ACNUR protegerá especialmente a los transexuales y homosexuales perseguidos por identidad
El Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) va a modificar su normativa interna para dar más atención a las personas perseguidas por su orientación sexual o su identidad de género.
Manifesto para tirar transexualidade dos manuais de doenças
Sete associações e movimentos feministas e LGBT (de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transexuais) manifestam-se amanhã, sábado, às 18 horas, no Chiado, em Lisboa, a favor da despatologização da transexualidade, no âmbito da campanha internacional Stop Trans Patologização - 2012.
Parlamento de Portugal aprobó el viernes el inicio de tramitación de la Ley para personas transexuales
El Parlamento Portugués ha aprobado la entrada de una propuesta del Gobierno y un Proyecto del Bloco de Esquerda para simplificar el cambio de nombre y sexo registral de las personas transexuales; esto ha sido posible gracias a los votos de la izquierda de la Cámara.
Piden responsabilidad a medios comunicación que hacen tratamiento frívolo transexualiad
La red Internet se ha convertido en un refugio para los hombres sexualmente frustrados que sufren el denominado síndrome de Peter Pan, advirtió el psicólogo clínico Antonio Bolinches, que participa en una reunión de expertos en sexología que concluye hoy en Santiago de Compostela.
Leon Fyle who strangled prostitute Destiny Lauren in flat is handed life sentence
Detectives said last night (Wednesday) they hope a life sentence for the man who murdered a Kentish Town woman in her flat would “ease the pain” for her relatives.
Life sentence for killer of transsexual prostitute Destiny Lauren
Tribunal francés obliga a hombre transexual pasar por médicos psicólogos aunque Justicia no lo requiere
Mientras una circular oficial pide la supresión, un transexual es obligado por el Tribunal Supremo de Lyon aportar una serie de pruebas medico- psicológicas en vista de su cambio de identidad.
[Sweden] [News/Commentary]
There is no safe space for Transgender People!
Opening of the Third European Transgender Council in Malmoe over shaded by racist and transphobic attack
'Transphobic' attack at trans conference in Sweden
[Blog/Commentary] Update: “Transphobia is everywhere”
[Blog/Commentary] 3rd TGEU Council Condemns Trans Violence Aimed At Turkish Participants
[South Africa]
Thousands march in S.Africa against gay discrimination
Thousands of people took part in Africa's biggest Gay Pride event in Johannesburg on Saturday, aimed at drawing attention to the persecution of homosexuals across the continent.
2 cross dressers held
Securitymen arrested two cross dressers in Salmiya Thursday.
Teenagers launch sex change bid
Two teenage women planning to undergo sex change operations are set to launch legal bids for recognition of their status as men.
Fowzia Janahi, the only lawyer in Arab world who specialises in transsexual cases, said the Bahrainis, aged 18 and 19, had approached her seeking help.
"They are suffering from gender identity problem and wanted legal help," she said.
"I have asked them to get a medical report stating their health condition."
Ms Janahi said without having seen proper medical reports it was too early to discuss the nature of their cases.
"All I can say at the moment is the families of the two young girls are aware of their condition and are supportive," said the lawyer, who became the first in the Arab world to win two sex change cases.
Ms Janahi said she would take her time to review all aspects of the cases, which required to be backed up with medical reports stating the teenagers did not have female reproductive organs and were suffering from gender identity disorder (GID).
"It takes at least two years to study a case and then file it in court," she said.
"This way it ensures only serious cases are dealt with of people who cannot lead normal lives.
"Such cases take years until the authorities finally change the gender in CPRs and passport."
The lawyer won her first sex change case in 2005 after courts ruled that her client could be officially declared a man.
She won a second case in 2008 involving Bahraini Hussain Rabie (formerly known as Zainab Abdulhafed Rabie), who underwent sex change operation in Thailand.
Her client was officially recognised as a man by the High Civil Court after a three-year battle in which it was proved instead of having a female pattern of chromosome he had a different kind produced only in men.
