Transfofa em Blog

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domingo, novembro 07, 2010

[International] [Commentary]
American Psychiatric Association DSM-5 Development
302.6 Gender Identity Disorder in Children
Gender Incongruence (in children) [1]

Transsexual lifts Scrabble crown
A transsexual wearing a pink wig and matching pvc dress has been crowned as the national Scrabble champion.
Mikki Nicholson, 32, from Cumbria, who said he has been diagnosed by a psychologist as a woman trapped in a man's body, appeared for the final with lipstick, manicured nails, and a hint of stubble. His pink plastic dress was trimmed with black lace. (Photo)
'Obeisant' spells Scrabble triumph for transsexual
Transsexual Scrabble player crowned as British national champion
Scrabble championship won by colourful Mikki Nicholson
'Respect' for new UK Scrabble champion
Transsexual crowned new Scrabble champion
Nad so bad at Scrabble
Hyper-Literate Lady-Boy Wins UK Scrabble Championship
Transsexual Brit is Scrabble champ
Transsexual Becomes UK Scrabble Champ

[UK] [Commentary]
Sonia Burgess death: Tabloid “journalists” in breathtaking display of insensitivity, ignorance and transphobic cliches. No change there, then.
There was a really obnoxious “report” in tonight’s edition of the free tabloid “newspaper”, the Evening Standard (prop. Lebedev and son), about the alleged “secret life” of Sonia Burgess, whose tragic death at King’s Cross underground station on Tuesday I’ve written about here.

Thousands of child abuse images found on sex-change pervert's computer
A pervert going through a sex change says he downloaded 14,000 child abuse images to find out what it is like to grow up as a girl.

Woman remanded on transvestite murder charge
A north-west London woman with stubble who is undergoing a sex change has appeared in court accused of pushing a cross-dresser under a train.
'Woman' accused of transgender Tube murder is actually a MAN undergoing a sex change
Trans woman remanded in male prison over tube death
Sex change defendant on murder charge
Woman accused of tube murder was undergoing sex change
Cross-dress 'killer' having sex change
Sex change 'woman' accused of killing cross-dress lawyer on Tube
Transvestite Murder Accused Is A Man
Cricklewood woman remanded over murder of transgender Wood Green lawyer David Burgess
Sonia (‘David’) Burgess (1947-2010) : An obituary

Entrevista e historia de Sue; mujer trans, actual Directora General de la casa Lancome
Hemos querido respetar los tratamientos en masculino, hasta desentrañar la historia, ya que la propia persona de la que se habla mantiene su cargo y títulos también en masculino, aunque todo el mundo de su entorno la trata en femenino.
Youcef Nabi, de 41 años, foto, es el director general de Lancôme, una de las grandes marcas mundiales de la belleza. Youcef, que nació en Argel y es ingeniero agrónomo y diplomado en una escuela de negocios, tiene un carisma insólito para un alto directivo. Él prefiere que le llamen Sue. Su imagen corresponde a una bella y sofisticada mujer. Su trabajo y su vida son la mejor defensa de su diferencia. (Foto)

Suicide rates in the transgender community see alarming spike
It’s hard to miss her wide smile, deep dark kohl-rimmed eyes, and her swift moves, negotiating the heavy traffic, as she goes about begging in her broken English on Commercial Street on a Friday afternoon.

A day to remember
The Transgender Day of Remembrance is celebrated on November 20 to remind us of the thousands of transgenders who have lost their lives through the bigotry, ignorance and malice of those who believe they are entitled to assault, rape or kill those who are gender diverse.

[USA] [Commentary]
De-transitioned in Death, How the Media Disrespects Transgender People
I’m tired. Tired of the so called “liberal media” disrespecting our dead. Hell, even our own “LGB(t) media does it. Ya know, “Today a transgender woman, Jane Doe, who was formerly known as John Doe, was murdered today.”

[USA] [Commentary]
MTV Plays Along While Jersey Shore Bashes Trans Women One More Time
Within the first 10 minutes of last night's Jersey Shore reunion show, MTV revisited Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino's club flirtations in Miami with a lady his roommates believed was been born a man. Cue everyone laughing at the disgusting freak of nature!

[USA] [Commentary]
Do Not Pull A Gun On the Giant Cross-Dressing Prostitute
Rufus Bowman thought he could rip off any prostitute in Cincinnati's Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, so he allegedly solicited the services of a tall person wearing heels and a halter top.

[CA, USA] [Commentary]
California DMV Employee Tells Trans Woman In Letter She's Made A "Very Evil Decision"
Egads, you have to read this press release from the Transgender Law Center to believe it: Transgender Law Center Investigating Offensive Letter from DMV Employee.
[Commentary] Transgender woman receives hate-filled letter from DMV employee

[USA] [Commentary]
LA Po-Po's Looking For Suspects Who Assaulted Trans Person
The Los Angeles Police Department is searching for five suspects in as they called it an 'unusually vicious' assault on a 25 year old transperson in Hollywood that left the victim bloody, battered and with a broken cheek and jawbone.

Wig Snatching Hate Crime in Fargo
A popular Fargo, N.D., drag performer was standing outside a bar last weekend when a man yanked the wig off his head, called him an antigay slur, and took off running down the street.
Fargo performer victim of hate crime
[Commentary] North Dakota Drag Queen JustNtyme Would Like Her Wig Back

Vanderbilt honors Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance is held nationally in November to honor Rita Hester, whose murder in 1998 launched the "Remembering Our Dead" Web project and a San Francisco candlelight vigil the following year.

[Costa Rica]
Neighbourhood Group Uses Facebook To Shame Customers Of "Travestis"
A neighbourhood group in Alajuela tired of transvestites (travestis) offering sexual favours in their streets have taken to the social media to shame customers and force authorities to react.


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