other transsexual and transgender cases. The men are considering appealing to a higher body.

Study: Anti-transgender bullying alarmingly high
More than half of transgender or gender non-conforming people who experienced bullying or harassment have attempted suicide, according to a recently released study.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Ten Reasons Why the Transvestic Disorder Diagnosis in the DSM-5 Has Got to Go
The classification of gender diversity and nonconformity to birth-assigned gender roles as mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has drawn growing protest and outrage from transpeople and and allies worldwide. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the APA, is regarded as the medical and social definition of mental disorder throughout North America and strongly influences international diagnostic nomenclature. The fifth edition of the manual, the DSM-5, is in development and scheduled for publication in 2013. While the diagnostic category of Gender Identity Disorder (GID) has garnered most of the controversy, a second category of so-called Transvestic Fetishism (TF) has harmed transwomen, including transsexual women, as well as male-to-female crossdressers, dual gender and gender nonconforming people since the earliest days of the DSM. Trans and LGB advocates have been inexplicably quiet about the TF category, even after the APA proposed to expand the category in the DSM-5, renamed Transvestic Disorder, to implicate gender nonconforming people of all sexes and all sexual orientations.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Day of Remembrance: Violence vis a vis murder
By a very rough estimate, since January I’ve counted 19 instances of hate crimes perpetrated against trans individuals resulting in death, worldwide. These are the lives we recall and commemorate each year on Nov. 20, the annual Trans Day of Remembrance. These are the lives that have been tragically snuffed out prematurely because of hate and fear and ignorance.

[USA] [Commentary]
LPGA is right not to back down
America is the land of the free and the home of the brave.
This country is a melting pot of different races, cultures and religions. We have the freedom to be whom we want to be in this nation, whether it’s a professional athlete or a construction worker.
For those uncomfortable with the gender they’re born, that’s fixable, too. Many have undergone sex change operations for decades now. To each his or her own.
[Commentary] LPGA sued for gender discrimination by transgender golfer
Is She Or Isn’t He?

[USA] [Commentary]
Julia Serano: The Case Against Autogynephilia
Biologist Julia Serano has published a peer-reviewed analysis of ”autogynephilia," a sex-fueled mental illness created in 1989 by psychologist Ray Blanchard. This theory emerged from a convenience sample that presented at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, a group which is unlikely to be a representative sample of the nonclinical trans population. Most trans people avoid the “gender clinic” system of the 1970s, seeking out supportive individual practitioners or using long-established extralegal networks. Since most “gender clinics” are long closed, many people who seek these out are either indigent, low-functioning, enjoy the humiliation of CAMH’s regressive forced feminization, and/or find validation in the clinic’s diagnoses that they do not find elsewhere (CAMH treats some people considered “pseudotranssexuals” under other theoretical constructs).

Dallas Transgender Teen Hopes To Be A 'Mentor' After Homecoming Queen Bid
Last week, the students at North Dallas High School ended their day in a rally of support for one of their own: Andy Moreno, a transgender teen who was denied the opportunity to run for homecoming queen.

Mujer transexual de Ecuador y su novio planean grabar un disco, unidos por la música y el amor
No solo el amor los unió, también la afinidad por el canto. Por eso han conformado un dúo que deleita con baladas del recuerdo a sus amigos, cuando organizan eventos. Nombre todavía no tienen, pero por lo pronto se conforman con saber que son la “Pareja ideal”, canción que cantan como himno en cada una de sus presentaciones porque se sienten identificados con la letra.

Asesinaron travesti en el centro de Armenia
Como Jorge Alberto Santana Morales de 42 años de edad fue identificada la víctima. El fatal hecho se dio el domingo aproximadamente a las 10:00 p.m. en vía pública sobre la carrera 17 con calle 17 de la capital quindiana.

Transexuales invitan a coloquio y exigen fin violencia y patologización en Chile
Transexuales invitan a coloquio y exigen fin de la violencia y patologización de las identidades y expresiones de género

Primera cooperativa de ropa argentina compuesta por transexuales no para de crecer y planean desfile
Funciona en Avellaneda desde 2008. El diseñador Martín Churba las está ayudando a crear un producto distintivo. Planean hacer pronto un desfile. (Foto)

Mamá trans: Es travesti y vive con sus hijos en Catán
Son las primeras horas de la siesta y el silencio se respeta en el barrio Independencia, límite entre Laferrere y González Catán, en La Matanza. Noelia ya se encargó de levantar a sus tres hijos - Gastón (13), Victoria (10) y Agustín (7)- hacerles el desayuno y el almuerzo, bañarlos, correrlos con la tarea y dejarlos en el colegio. En un respiro de su rutina diaria, y mientras prepara unos mates, recibió a 24CON.
Mujer transexual y madre de tres hijos, la vida llamó a su puerta para cada uno de sus vástagos
(Foto: Noelia atesora las fotos de sus hijos en una caja de zapatos. Las otras están en la PC)