After that success, Ms Janahi said she was flooded with calls from people across Gulf who complained of being trapped in the wrong body.
"They are all scared to take any step fearing public ridicule and want to legally change their sex from male to female or vice-versa," she said.
"Families have started to actually understand that this problem exists in society.
"But we need to create more awareness of GID cases to deal with the problem."
Ms Janahi has won praise in several blogs and websites as a key player fighting for the rights of transsexuals in the Middle East.
"It feels good that there is someone to fight for the rights of transsexuals," she said.
"There is a lot of criticism and rejections out there but one needs to stand above all this."
Bahraini teens launch sex change bids
"Kothis" (Feminised Males) Reducing Risk to HIV and Sexual Violence
Having faced ages of neglect, denial and invisibility, "Kothis" (feminised males) are now being mobilized by groups like 'Bharosa' in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (India) to be empowered and demonstrate leadership in reaching out within their community for increasing access to essential services including HIV prevention, care, treatment and support services. They are routinely encouraged to practice safer sexual practices and protect themselves from any kind of abuse or exploitation.
Indonesian gay film festival disrupted by protests
Indonesia’s annual gay film festival was disrupted by angry protesters in Jakarta this week.
Starbucks restrooms in D.C. go gender-neutral for trans customers
Starting Monday, local Starbucks locations will begin swapping out the "Men's" and "Women's" bathroom signs on each of the coffee chain's restroom facilities inside the District of Columbia. Within a month, all 52 of D.C.'s Starbucks single-stall bathrooms will be gender-neutral.
52 New Gender Neutral Bathrooms in DC!
Transgender Awareness Week 2010 will culminate with day of remembrance
The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) on Sept. 29 announced that Transgender Awareness Week 2010 will take place from Nov. 13 until Nov. 20.
Transgender ruling will affect Maine schools
A recent ruling by the Maine Human Rights Commission is forcing schools across the state to look at how they handle transgender students. The commission said a middle school in Orono discriminated against a transgender student by not allowing the child to use the girls' bathroom.
Maplewood Homicide Victim Was Transgendered, Former CHS Student
The Essex County Prosecutor's Office reported today that the victim of a fatal shooting in Maplewood on Sunday was Victoria Carmen White, formerly James White. White had legally changed her name to Victoria Carmen following sex reassignment surgery. (Photo)
[Blog/Commentary] Disrespecting Victoria C. White
Friends Remember Slain CHS, SOMS Student
[Blog/Commentary] NJ: murder of trans woman Victoria Carmen White - beloved by many, disrespected by law enforcement
Lance Reyna: Transgendered Man's Attacker Is Free
This summer we reported on the assault against Lance Reyna, a Houston Community College student who was assaulted in a bathroom on the main campus.
Reyna, a transgendered man, is a vocal leader in the HCC GLBT community, and supporters believed he was the victim of a hate crime.
Trans man Lance Reyna’s attacker has been released from jail, and he’s ‘about to lose it’
Travesti confiesa haber tenido sexo con seleccionado mexicano
Yamille Herrera dio una entrevista a una revista azteca, donde revela detalles de la fiesta con el jugador de Fulham.
Transvestite claims he had sex with married Fulham player Carlos Salcido
El 11,36 por ciento de las personas transgeneristas en Bogotá cohabitan con su pareja
La Secretaría Distrital de Planeación dio a conocer que el 8,4 % de los gays, el 9,24% de las lesbianas, el 8,69% de las personas bisexuales y el 11,36% de las personas transgeneristas cohabitan con su pareja.
Primer casamiento de un transexual en Pico
Miguel Quiroga y Débora Rivas se casaron este jueves al mediodía por civil, en lo que fue el primer matrimonio igualitario de un transexual en la provincia de La Pampa. La ceremonia la llevó adelante la jueza titular Marta Covella. (Photo)
Homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales demoran consultas médicas por temor
La mayoría de los homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales de la Argentina evitó o demoró" una consulta médica "por temor a que su orientación sexual fuera descubierta
ACNUR protegerá especialmente a los transexuales y homosexuales perseguidos por identidad
El Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) va a modificar su normativa interna para dar más atención a las personas perseguidas por su orientación sexual o su identidad de género.
Manifesto para tirar transexualidade dos manuais de doenças
Sete associações e movimentos feministas e LGBT (de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transexuais) manifestam-se amanhã, sábado, às 18 horas, no Chiado, em Lisboa, a favor da despatologização da transexualidade, no âmbito da campanha internacional Stop Trans Patologização - 2012.
Parlamento de Portugal aprobó el viernes el inicio de tramitación de la Ley para personas transexuales
El Parlamento Portugués ha aprobado la entrada de una propuesta del Gobierno y un Proyecto del Bloco de Esquerda para simplificar el cambio de nombre y sexo registral de las personas transexuales; esto ha sido posible gracias a los votos de la izquierda de la Cámara.
Piden responsabilidad a medios comunicación que hacen tratamiento frívolo transexualiad
La red Internet se ha convertido en un refugio para los hombres sexualmente frustrados que sufren el denominado síndrome de Peter Pan, advirtió el psicólogo clínico Antonio Bolinches, que participa en una reunión de expertos en sexología que concluye hoy en Santiago de Compostela.
Leon Fyle who strangled prostitute Destiny Lauren in flat is handed life sentence
Detectives said last night (Wednesday) they hope a life sentence for the man who murdered a Kentish Town woman in her flat would “ease the pain” for her relatives.
Life sentence for killer of transsexual prostitute Destiny Lauren
Tribunal francés obliga a hombre transexual pasar por médicos psicólogos aunque Justicia no lo requiere
Mientras una circular oficial pide la supresión, un transexual es obligado por el Tribunal Supremo de Lyon aportar una serie de pruebas medico- psicológicas en vista de su cambio de identidad.
[Sweden] [News/Commentary]
There is no safe space for Transgender People!
Opening of the Third European Transgender Council in Malmoe over shaded by racist and transphobic attack
'Transphobic' attack at trans conference in Sweden
[Blog/Commentary] Update: “Transphobia is everywhere”
[Blog/Commentary] 3rd TGEU Council Condemns Trans Violence Aimed At Turkish Participants
[South Africa]
Thousands march in S.Africa against gay discrimination
Thousands of people took part in Africa's biggest Gay Pride event in Johannesburg on Saturday, aimed at drawing attention to the persecution of homosexuals across the continent.
2 cross dressers held
Securitymen arrested two cross dressers in Salmiya Thursday.
Teenagers launch sex change bid
Two teenage women planning to undergo sex change operations are set to launch legal bids for recognition of their status as men.
Fowzia Janahi, the only lawyer in Arab world who specialises in transsexual cases, said the Bahrainis, aged 18 and 19, had approached her seeking help.
"They are suffering from gender identity problem and wanted legal help," she said.
"I have asked them to get a medical report stating their health condition."
Ms Janahi said without having seen proper medical reports it was too early to discuss the nature of their cases.
"All I can say at the moment is the families of the two young girls are aware of their condition and are supportive," said the lawyer, who became the first in the Arab world to win two sex change cases.
Ms Janahi said she would take her time to review all aspects of the cases, which required to be backed up with medical reports stating the teenagers did not have female reproductive organs and were suffering from gender identity disorder (GID).
"It takes at least two years to study a case and then file it in court," she said.
"This way it ensures only serious cases are dealt with of people who cannot lead normal lives.
"Such cases take years until the authorities finally change the gender in CPRs and passport."
The lawyer won her first sex change case in 2005 after courts ruled that her client could be officially declared a man.
She won a second case in 2008 involving Bahraini Hussain Rabie (formerly known as Zainab Abdulhafed Rabie), who underwent sex change operation in Thailand.
Her client was officially recognised as a man by the High Civil Court after a three-year battle in which it was proved instead of having a female pattern of chromosome he had a different kind produced only in men.
After that success, Ms Janahi said she was flooded with calls from people across Gulf who complained of being trapped in the wrong body.
"They are all scared to take any step fearing public ridicule and want to legally change their sex from male to female or vice-versa," she said.
"Families have started to actually understand that this problem exists in society.
"But we need to create more awareness of GID cases to deal with the problem."
Ms Janahi has won praise in several blogs and websites as a key player fighting for the rights of transsexuals in the Middle East.
"It feels good that there is someone to fight for the rights of transsexuals," she said.
"There is a lot of criticism and rejections out there but one needs to stand above all this."
Bahraini teens launch sex change bids
"Kothis" (Feminised Males) Reducing Risk to HIV and Sexual Violence
Having faced ages of neglect, denial and invisibility, "Kothis" (feminised males) are now being mobilized by groups like 'Bharosa' in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (India) to be empowered and demonstrate leadership in reaching out within their community for increasing access to essential services including HIV prevention, care, treatment and support services. They are routinely encouraged to practice safer sexual practices and protect themselves from any kind of abuse or exploitation.
Indonesian gay film festival disrupted by protests
Indonesia’s annual gay film festival was disrupted by angry protesters in Jakarta this week.
Starbucks restrooms in D.C. go gender-neutral for trans customers
Starting Monday, local Starbucks locations will begin swapping out the "Men's" and "Women's" bathroom signs on each of the coffee chain's restroom facilities inside the District of Columbia. Within a month, all 52 of D.C.'s Starbucks single-stall bathrooms will be gender-neutral.
52 New Gender Neutral Bathrooms in DC!
Transgender Awareness Week 2010 will culminate with day of remembrance
The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) on Sept. 29 announced that Transgender Awareness Week 2010 will take place from Nov. 13 until Nov. 20.
Transgender ruling will affect Maine schools
A recent ruling by the Maine Human Rights Commission is forcing schools across the state to look at how they handle transgender students. The commission said a middle school in Orono discriminated against a transgender student by not allowing the child to use the girls' bathroom.
Maplewood Homicide Victim Was Transgendered, Former CHS Student
The Essex County Prosecutor's Office reported today that the victim of a fatal shooting in Maplewood on Sunday was Victoria Carmen White, formerly James White. White had legally changed her name to Victoria Carmen following sex reassignment surgery. (Photo)
[Blog/Commentary] Disrespecting Victoria C. White
Friends Remember Slain CHS, SOMS Student
[Blog/Commentary] NJ: murder of trans woman Victoria Carmen White - beloved by many, disrespected by law enforcement
Lance Reyna: Transgendered Man's Attacker Is Free
This summer we reported on the assault against Lance Reyna, a Houston Community College student who was assaulted in a bathroom on the main campus.
Reyna, a transgendered man, is a vocal leader in the HCC GLBT community, and supporters believed he was the victim of a hate crime.
Trans man Lance Reyna’s attacker has been released from jail, and he’s ‘about to lose it’
Travesti confiesa haber tenido sexo con seleccionado mexicano
Yamille Herrera dio una entrevista a una revista azteca, donde revela detalles de la fiesta con el jugador de Fulham.
Transvestite claims he had sex with married Fulham player Carlos Salcido
El 11,36 por ciento de las personas transgeneristas en Bogotá cohabitan con su pareja
La Secretaría Distrital de Planeación dio a conocer que el 8,4 % de los gays, el 9,24% de las lesbianas, el 8,69% de las personas bisexuales y el 11,36% de las personas transgeneristas cohabitan con su pareja.

Primer casamiento de un transexual en Pico
Miguel Quiroga y Débora Rivas se casaron este jueves al mediodía por civil, en lo que fue el primer matrimonio igualitario de un transexual en la provincia de La Pampa. La ceremonia la llevó adelante la jueza titular Marta Covella. (Photo)
Homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales demoran consultas médicas por temor
La mayoría de los homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales de la Argentina evitó o demoró" una consulta médica "por temor a que su orientación sexual fuera descubierta
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